Zombie Exodus: Safe Haven, Part 4 Public Beta - updated 1/28/2025, 708,000+ words

Yeah, the LEGIT data confirms that global civilization is pretty screwed in the Zombie Exodus setting. The junkyard group will likely have to survive as best they can in Colorado.

One US state that might be of particular interest in a zombie apocalypse setting would be Hawaii. The Hawaiian islands are separate from the world’s large continents, so once you cleared any and all zombies off of them, there are no more zombies migrating in.

Hawaii is also the most militarized state in the U.S. per land area, home to Joint-Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, U.S. Indo-Pacific Command, and around a dozen other military bases.

These bases combined hold tens of thousands of active-duty personnel, massive supply caches, naval warships, air assets, as well as the Naval Communications Telecommunications Area Master Station-Pacific or NCTAMS-PAC, which is a central communications node for all U.S. forces in the Pacific region.

The five international airports on Hawaii would certainly bring the Zeta virus, but with all of the local bases, naval ships, and other assets likely available, US military forces in isolated Hawaii would have a better chance of stopping the zombies cold than in most places.

NCTAMS-PAC could also used to call all able U.S. Navy warships (including amphibious assault ships with large mechanized Marine units aboard) in the Pacific to Hawaii to assist in clearing zombies from the Hawaiian Islands. What’s more valuable in the zombie apocalypse than an island fortress cleared of zombies?

Once the Hawaiian Islands are clear of zombies, you’ve got a Safe Haven and a Safe Harbor that can be entirely locked down from future infection. No ship docks or aircraft lands in Hawaii without verifying no infected onboard (or risk eating a missile.)

While supplies at Hawaii would be severely strained by societal breakdown and newly arriving ships with evacuees, a zombie-cleared Hawaii would at least be a Safe Haven where the U.S. Pacific Forces could regroup, come to terms with the apocalypse, and figure out how to address the zombie-overrun mainland.

What do you all think of this?


Not just Hawaii, there’s a couple other island bases the US has that could work similarly, but that’s probably the biggest. The issue comes with actually getting there, trying to get there would be nearly impossible, you need both transportation and a viable method of navigation

Another group-to-group interaction and a possibly impractical construction idea popped into my head, this time involving the Red Mamba Biker Club.

It is possible for the MC to find out the Red Mambas’ safe haven is a water park. The way I think it, that water park has to have big water pumps and piping that the Red Mambas aren’t using. The junkyard group trades with the Mambas to get enough pumps and piping to set up an irrigation system hooked up to nearby Sapphire Lake, and then uses that system to farm food on a larger, possibly industrial scale.

This is perhaps too ambitious, as it would be a very long-term project, and would be difficult to protect from bandits and zombies. But if it could be done, food supply concerns for the group could be greatly alleviated, and the power that controlling a major food supply in a post-apocalypse setting would bring would be great.



I mean… in game there are options routes where you can help to establish communications in the area by using strategically placed server, and another route where you have the potential to make a cure/vaccine to the whole zombie outbreak, so this isn’t out of place. I am down for this.

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Needs a whole lot more than just water. Does anyone in the group actually know anything about farming? Can someone find, build, and maintain the necessary equipment? Where are you getting fertilisers?

Not against it, but there’s a lot to consider.


No problem, I appreciate the feedback. Billie did grow up on a farm, and both Gina and Woody bring quite a bit of engineering and other expertise between them. Nightsoil, also known as manure, could serve as fertilizer, if no other option could be found.

Other issues could include powering the pumps, maintenance, security, land clearance for the pipes, and the onset of winter delaying work or freezing the pipes.

As I said, perhaps too ambitious, but I was trying to answer this question for fun: If I was going to eventually expand the junkyard safe haven into something bigger, how would we go about it?


And I was mainly replying to the idea of farming in industrial scale. :slightly_smiling_face:


If I didn’t recruit Tommy or Jillian, is there a chance for them to join later on? Or are they gone?

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Jillian is probably just toast, Tommy joins the silver thorns if he doesn’t join you, so it’s doubtful you’ll get a second shot at either of them


I’ve been replaying part 3 again and only now did I notice that I never read Benton as Benton but as Beton and that is the German word for concrete. I’ve been calling him concrete the whole time but I don’t regret it serves him right.


Fair point.

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I tried playing evil at this game but dang, I keep taking everyone in cause I’m scared I might miss some dialogue or scenes that can affect the stories later on. So far, what I enjoyed the most is playing as the engineering background just creating my ultimate survival base, looking at my inventory while drooling :drooling_face:. I’m also excited for a teenage mc’s background like getting to find their family and the father’s background.

I also wanted to play while not being the leader but Jamie and Rachel’s decision when building our base doesn’t make sense to me and when assigning tasks cause they are being wasteful like assigning so much people in watching the base or scavenging, kinda a bit incompetent, that it gives me an itch to just become a leader to fix things. Also because when building something, I can only ask them to build 1 thing per day until it finished, hoping that if my character have the necessary skills then they can make more stuff without having to wait for my leaders permission if they could do it themselves since it will be necessary for their survival. For short, when my mc is not the leader, the base is a mess :smiling_face_with_tear:. I want the mc to be able to build more things needed while not being the leader, like the chicken coops and etc. It might also be quite nice to have a fish farm :heart_eyes:, not just the normal fishing kind.

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Also, it will be nice to have a surrounding traps in our base and in the forest and not just for animals but invaders as well.

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Having revisited the demo, I’m enjoying the content that’s available, and what is being set up, training the nephew, trading with other factions, characters offering to train the group, outpost building, new characters and so on.

Though I do have a question regarding studying the virus in chapter 14 @JimD as the Colorado University, has been moved to the next chapter, will studying the virus be moved too, or do we have to start researching it, in chapter 14, then continue after chapter 15?

As the science equipment needed to research is in the university, I’m curious if making the university, it’s own chapter, has altered the vaccine/cure path.

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How do I play part four, it’s seems the game always ends whe. I leave sliverthorne milta at the end of part three?

It’s a WIP

Just completed the game. And craving more tbh. I had more than the max charisma and was basically a God. Not even anything below friends after part 3. I don’t think there’s anything more yet? If there is I’d like to know. But what I found most funny was being able to talk my way out of EVERY situation. Like on a whim I decided, hey, why don’t I flirt with this woman at the gate? Oh? She’s joining me? Cool! Love Monika! Anders being a tour guide, and I decide, hey why don’t I give him 1000 dollars! Get my meal payed for? Everyone loves me as leader? Every possible person alive (besides Dante and Jillian) and become a legend among men? I mean a movie star? Come on! Everyone recognizes me and loves me? A 18/0 vote for leader?? loving it. Only thing I wish is that I were able to persuade even more. More recognition by people. Build up my army of friendly neighbors! (All this and never even got the chance to romance anybody but Bailey. She’s not 18 even so I uh- decided against that… other than that! Loving it!


Oh. And also I got so mad when my name was taken. It said “pick another. This one is taken” and I’m like “WHAT? WHY?” Very funny though.

Isn’t Bailey a college student over 18? It’s only the twins that are high school students under 18


Bailey is a sophomore in college, she’s roughly 20. JimD has confirmed. Madison, Brody, Alison, and August are the only high schoolers.