Zombie Exodus: Safe Haven, Part 3 - releasing 3/3/2022

With the Jamie freakout, if it’s about a lack of space would there be an option for temp housing when crafting stuff in free space or is it simply just due to the stress of the outbreak getting to him?


Man, this chapter was awesome
Small glitch I noticed with part 3 in general however

Driver and Church die in chapter 9, however, in the transition between chapters 9 and 10, driver and church can still be assigned tasks for some reason.

Also I wanted to ask

How come you can’t bring more then five people to the silverthorns camp? You, Jaime, and Rachel already talk about group size when going so it makes no sense that you can’t take more then two extra people. I mean taking 7 extra people might be extreme, but it seems a bit weird, considering the fact that Rachel and Jaime both talk about the possibility of a firefight, but the game won’t let you take enough people to handle a firefight

My first set of notes:

Minor stuff

Brody kicks his foot against your leg, and there it doesn’t hurt, it makes you set up.

I assume this should be: “though it doesn’t hurt, it makes you get/sit up.”

Reilly lets out a huge your, makes himself up, and smiles at you.

I assume this should be “…yawn, wakes…”

never waking up once from a nightmare like six of the last days.

This feels oddly phrased; how many days is this supposed to be? Would “like the last six days” work better here?

and hear a rifle fire into the air.

How do you know it’s being fired into the air?

*if (junkyard_defense >= 8) or (watch_duty_woody and (junkyard_defense >= 9))

The second half of this condition is only true if the first half is, so has no effect.

are running low on food," Billie says. “We may only have enough food for a day or two. But we’re adding food every day, and we can spare some for starving people.”

“adding food every day” implies that you’re gaining more than you’re losing, so you’re not “running low on food”.

Have none to share.

Should not be capitalised.

If any of you want to skip a meal and handed over to them, be my guest.

“…hand it over to them”?

Are almost," Nora says.

“…almost out”? (Also should note be capitalised.)

*if group_food <= 300
  *set rachel_faction %-(round(20-(empathy/6)))
  "I'm fine with sharing for now, but I hope this doesn't make a precedent for this group to come back. We can't afford to feed them forever."
*if group_food < 300
  "I strongly disagree with giving up food when we have so little."

I think the first one should be >=, and presumably the rachel_faction hit should occur in the second.

Also, it seems weird that rachel_faction would be reduced only some of the time for this choice, but all of the time for the “only this once” choice; surely the slightly more pragmatic choice would at worst be considered equivalent?

I want you to go pick out another food for six people

“…enough food”?

You’ve all said your peace/We’ve said our peace

I think this should be “piece”.

You stare in stunned silence at Rachel as an image of

You get this if you’re in love with Bailey, Jillian, or Lopez, even if they’re still alive.

A volley of bullets ring off the metal knew you,

“…near you”?

From your angle, you cannot see beyond the two men in the front of the pack’s,

“…the pack”?

You slide along the roof and tried to gain a more optimal view


@{toss_item poison gas bomb|Molotov cocktail|grenade}

You never set the variable toss_item.

grenadeand pull the pin.

“…grenade and…”

Forest Rats

Is this actually the group’s name? I assumed it was just an insult from Sean (and I don’t think he’s said it yet on this branch).

*label NonLethalJacob

If you taze or pepper spray Jacob, it goes to this label; I think it should be going to *label AfterFRAttack instead.

$group_leader} says.

Should be “${group_leader}”.

I suggest you leave now while you still have the chance. We are a well-armed and well-coordinated group.

This line is duplicated in an @{|}.

This standoff @{(ideal >= 50) gives you just the distraction you need to make your move.|could go on a while, but you need to make a move before one of your group get hurt.}

Is this the right way round?

@{leader I’m assuming you want to lead?“|Do you want to lead or shall I?”}

Both should start with speech marks.

*if fr_plan > 1
  *if m_leadership >= 75
    *set group_offense +10
  *if m_leadership >= 60
    *set group_offense +10
  *if m_leadership >= 45
    *set group_offense +10
  *if m_leadership < 35
    *set group_offense +10

Are these supposed to all be the same?

With a running jump, Brody clears his way halfway up the small trailer. His sneakers kick off the wall and propel him upward until his hands can reach the top.

Brody lies on the ground clutching his right arm.

Brody can have already been wounded before this point.

Bailey carries over a blanket and drapes it over Brody’s legs.

I think this appears even if Bailey just died.

