A modest proposal for the ChoiceScript language

What starts off optional can drift into being mandatory – in the name of coding efficiency, let alone the even more compelling cause of bug-hunting.

I’m still attracted to the idea that the language’s target user group includes authors with very limited programming nous, for whom “Advanced ChoiceScript” genuinely does include things like *line_break, *input_number, and nested conditionals. (That page doesn’t mention any features added in recent years, including multireplace or pseudo-arrays like “${them[sam_sex]}”, even in the for-programmers-only “truly bizarre” section toward the bottom of the page…)

That said, I think Chris’s most recent post does a good job of highlighting the benefits of these changes. As a non-programmer, I’ve no idea of the cost that would be involved in Dan’s time…but I’d support it if the c/b worked out favorably. As long as it remained optional rather than mandatory.