Zombie Exodus: Safe Haven, Part 4 Public Beta - updated 1/28/2025, 708,000+ words

Two things:

  • The island countries like UK, Australia and many others would still be available, and last I check, zombie don’t swim in this universe (Not yet anyway) So it should be safe, unless someone carried the zombie virus into the country for whatever reason (They didn’t know, zombie virus sample brought into the country got breached and broke out, ship/plane full of zombie crashing into the country, etc.)
  • From a story standpoint, characters only have 2 viewpoints: ‘The world is doomed, it’s over’, or ‘The world is doomed, but we will rebuild’ (With some variants), I am surprised nobody ever have a 3rd opinion: ‘Some part of the world is doomed, let’s find somewhere that ain’t affected by zombie yet and rebuild there’.

Sorry if my rant sound hostile, but this topic just really bug me out

You can rule out Canada, Mexico and South America. With North and South America being connected the infection would easily spread. I suppose if you had the right people you could charter a plane or boat to Hawaii, but that’s assuming we wouldn’t get blasted out the sky/water by the authorities there. Can’t be too careful with potential infected.


Islands are probably the safest place right now, I’ll give you that, but the thing is definitely in Asia, it’s definitely in Africa, Europe, and it being in North America means it’s also spreading further south so that’s another two continents dead. The British Isles might normally be safe But there’s so much travel between there and everywhere else, and you only need one patient zero for everything to be fucked

…zombie dolphins


The UK and Australia would not be as good as you seem to think. Heathrow is a major international airport hub, and the chunnel links the UK with the European continent. Likewise Austrailia is one of the major southern hemisphere shipping hubs. Ultimately, in a zeta infested world, Europe might as well be the effing moon. It would be highly unlikely that a group based in Colorado, could even make it to the west coast, let alone find an uninfected ship, let alone learn the skills it would take to handle a ship big enough to survive the Pacific. I believe it’s been stated that GPS is down, ever tried to handle a sextant?


Greenland or Iceland would be safest in my opinion. Greenland is an island with a sparse population and likewise with Iceland. It’s also very cold in Greenland so zombies will be less mobile there.


Same problem. Getting from Colorado, to the East Coast would be a nightmare, with no guarantee that there would even be a boat capable of a journey across the North Atlantic, which is among literally the most treacherous seas. Also, I don’t think any of our present group has any experience with a boat, or naval navigation. You absolutely need both. Anywhere more than 100 miles away from Nightfall, might as well be the moon. Both Greenland, and Iceland, would indeed be ideal, but both are equally inaccessable by our survivors.


True, it would deem near impossible to reach there, even if it was a grand safe haven. Surprised no one has talked about it though, or even discussed anything revolving other than the state of Colorado. Would be cool to see if they even speculated on going down to the coast of USA, like New Orleans or Los Angeles and maybe try get a boat. I know it would be a treacherous and long journey but hey, would be interesting to see.

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No one‘s talking about it because they’re too busy trying not to die every 20 minutes. If you can’t go 5 km without getting mobbed by zombies or your vehicles breaking down or getting attacked by other survivors, thinking anywhere beyond that just isn’t possible


OK, so here’s the passage from Safe Haven that I was thinking of:
“- May 10, 2012: hospitals in Philadelphia, Denver, Los Angeles, London, Delhi, Shanghai, Mexico City, Buenos Aires, Cairo, and Manila report cases of a new viral disease of unknown origin. Resistant to all antiviral drugs and other treatments, the virus took over its host, causing the infected to become agitated, then aggressive, and ultimately to die within hours.”
Asia is doomed, South America is doomed, North America is doomed, European mainland and the British Isles are doomed, as is probably Africa although it’s not listed, with current resources and the technology level, there’s absolutely nowhere to go


That LEGIT file in part 1, right? It been so long since I last checked I forgot the details, forgot that London was overrun

Yikes, look like there ain’t much place to run to

Still, from what Deter said and some other characters said, Colorando is hit especially hard, so things might not be that bad in other area

What I think he meant when he said Colorado was hit especially hard, although I would’ve preferred clarification, is that most of the major population centers there were overrun immediately as of day zero, something that might not have happened in other places. In the end, it’s just a matter of time, and nothing has shown that there’s a way to control this thing

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I know you say you allow people to treat the nephew like crap or do horrible things but so far in my playthrough there’s not much evil you can do as an evil character. You can’t do anything evil in your own survival group (or very little at least) like kill the people you don’t like, (SEAN!!!) even if you want to, they’re all pretty much immortal.