*label AfterMourning

This label contains mourning for Parker and Dante, but it’s Bailey and Lopez who can have died by this point. (Plus Jillian, but that’s fine.)

He promised after the outbreak, he would give me a special tour of where he works and show me things other kids are allowed to see,

Presumably “aren’t”.

because he was such a good person and Number of our group.


Either we die to the infected were starved to death.

Should there be an “or” between “infected” and “were”?

But there’s are much taller

Should be “theirs”.

Jaime turns to Sean. "I know you were ${firstname}'s neighbor

Only in the suburbs.

With all respect do, we have leadership

Should be “due”.

Does Kevin not get to vote about Allison and August?

"Was it a mistake when they killed
*if group_killed_ch7 > 1
  our friends?"
*if group_killed_ch7 = 1
  *if lopez_killed = 7
  *if jillian_killed = 7
  *if bailey_killed = 7
  *if woody_killed = 7

All should end in question marks.

He is a soldier. He will follow orders, and you can’t do not his skill set.

Should that be “deny”?

that should leave a knock of mouse here at the Junkyard.

I have no idea what this should be.

Rosie may be to excitable to bring on a mission such as this

Should be “too”.

But I’m happy if you want to pick someone house,

“…someone else”?

I won’t deny is smart and confident and knows how to survive.

Should be “he’s” or “he is”.

I don’t want him distracted me on this trip.

Should be “distracting”.

@{(group_leader = "Rachel") "So what are we doing with Benton?" Jaime asks.|"One last thing—I want to bring Benton on this trip," Jaime says.}

*if kelly_taken
  "Absolutely. We need him as leverage to get back Kelly," Rachel says.

This doesn’t flow if Rachel is leader and Kelly was taken.

Brody box away from you, letting your hands slip.

Should that be “walks”?

“While. And to think I liked you.”

Should that be “Well”?

He lives in close to you and puts an arm around her waist.

Should be “leans” and “your”.

But I’ve been seeing you with main a lot


“I like ${main_ro} just like I like you.” [Lopez]

If Lopez is going to suggest poly, then I don’t think this should call LopezEx.

I’m not going on this trip, but the next time I Keith,

Should be “next time I see Keith”.

I wasn’t going to@{with_reilly let you|} leave here today

I think the @{|} should be the other way around.

“I like ${main_ro} just like I like you.” [Tommy]

Would Tommy be more okay with poly if the other RO was also a guy? Also, the text of this option implies that main_ro is male, although a bi guy could be dating Tommy and a female RO.

More importantly:

A body lies between the two trailers towards the back corner of the Junkyard.

This is literally right after you leave your room; if Bailey, Brody, Jillian, or Lopez were your main RO and didn’t have watch duty, they were left there asleep (or implied to have come out with you). It doesn’t make sense for them to have died or been wounded already in the firefight. (Similarly, Rachel, Jaime, Tommy, Madison, and Reilly are mentioned to have already been in the firefight, but can have been in bed with you, too.)

The second_ro jealousy scenes feel weird. Have we even had a chance to establish them as actual romances yet, because I don’t remember there being a scene which did that?

“Since we know the location of the Silverthornes’s camp, it’s time to pay them a visit,” you say.

I realise that this is the way the story is going to go, but it seems very out-of-nowhere for an MC who had decided to just stay away from the Silverthornes. You even have a variable sm_plan which could be called to check the player’s original plan. It would make far more sense for Rachel to suggest it in those cases.

Also, I recall there was some discussion about giving student MCs the chance to romance the twins; has this been added?


not by looking at the tooth of a gift horse, but I found several flaws in the first chapters of Part Three, especially in relation to the junkyard and the survivors (especially when we are going to talk to the River dogs and the option to choose already dead characters to do tasks, without forgetting that the morale of the group is literally 0 in my case and that the improvements that I already made are not reflected)


Can you tell me how do you know Jillian is pregnant?

When mom loves dad very much…

Sorry i am compelled to make this joke every time someone asks similar questions.

1 Like

Romance her


Sleep with her in ch8. Apparently, sex makes babies. Who knew?


Worth pointing out that if you get her birth control in chapter 2, she doesn’t get pregnant.

Next set of notes.

with_benton is only set true if Kelly wasn’t kidnapped, even though the text makes it clear that he’s being brought along.

As your footsteps The floorboards, he arouses awake.

This is a real mess of a sentence.

Boy like that must you out of this place.

