I always viewed mc going on to possibly get commissioned more as an epilogue thing but it would fit for my gay mc, who due to the rather difficult time period for gay men he lives in, has made the choice to essentially marry the US army and seek a career there. Since an army career also gives him a very convenient excuse to never marry or even long term date women.
I mean he leads a very risky lifestyle and who would want to put a wife and kids through that, right?
Maybe not as much grammar picking (lot of improvements still needed there) but there is 2 major things that i must comment on, first of all
During the campaign with the Hampshires, i think it’s on the second night (I’d took a picture of it but hindsight being 20/20 and all), there is the three options of (Sleeping early, Explore the city, or find the Hampshire command post) if you picked the second option you’ll be thrown back to the start of the day, practically redoing the day, with the game already noting that you’ve passed through said day.
And the final battle… Surely there is better way of doing it other then a whack-a-mole the game right? Maybe add a prep time (more then the current one i mean which i think currently does beggar all) where we could plan out the battle better other than, “2 tanks on the western end 2 tanks on the eastern end, kill everything that comes through the pass” Plan currently, like use the stat checks if your leadership is high enough you can “suggest” Your own plan, or high observation will tell you which flank is the most vulnerable etc, and well idk what the waters for spoilers is here so i’ll hold on the details of the plan of battle, just as a criticism can you make the ui of the battle more intuitive because at the moment it’s just pedal to the metal, move to the center and kill everything
(Edit: Grammar… Ironic i know)
No problem with the grammar check. There always seems to be plenty to fix no matter how often the text get combed through by myself or others.
Concerning the Hampshires: The throw back to the start of the day still occurs? Thought I’d patched it. But apparently I hadn’t patched all of it. Ugh. Maybe the chapter needs to be split into specific days. Chapter 6 - Day 1, etc. That might require some duplicative coding… which means I’ll take a crack at fixing it again. Thanks for posting on this (even though the gripes make it sound otherwise. ).
Interesting suggestions concerning the final battle. It is largely whack-a-mole because the Germans are the ones calling the shots. But a use of Leadership, Doctrine, or Logistics leading to better defenses in specific spots that are under pressure (The Allies just don’t have enough forces to secure everything) feels like it would involve the player more.
Will muse upon this…
When you say, 'move to the center and kill everything, is that your current tactic? And it works well?
Not sure precisely. But multiple actions can be given as a reason for certain medals.
Good little list going for medals.
First to attack the airfield, and then stayed to defend it until all allied personnel were accounted for.
Chewy-Gooey Pass. Taking out multiple tanks, might be influenced by where you started the fight.
Multiple possibilities for a Purple Heart award.
Where would be the best place for a promotion? Probably the epilogue (Career would weigh heavily here)… though we could make a note just before Kasserine Pass begins where your Lt. mentions that he’s putting you in for a field commission, assuming you survive.
It’s like Maintenance in a way, always more to be done and when you think you’re finished more just came up somehow, word duplicates are still common common on the later chapters (example included)
Ah. I suppose so, i’ll check back next update for the Hampshire thing,
Now since you’ve opened the can i’ll dig through the worms,
My tactics revolve around making sure the Jerry Infantry didn’t do nothing and whack-a-mole the armours as they bear,
All i need to do is stall till the tiger came around,
I moved to the middle because in lieu of that any Tanks about to pass is given the “Hey that’s my sector” Or “please god let there be a reserve” Reply and not “Shoot that Panzer’s flank none shall pass” Or that’s what it feels like anyway,
Pretty much all i do is rake the infantry every so often and target the tanks, armoured car is muffled by your allies if you had high doctrine, or at least that’s what i gather from the screen anyhow
Muse on the final battle, i think it’s fell somewhere near Cata’s 2K battle in Guns, even though you lose initiative when you are defending doesn’t mean you have to do a static tower defence, and i don’t mean let us change history by holding Kasserine, we already have Knox sending us off anyhow, so it’ll just be how well/ Long did kasserine held, kinda like what the I&R platoon did in Lanzerath, eventually they’ll get killed/ ran out of ammo but they’ll give the jerry enough of a bloody nose to at least slow their advance
(Edit: fact check)
Edit: i should really get my eyes checked smh
How do I get the scenes where I sell the jewelry and Francs for scripts in the crossroads? I have stolen them already but I can’t sell them to Sgt. Ray?
Regarding the final battle, I feel as if we are mostly passive unless we select where to move, and the many choices of what to attack (I generally go for the panzers and armored cars; I assume that the American infantry have no antitank weapons, and should instead focus on the trucks and infantry?) make me feel that we are outnumbered and we need reinforcements. I had assumed that all these were intentional.
It is possible to take out multiple tanks regardless of where you start the battle; however, it is easier if you’re on the flank and you charge first, keep charging and targeting the enemy tanks. If you’re the bait, you can take out multiple tanks by charging as well but I sometimes got my tanked wrecked and a crew member killed.
I was thinking this, as well. A promotion in the Epilogue is also good because if it was earlier, it may be confusing on why Lieutenant MC is still stuck as a tank commander. Maybe it can also be mentioned that apart from the promotion, the MC has now been assigned to command a tank platoon?
I also think that the Epilogue is the best place to be awarded medals and decorations for combat performance (for wounds, maybe it could be mentioned when the MC gets medical care from Jensen that the paperwork for a Purple Heart is still being processed)? If the 2nd Hampshires were to decide that the MC would be decorated or mentioned in dispatches, it can also be mentioned in the Epilogue.
I am slightly confused here. Does the Tiger I have sloped armor?
