Greetings, I'm The Red Wiseman
I'm an established smut (xxx) writer infamously known on Fenoxo.Forums.com (+18) and amateur author of seven unpublished books. I was drawn here by a trilogy: Heroes Rise and found the ChoiceScript as a free program for any freelancers looking to make their own games. So I'm trying my hand at a very different trade in writing and scripting my own games! Luckily for me I can make some money and be a writer as well so it is the best of both worlds. Writing is my love and my dream and to make it a living is something I wanted to do, kudos to those that might be able to make that happen.
I'm also available to do Commission works for anyone who has an email address to receive invoices to pay for their work OR a PayPal account. I charge $120 for 20,000 words and I work until the job is finished, I will also need a week minimum to complete the work due to working Full Time.
Any Questions: Personal Message me and I will get with you ASAP.