Zombie Exodus: Safe Haven General Discussion (Part 3 beta coming in December)

If i am not mistaken, Emma’s demise generated wide moaning from most fans :-):sweat_smile:

I am having a nice time with my sister , and was happy she found her suitor as well … i also encourage Cassie to stay with her, well i actually want Cassie to haunt me instead if that was possible


Good for those who like Emma. Personally, she wasn’t my favorite character to be around.

Hold up, Emma could die? :thinking: First the nephew now Emma… how much have I missed :man_facepalming:


Well… I would forever thank Emma for bringing Heather into my life , the interaction with her is alright … mostly i “like” everyone, although Tom and that Bandit receive the least love from me :-):laughing:

the interaction between Cassie, me and Emma was one of the best scene for me , i am really touched on how Cassie said she had watch over us all these years …

@Johann yeah Emma could die in one of the ending if we choose to remain in our stronghold , a zombie will bite her, she will die unless we develop a cure or we manage to perform divine miracle to cure her … however i think the ending of finding cure is better since Mindy had a terrible fate for the Divine ending

Well I wil forever hate a so FORCED plot device upon me without choice andlittle logic. Mara a rookie sport star with her own house sleeping in Emma house without reason…
Still my disgust of her was main reason I came to forum lol. I came here to complaint And that made me know so wonderful people like @JimD guy I adore even when so many people think weirdly I hate him lol. So she has been useful to me in a way. Still replay ZE has become in try to avoiding Emma the game for me lol


I haven’t read ZE in a long while, but I can only remember ever getting the ending where Tom kills the MC because I’m a glutton for punishment apparently :man_shrugging:

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In fact you could arrange Emma death easy @JimD arrange that possibility for me lol If not he could see me crying hard during the testing


Hahaha Mara I want to “like” your comment but i couldn’t do it because our opinion is so polar opposite :-):sweat_smile:

Well… generally i am very comfortable with Emma around

Well… Tom didn’t manage to kill me, but i don’t want to save him as well , i understand why Heather hates me for not saving him… so i let her slap me many times without complaining anything, although i wonder that was the most funny scene around … Heather shout and slap my face when my spoon was still in my mouth (so naturally the spoon fly away from my mouth ), i laugh out loud for that funny scene … and after doing that Heather sit down to eat close to me without another word , so i was like " hey that was cool and unique " at least she was not angry anymore :-):laughing:


I have discovered that if you’re willing to play differently and make some morally questionable choices you’re much more likely to discover a lot of the “bad or dark” consequences like our nephew’s death. or just new stuff.

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@Johann How does Tom even kill you ? also I don’t think you’re a glutton for suffering. Maybe you’re too nice for the apocalypse ? (IDK) Then again “beware the nice ones”


Pretty sure he just straight up stabs you after repeated failed attempts at having you offed? Not sure if it happens when you don’t romance him, though :confused:


Apart of repeating sending us to suicide mission, i think the final chapter we could confront him for a duel, which he could kill us, i accused him but never went for a duel …

i faintly remember that , if you save him and in the ending chose to stay … he could kill you as well

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Tom never killed me because I never gave him the chance. He made his intentions clear when he cut the breaks. Once I found that out, I was done with him no explanations, no second chances, just him and I fighting to the death or I shot him. (I didn’t even want to be leader I was FORCED into it). Because everyone else was just complaining about the decisions that were being made instead of contributing ideas or decisions of their own that could benefit us all in the long run but no they sat on their asses and whined when something they didn’t like happened.


That is one of the things other than stuff like the fuel mission and the detailled description of how-to-make-a-cure-to-zombie-virus that made Zombie Exodus such an epic interactive game!

The whole way through the game you can notice the mood swings that Emma goes through. JimD sure knows the importance of character development in a story dealing with the apocalypse. And thinking about it in a different way, I guess he must be smiling after reading all the reactions on Emma’s character because he certainly is successful if he intended to annoy everyone with Emma’s mood swings.


Was it a stabbing? It’s been a while, but for some reason I feel like Tom ended up strangling my MC who romanced him. :joy: For all I know, it could vary based off of some choices.


It is the ones we love that can hurt us the most. It sounds beautifully tragic.


I didn’t kill Tom in my own playthrough; my MC just gathered the whole group and revealed his actions with really damning evidence to his actions.

But my MC didn’t exactly stop River from killing Tom either, so I they were partially responsible for his death still.

Well, seeing as Tom’s wife left him and that may have fueled his obsession with the Cathedral…


Hmmm… Heather didn’t exactly hurt my MC much , she still stay and bear a child with me, although interaction was cool…

I love Mindy as dear friend, but she would either go away to form a radical group that will lost to another evil group and get herself tortured… in the end totally avoid my MC , that hurt for sure to see a friend falling
I think the best ending was she became sort of council leader in a new town.

On the other end, sarcastically it could be us who hurt the one who love us, like Cassie who watch over us since small, and even when we forget about her existing , she still secretly protecting us… but in the end we could choose to banish her .
It was the sense like , our dear friend who we thought could have an eternal frienship chose to move on from us once they enter next phase of their life, so i can totally imagine we are hurting Cassie in a way as well


Your statement gives me Phantom of the Opera vibes… :sweat_smile:


Only this and nothing more? (literature people should get this)