I can understand characters are important to the story but it’s also unrealistic to keep everyone alive no matter what choice you make. I’m getting sick of Jamie talking back to me, why can’t I punch him in the face already or better yet kick him into a pile of zombies like my evil character would do if he was given the choice to.

I want my character to be a evil dictator that’s what I had in mind but most of the choices that you make that are evil are almost always counteracted by people like Jamie or Rachel you aren’t really given an option to be evil you’re almost always prevented even when you are the leader of the group. I want to rule by fear, the moment someone makes a note about a new leadership I want to be able to shoot them and put the fear of God into the other survivors that they listen to me and they better not question me, that’s the type of evil I want for an evil playthrough not allowing these other people to stop me from doing evil.

Hell it’s not just evil playthroughs either Jamie or SEAN questions your authority always and you can’t do anything about it and it pisses me off. At least you can make Rachel back off, you don’t even have that choice with Jamie. As a leader having someone always question or undermine your authority should be punishable.

You can kill members of your group on the hilltop in chapter 5. You can kill most characters outside your group or rob them. You can extort the River Dogs. You can even leave characters with the Silverthornes if you don’t like them. You can punish people for not agreeing with you (for example, Brody).

You can be very “evil” in this game, but I need to have some characters that continue to be part of the group. Jaime is one of them. Sean can be left at the Silverthornes camp. In the Part 4 beta, you can let Jaime beat Sean badly, which will have an effect on him going forward.

There is no way to play this game solo. It would be a completely different game. I tried to set up in the beginning that Jaime is your friend, and he’s going through a change. But I have to have some characters continue throughout the game for continuity and for coding purposes.

I understand your point. I can try to add in some things into the game that would make it closer to what you want, but it’s very hard to code when 90% of players (and I have polled them extensively) never play evil characters


I’m not sure being able to play that sort of evil character in this game would even make sense, at least in the chapters that have been released so far. A person who was killing members of the group at the drop of a hat wouldn’t get away with it any longer than they could stay awake. If I wanted to be an evil dictator under those circumstances, I’d spend the early days of the outbreak making myself indispensable and winning everyone’s loyalty.


You could just be like how Stalin did it, start off manipulating like a conman leader and then slowly turn extremely evil. By the time, survivors suspect you - it will be already too late. You then could be extremely paranoid and kill whoever you suspect is a threat to your leadership aswell as brainwash the new people you encounter and welcome into the group. Finally, you could also kill off the weak members who are a liability and keep loyal and good survialists who are morally the same as you.


Everyone talking about being evil and being the worst kind of people…

Me, over here, just wanting to help my fellow man, rekindle civilization, rebuild society for the better through diplomacy and tactics and not go full murderhobo unless truly warranted, while totally wanting a proper harem…


I agree with you but again even without a evil playthrough you should be allowed to punish those that question your authority. Talking back to your leader or in Sean’s case even threaten you if you don’t support him as the next leader shouldn’t go without punishment. Imagining them question your authority on a mission It can lead to people dying. And Jaime bring our friend shouldn’t stop us from calling him out on his crap and punishing him for it.

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Agree I don’t want them get out of it easily.at least we should have choice for kick them out or kill them subtlety without witness. For me Jaime and Kelly are annoying.I want kick them out or can kill them off


I can add a way to do the following:

  • Kick people out of the group.
  • Punish them for questioning your authority.

Of course, there may be consequences. You may take a hit to the group’s allegiance, unless you have higher leadership, intimidation, persuasion, etc.