I’m not entirely sure what’s supposed to be being said here.

*set multiple_vehicles true

This is set if and only if you’re not riding a motorbike, and has no bearing on whether the team is in multiple vehicles.

But he was bit. That’s the information you were told by August and Allison.

You only know this if you (or Rachel) specifically ask about his face; otherwise you didn’t learn it.

Also, why is everybody acting like we’re there to assassinate Keith, even if we came to negotiate?

Your small caravan makes a U-turn out of line

Appears even if you’re in a single vehicle.

until something happens that summons the other guards to drug guns on them.


watchtower just like the one you built back at the Junkyard.

What if you had multiple watchtowers?

they show the look of people dejected by the rest of society.

Should that be “rejected”?

especially who looked like they’re ready to fight.

Maybe “… especially (those?) who look like…”

“We’re keeping our options open and getting to know this place in case we want to move here,” you say.

Would a truthful MC say this?

I want say a thing.

Should be “won’t”.

Give me a sack, and I’ll find it.

I assume this should be “sec”.

Parker counts a stack of money before handing it over to you unless you know it’s $605.

Should that be “…letting you know”?

If you can’t pay Anders, you can persuade him to let it go, or give him something else. In these cases, you are sent to SpecialTip, where you have to choose how much money to give him, rather than TheTavern, which is where you go after paying him.

#Offer to let him join our group. It's a better lifestyle than living at the camp.
  *goto TheTavern

There is no text in this option.

"No. You have a lot of people with you, and I've got a full line trying to getting in. Two hundred or the back of the line."
  *goto FlapHub

This should probably go to MoneyHub, not FlapHub.

She steps passed your team and joins them.

Should be “past”.

Chat with @{tipped_anders Sylvester the|a} bartender. Maybe one knows where to find Keith.

If you tipped Anders, it should be “he”.

Normally I’d say you’re too young to be in a bar, but time’s have changed.

Should be “times”.

*selectable_if ((add_alc = false) and (w_money >= 20)) #Pass on a drink but give a tip ($20).

Should this increase bar_mod?

#"Tell me where I can find Keith," I say and stare him down, threatening him if necessary.
  *set truth %+15
  *if (m_leadership + bar_mod) >= 45

Shouldn’t this go off m_intimidate instead of m_leadership? (Or both/either?)

Finished with the bartender’s, you return to your group.

Should be “bartender”, or possibly “bartenders”.

As soon this outbreak ends or this can’t falls

Should that be “camp”?

They keep their eyes mainly on the bar area those a glance from side to side in casual observance.

Not sure what this should be, sorry.

The pair face the bar with complete interest and failed to see you sneaking near them.

Should be “fail”.

"You told me some story about coming here for rest and relaxation.

Should be “They”.

“They asked about Keith and wanting to know his whereabouts.”

Should be “wanted”.

old-style suits or dresses and hates.

Should be “hats”.

*allow_reuse #Food (3).
*set w_food +5

Is it 3 or 5 food?

the tide and gagged man among you.

Should be “tied”.

That sounds great. Instead I’ll take a grill cheese sandwich on white bread.

“Instead” doesn’t work here. Would “Also” be better?

#An expensive meal. I want to indulge while we are here.
  *set truth %+15

Should this be changing truth?

drinks have to beer,

Should that be “half the”?

He just watches with selling eyes

I’m not sure what this should be. “Silent”?

It’s small but the cheese loses when you bite into it

Not sure what this is supposed to be.

A waitress speed by you with an empty tray.

Should be “speeds”.

In the poisoning scene, the waiter/waitress switches gender quite a few times.

*if (m_search >= 55) or ((m_search >= 65) and v_impaired)
*elseif (m_stealth >= 55) or ((m_search >= 55) and (m_stealth >= 45))

The second half of the *elseif won’t matter, since anyone with m_search over 55 will pass the *if instead.

Would it make sense to have some text in the drinking contest for teenage MCs?

*if one_question
  *if (count = 2) or last_question

If the designated drinker can’t drink, last_question is set, but one_question won’t be, so the questions just continue. This should be a single test: *if (one_question and (count >= 2)) or last_question

(60 - ((count - 1) * 10)))

Is this right? The threshold starts high and gets lower, making it easier to pass in successive turns. Surely it should be the other way round?

He pushes his tongue around his mouth and then pick something out of his teeth.

Should be “picks”.

but they weren’t as good with them, not believe it or not,"

Delete the first “not”.

