- User Name: @expectedoperator
- Author Post
- The Judgement of Tarkar
- Genre: Fantasy - Life Sim - Adventure
- Time Commitment: Currently in alpha stage
- Feedback: Anything
- Link: The Judgement of Tarkar
- Contact: I prefer feedback in the WIP thread for now so it’s altogether
- User Name: @expectedoperator
- Reader Post
- Genres and Tags: Fantasy
- Hard Passes: Gender-locked male MCs; games that aren’t playable on dashingdon/moodyink
- Time commitment: It’s near the end of April, but, uh… for April, I can participate in beta or alpha runs – authors can follow up on feedback given, and I’ll usually respond in less than a week.
- Specific qualifications: I have no idea how to answer this, and therefore I won’t.
- Contact: DMs allowed, but I’d prefer authors to @ me in their WIP threads first (especially if it’s in the alpha stage)