And in here, the description of enacting a leadership moment has two descriptions:
Excellent catch on the Tiger I’s armor. It wasn’t sloped. They could have done that, but it would have added weight and the Tiger already had enough of that. Also, at some point, the kind of rounds that could disable them were not the kind that would be deterred by the added protection of sloping. 105mm, 155mm, high velocity AT guns, etc.
The repetition in the XP cite is a good one. Will fix.
Back on this now after a work diversion. Thanks again to you and everyone who continues to push this forward with me.
Have a favor to ask of @NJG @Edhunt @idonotlikeusernames or anyone else who has recently finished the game. Could you post an image of your stats at the start of Kasserine Pass? I’d like to see how close your play-throughs are to my own measured metrics.
Trying, in particular, to figure out how high Leadership and Doctrine might be at that point so that a coding of an event or two related to those can occur.
By the way, finally figured out the day problem in Tebourba… there were two different variables for tracking the day and in that confusion, there became chaos. Oops.
@AllenGies, yes, no problem. Here a screenshot of the stats; I also copy and pasted of the other stats:
Tank: The Tank.
Location: At the secret cave.
Current condition: The Tank is… okay.
Current Damage: Front armor damage. Left armor damaged. Right armor damaged. Rear armor damaged. Turret damaged.
Fuel: Half full.
Radio: Operational. Long range. Transmission capable.
Radio parts available: 1
Current rations: Fresh food, the rarest delicacy in the American army.
Sound proofing: Enabled.
Internal padding: Enabled.
Sighting gyro: Enabled.
Telescopic sight: Enabled.
Auxiliary generator: Little Joe is running just fine.
Medical supplies: Field station kit. Includes surgery impliments.
Name: Mendoza.
Status: Mendoza is okay.
Gunnery: 6.
Driving: 3.
Mechanical: 3.
Name: Owens.
Status: Owens is okay.
Gunnery: 2.
Driving: 6.
Mechanical: 3.
Name: Nelson.
Status: Nelson is okay.
Gunnery: 3.
Driving: 3.
Mechanical: 6.
Very busy right now will have something for you to look at this Sunday most likely.
Yeah i have the same problems as idonot, added to that i’ve reset my run, worry not tho i’ve memorised the options i picked last time, but i minmaxed the game so yeah if you wanna look at mine just know that i like to exploit my games, pics coming in a few days
Thanks. That’s helpful.
Hmm 75 Leadership and 69 Doctrine. That’s also higher than I thought they’d be. It appears I’ll have to do a full review of the gains and tests because those numbers… Did you spend a lot of XP on them?
Excellent. A 93 Leadership and 40 Doctrine. Leadership is certainly quite high. Almost at the limit.
Very high career too, but that’s little concern in Kasserine.
Did you make a concerted effort to gain Leadership via XP?
Yes: whenever I spend XP, I first focus on Gunnery, Driving, and Mechanical; then I focus on Leadership, Logistics, and Doctrine. And after Tebourba when we are at the supply depot, I selected the choices which focused on increasing Logistics and Doctrine.
I also don’t focus on gaining Career; I prefer to gain Career by my choices in combat.
Update! New events added. Bugs fixed. Tiger Tanks now properly armored. Details below.
Thanks to everyone who was involved in this particular patch. Next up is a bit of balancing and a few things to wrap up in the epilogue (Fate of the French and the Germans). And, of course, other issues that you hearty playtesters might put forward.
Version v.805:
WW2__Armored_Recon.html (7.8 MB)
Changed text to reflect the fact that the Tiger I did not have sloped armor. NJG pointed this key fact out.
Fixed a bug when allocating commander XP during checkpoints. This fix thanks to NJG.
Fixed the issue with the day flip at Tebourba. There were two competing variables for checking which day it was. Oops.
Added Leadership, Doctrine, and Logistics events during the Kasserine battle. Thanks to Edhunt for this suggestion.
Added in medal mentions in Chapter 9 and more comprehensively in the Epilogue as suggested by idonotlikeusernames, NJG, edhunt, and others.)
Cover art is pending again. The artist in question is alive and well.
Will you be continuing the story in a sequal like the Allied landings at Sicily and the Allied invasion of mainland Italy?
Aw shucks i was rushing to see my stats during kasserine but, thanks for the updatelong story short i’ll just say what i recall from it
90s leadership
40-60 logistics
40-60 doctrine
60-70 Career
80-90 observation
Can confirm nor deny if i could still do this but i’ll start again, i followed on baume’s plan along with the gambling trick,
Anyway now for more bugs squashing, for one army scripts, the MC have 0 scripts aperently even if you didn’t do anything in chapter 2,
And in the hampshires, pic showed above, i think there is some text here missing?
(Thought procces, why are we suddently speaking about drinks or our general unreadiness)
Oh and this the 3rd option is repeatable instead of a once off along with mentioning a Pz. 5 the Panthers, is it just the british desig for the Pz.6 Tiger or?
More notes people that’s how things are,
The Chapter 7’s save point is still broken mate you might wanna take a look at that
Very good notes.
Moved around some of the dialogue about stiff drinks. Definitely had a mis-direct in there.
Your stats are… well, high. I’m not against that. Just a data point to work with.
Will look into the Invasion scrips issue in chapter 2. Should probably have some carry forward for it if nothing is bought.
Changed the Mark 5 to Mark 6’s. Tigers over Panthers.
Will also yell at Chapter 7’s save point… Apparently there was a non-typo mistake made that forced a save of the checkpoint in an inconvenient place. Will fix and upload once the other bits are done.
Considering it. Certainly I know enough about the Husky Landings and inland advance to craft a story. But the core of the story isn’t there yet for me. Right now it is just a bunch of loosely connected ideas that could be fun to write. Like the Mafia presence. The Bridge hung in the Sky. Hard fighting. Multiple amphibious end-runs. The Herman Goring division. Etc.