You look in the moving?

“You looking into moving?”?

I know where the prettiest gang


"The name nor the description ring a bell.

Should that start with “Neither”?

It didn’t help you to side with us at the museum. But we’re willing to give you another chance.

Presumably “not to side with us” or “to side against us”.

But if you wanted us dead, I believe we would be so.

Should be “he” or “they”.

It won’t be long now before he’s changed."

Delete end quotation mark.

We’ve been worried about she’s been treated with you."

“…worried about how she’s been…”

Keith shrugs. "It’s completely true.

This reply doesn’t really fit the way some of the questions were phrased. Sean, Rosie, Reilly, and Lopez just ask about the scar without mentioning the zombie rumour.

He says tall as Keith and of Korean descent.

“He’s as”. Also, I’d probably say that he “looks to be of Korean descent” rather than just saying that he is.

The older gentleman stands, turns, and liens against the buffet table.


dying out the flames.

Is this an dialect thing? Because I’ve never heard “dying out the flames” before, but I’m pretty sure you used it last chapter, too.

I’m reading you all to safety.


*if team_leadership >= 12

I assume you want to call WithTeamOD before this check, as if you left Jaime and Rachel outside and haven’t regrouped yet, they wouldn’t be with your team right now, but would still be contributing +10 to the team_leadership value.

you and your team across the Thruway back to the main yard.


There really should be an option to free Benton so he can help with the fight.

*if civilians_chaos

Is this variable ever true? Should this be not(rallied_civilians) instead?

A number of teenagers where the Silverthornes uniform


Those civilians help their cause, they lack the gunpower to contribute


*if separate_group
  *set separate_group false

This should reset the with_ variables to reflect the members of your party returning.

A single civilian with a flat shaft of metal kill the infected that have made their way inside so far.


The blast hit his chest, sending him backwards into the one behind him.


Zombies fall, and you keep up the pressure as long as your ammo will allow.

This is for melee attacks, not ranged, so there shouldn’t be any ammo.

*if atop_trailer = 0
  No one helps at the broken fence.
*if atop_trailer = 1
  Only one of your team helps the civilian at the broken fence.
*if atop_trailer > 1
  You look over at the members of your team helping the civilian at the broken fence.

These should be talking about the people on the trailer, not by the fence.

Several infected have made their way through the broken fence and now wonder about camp.


Plant and explosive charge at the bottom of the tower.


and your neck shot hits the base of his skull.


You turn to see the source of the shot but failed to locate anyone among the crowd.


Rachel kneels next to you, not lights the Molotov cocktail you handed her, stands, and throws it overhead.

Delete the “not”.

Daniel, the young Asian man, you’ve seen Keith speaking with

Daniel was only named if you killed/captured all of Natalie, Wyatt, and Benton.

Mr. Sullivan whose well protected behind a blockade of soldiers.


I guess it’s not a particularly major thing, but part of me would like to be able to talk to Tommy at the tavern. Admittedly, I don’t see it being particularly useful; he probably wouldn’t be able to tell you more than anyone else about the camp, and if you couldn’t get him to join back in Part 1, he probably isn’t going to change his mind now, but it does feel like a missed opportunity. :sweat_smile:



Just a thing I noticed, is that if MC has Jillian as 2nd RO than unless you have Gina or Lopez as main RO you are not going to sleep with her in chapter 8 but in chapter 12 she is still pregnant.

I encountered this error after finishing group management after going back from Lancelot.

Edit: Darn, choosing both options displays the error. I can’t go further.


Does anyone know if Rachel being sick is scripted?

I totally agree!

Thank you for the screenshots.

I had to make a limit. It’s already a really hard scene to code with all those variables. Plus, the junkyard was just attacked or at least a group tried to attack. Your group wants to leave enough people behind to defend.

Not just yet. I am trying to think of the blessed place to handle it. I’m considering the prom.

Also I really can’t thank you enough for all the feedback and bug fixes.


Final notes!

minor stuff
*if using_gas_bomb
  *set keith_poisoned false

How does a gas bomb cure cyanide poisoning? Also, since keith_poisoned was an integer, this is a type error. (The startup file gives 3 as the value for gas poisoning, but I’d check to see if he’s already poisoned first.)

knock the infected backwards or in pale their heads.


farthest from the explosion by twenty feet,

This seems awkwardly worded.

As the dust settles, you see the bodies of
*if civilians_killed_explosion
  civilians lying under broken wood and rubble.

Should this increase survivor_kills?

*if benton_alive
  Benton rushes to the side of the tower and vomits over the railing.

This is true even if Benton’s your prisoner; you use benton_st for when he’s still with the Silverthornes. (I noticed this several times in the tower attack section, including setting the value for benton_alive to false without any other checks.)

With your weapon ready, you scan the top of the tower and notice the Silverthorne leadership spread along the platform and inside the tower room. Keith changes position from leaning over the railing with his walkie-talkie and bullhorn to walking into the tower room. He often paces along the platform or moves to the staircase to @{benton_st talk to Benton.|yell down instructions.} You can also see he’s wearing a Kevlar vast since he left the FEMA tent.

This section is clearly written for before you’ve attacked the tower, but can appear after you used a bomb or gas on it.

He topples forwards, hits the rallying, and falls over the top of it.

He stumbles into the rattling, falls over it, and plunges thirty feet to the ceiling of a tent.


a series of shots from your group forcing him into cover.


*if team_offense >= 40
  This kill gives the rest of your group an opening to mount a counterattack.

Which kill? This occurs directly after your team had been retreating/discussing retreat, and the kills (if any) happened before that.

“You damn hypocrite. You detonated an explosive near group of civilians. All I want to do is shoot the top of the tent, which won’t endanger one of them. You’re out of line.”

This feels like it should have an impact on rachel_faction…

You rush with the crowd, watching for soldiers and dodging those running next to you in the mayhem.

You can get here even if Rachel didn’t fire on the civilians.

Rosie runs through the yard, drawing fire which strikes the ground right behind her feet. She fires burst from her submachine gun and slides into a tipped over dumpster.

I could be mistaken, but I believe that Rosie can’t be alive at this point.

and you turned to see Jude laying flat on the top of a car parked near the Thruway.

“turn” and “lying”.

Rachel bursts across the Thruway with their girl on her back.


Don’t worry, all clean it up in there.


"His ropes were to lose, so I tightened them.


*if stayed_with_benton = "Parker"
  *set with_parker true
  *set with_sean true

Sean shouldn’t be there.

When a teenage girl steps behind him, he switches places with her so she moved one step forwards.


You slide the tent flap, and the group holds out there weapons defensively.


If the gates fall in the Silverthornes fail their defense,

This is poorly worded.

"It looks like it just slice through the outside of your ribs.


You weave In-N-Out tense and food carts,

I assume this should be “You weave in and out of tents and food carts,”

*selectable_if (steal_civilians = false)

Presumably these should be *selectable_if (steal_civilians)?

He was reluctant to rob from the civilians but found a tube of medical appointment


including herbs for cooking

Are these supposed to be added to the inventory, or is this just flavour text?

Jude shows off a new Gilly suit he found


You still haven’t seen Kelly in all the time you’ve spent at this camp.

Yes you have. Right here:

Kelly walks just at his back, and she glances over at your group with a look of reserved excitement.

*if attacked_tower
  @{studied_silverthornes Even at|When you attacked} the tower you saw no signs of her among the Silverthorne leadership.
*if studied_silverthornes or attacked_tower
  You thought Keith was keeping her by his side, but she must be in another part of the FEMA camp.

I am pretty certain that there is no way to search for Kelly after attacking the Silverthornes.

*goto KellyCheck

I think a few of these (specifically for Bailey and Gina) should go to KellyGroup instead of KellyCheck.

“Kelly as part of our group, and she’s coming with us,”


Dante draws two pistols and pointed one at each soldier.


$lopez} raises his carbine with a smile.


I note that elsewhere, Silverthorne kills are counted as bandit_kills but Mendoza is counted as one of the survivor_kills.

Rachel walks up to her, holds out her pistol, and fire’s once into the soldier’s forehead

“fires” Also needs to end with a full stop/period.

They have given me responsibilities, and people rely on me now. I never had that with you.

Couldn’t Kelly have been quartermaster?

*if second_in_command != ""
  you and ${second_in_command}.

The second-in-command might not be there.

Keith says as he stops in front of you, sons looped inside his belt.

Not sure what this should be, but I don’t think it’s “sons”.

*if helping_defense
  aided our defense at their own risk.
*if rallied_civilians
  *if helping_defense
  rallied our civilians to safety.

I think both of these have to be true to reach this point. (That said, you can have poisoned Keith, but there’s no text to indicate that.)

It is a mutual protection pact. At times we will call on you to aid our camp or help to fight our enemies.

I note that he never mentions helping to protect us, which kinda defeats the purpose of a mutual protection pact. Presumably it should mention that the protection does go both ways.

Kelly scoffs. “Sounds like you’re making a lot of excuses for what these psychos did.”

Would a Kelly who’s been with the Silverthornes have the same level of vitriol? She seemed to have warmed on them enough to potentially want to stay.

are best keeps them fed three times a day and safe at night.


the New Army is not made a dent in the zombie population.

“has not made” or “is not making”.

“One of ours was killed too. Or are you forgetting that?”

I’m pretty certain we could have killed more than one of them.

we will do our best to give you aid in always possible.

“all ways”

#Nothing. I’m sure Jaime or Rachel will speak up on the group’s behalf.

No text in this option.

If you choose to give Kelly back to the Silverthornes, after just rescuing her, and are dating her, you get both sets of dialogue, and they need a line break between them (and maybe a slight change to the wording).

“We’re going to take care of you, Kelly. We are not the bogeyman you people make us out to be.”

Should also probably be worded differently if Kelly was just rescued.

#"I forgot about your relationship with Lopez. I'll choose someone else."
  *set jaime_faction %+(round(empathy/6))
  *set lopez_faction %+(round(empathy/6))

I don’t think it makes sense to gain rel points for not doing something bad…

I think she will fit in with these Silverthornes.."

Delete the second full stop/period.

we already have too many people living at the Junkyard.

I mean, sure, the maximum number of people we can have at this point is 25 (I think), but the minimum is 9 (MC, Jaime, Rachel, Brody, Madison, Reilly, Kevin, Billie, and either Sean or Fred). I don’t think the latter would count as “too many”…

Now there’s a little girl involved. That changes everything."

but it would be good to have a kid with us so we keep all of this in perspective.

Would this be different if you’ve got the nephew?

"I see no. Too risky.


And name may be excited for a friend.


More major stuff:

Okay, maybe this first one isn’t that major, but it felt weird that if Jude (a character you’ve only barely let onto the team) dies, you get several sentences of pathos as the MC considers his life and death, but Rosie (a character from Part 1, who could even be the MC’s girlfriend) and Dante get no reaction from the MC or prose whatsoever, and Gina only gets a single sentence of reaction.

More importantly, Benton kinda just vanishes in the chaos. This might be intentional, but even if it is, you should note that he has gone, and if it’s not, you should mention how the team is still keeping him hostage as they leave the camp. (And presumably have a condition of allying with the Silverthornes be to free him.) And if you left him with a member of your team, you can end up leaving both behind if you don’t go to the right car. Again, this could be intentional, but if it is, the story needs to be clear (and I really can’t see Jaime being okay with leaving someone behind just because it’s more convenient to do so).

Finally, I think a few of the choices about who has to stay with the Silverthornes ignore the characters relationships. The only relationship that was really mentioned was the Lopez/Jaime one, but surely Lopez would act the same way if he was dating Tommy. Likewise, while Bailey mentions her potential relationship with Brody, it doesn’t actually influence her decision to volunteer, if she does. And for friendships, I can certainly see Kelly being less likely to volunteer so she can stay with Parker (especially if she hasn’t seen him for weeks now). (Similarly, I can see her being more likely to rejoin the group if Parker was present.) On the other hand, I can see that Parker might actually be willing to volunteer (or at least be less sad about being volunteered) if Kelly is still with the Silverthornes (and might also have some words for the MC if they didn’t bother looking for her).

And… combining the last two points, I would love to be able to offer Benton as a “member of our group” to join the Silverthornes… :sweat_smile:

Thanks. :slight_smile:

And… does that mean the Brody/Bailey stuff will also be put off until the prom? (I guess there’s not that much about it in Chapter 8.) :thinking:


I think you shouldn’t lose morality if you want to raise your baby together with Jillian.


One more thing, the game has no variable if you say to Gina that you are ok with an open relationship or if you convince her to be in a thruple with Jillian. Maybe it would be better to differentiate those 2 types of relationship?


Will Kevin be a RO?

Man, I am very curious to see the reaction of teenage MC’s parents when they find out about their child becoming a dad while they’re trying not to be get eaten by zombies, though our dad seems to have quite a few secrets of his own…


Didn’t think you could romance Jillian as a teen.