Gladiator: Road to the Colosseum (Out Now!)

Switching gender of BFF wouldn’t work, since the option to claim they’re your husband/wife won’t make any sense. They have to be opposite of yours for it to work.

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There’s something wrong with chapter 4… every time I pick the option to join the Romans and Greeks the game freezes completely :frowning:

Also, Agapios switches genders when talking to you in your bunk


I’m also having this issue.

Another bug would be when I’m trying to join the Egyptians & I am shown how the scene would play out both ways. First, I am given a stat fail, then immediately after a stat pass. It’s all on the same page, one after the other. I can’t upload screenshots here but if you’re on the discord I can send you some!

What about “they’re my brother/sister/cousin”? Or, if you have high enough charm, you can convince the buyer to take both of you since you’re besties and you work better together. It could even be some spiel about how heartbreak reduces the quality of your work.

I’d also like to be able to pick your BFF’s gender. they’re the only love interest you really spend any time with (all the others are basically​ side characters at this point) andi agree how the story is pushing you two together


Spelling error, in chapter 3, in the Brutus path.
In the choice “Insult him back”.

You smirk as the crowd guffaws in laughter at your retort, boosting your seconfidence.


In chapter 4.

You wince as she prods the dark circles on your body with her arthritis writhen hand.


she smiles, a deep scarlet colouring her cheeks.

Capitalise ‘she’.

“I’m sorry {i]Domina Horatia, an arena?” You pause, flabbergasted.

Change the square bracket on the ‘i’ to a curly bracket.

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In chapter 4 if you tell the Gladiator lady to throw away her shield she responds by saying “Textbook”. Now I’m no history buff, but I don’t think those existed back then.

Feel free to correct me if I’m wrong.

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[/details] That text is repeated again and again. ê.e

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Just played chapter 4 , man the lanista sure is a mean b-word , can’t wait to give her a run for her money ! Keep it up lad, I’m keeping up through the whole time you need to work on it. Having a lot of fun !


Hmmm, hadn’t that problem with my Gaul , maybe it’s the Greek scenario that has that problem ? :thinking:

BTW, couldn’t help but notice “appels d’urgences” on your screen shot… fellow frenchie here ?


Lol yes :laughing: by the way, I lag a little in your game toward this scene. Replay this scene but end up stuck Like, the page is loading sensation without the sign of loading.

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@cottoncandy @cookiemonsta
Could you share your playercodes with me? I can’t seem to replicate the issue so maybe its got to do with edge case stats. Thank you so much for reporting and so sorry for the error! :confused:

@Emzan @readher @cottoncandy
Fair points regarding the BFF’s gender. I apologise for the slip ups to dude pronouns, I’m definitely struggling with equal representation here, and it’s just easier (but lazy) to slip to my natural voice. So yes, I’ll keep working on that!

Wrt to the RO representation and interactions. It does seem that the gender/sexuality is a bit jarring, and it does seem like the story pushes in that direction (although you can definitely say no.) But maybe I could convert the option at that branch to be 1. Kiss 2. Pull away 3. Tell your bff about your orientation. Which would be more realistic, but it also means that gay MCs will find it hard to get a meaningful RO in the early game.

So yes, I’m still thinking about this. And any perspectives would be super helpful! @idonotlikeusernames I’ll also want to see what you think about this!

Thanks for spotting those errors! Will make changes to the manuscript.

One question though, is writhen not correct? From my understanding, writhen means to contort/ disfigure. I’m not too sure either hahaha

Good point! I think they had scrolls, but books were definitely a rare commodity and would probably not have been used in common day language. Thanks for the catch!

Hey! That’s not a good sign haha could you provide me with your playercode? Thank you! (: Also, you mentioned something about ending up stuck, could you elaborate a bit on how you ended up there?

Ah yes haha Nerinas is definitely rather unpleasant - drawing from my military experiences here hahahaha. But yes thank you for your kind words! :smile: Super glad that you’re enjoying it!

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. {i]Wait what the hell? Focus. Avery. Focus. You bring your mind back from thoughts of home. A short, tough man with leathery skin eyes you with beady eyes, his stout, muscular body looked like it is built of stone.

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Gotcha. Thank you! haha will fix it right now :smile:

Im a greek and the game wont let me talk to other greek guys. the game just crashes

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Could you provide your playercode? Sorry about that :confused: Fixing it now!

PlayerCode2. 265428. 498504328. 801819376. 3979998. 515310884. 21533904. 7920816000000. 9688880.Andrew06
Here ya go :slight_smile:

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Alright! I think I’ve fixed it, you can give it a go again :smile:

It works now. Thanks! :smile: Also when I talked to the Egyptians it showed both the stat check failing and working

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Just fixed it! Thank you so much for letting me know (:

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I got this error when ending chapter 4

I got this one when trying to start a new game with a previous player code

I suspect the second one has something to do with me having restarted using player code like five times. It’s probably not too important but after restarting using player code so many times the new game starts to stop working. I’ve seen this happen in previous versions too.

Also probably not important yet but I still had my house Cato Items with me in the Ludus.

And personal not mostly, Why was the Nerinas taunt so lame? It’s comedically lame actually which I know you’re trying to convey the player being outclassed but after the Cato slave fight insult seemed out of place.

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Hey! Thanks for the feedback :smile:

I’ve fixed the issue in the first one, and as for the second one, its because I capped the denarii values at 999. So going more than five times would make the denarii value more than that and crash the load haha.

Ah yes the inventory management has been a pain for me, I’ll think hard whether I should keep it or just scrap it.

Hmm can I ask which line did you have against Nerinas? And did you mean the line Nerinas had or your retort? But yeah I re-read it and I was struggling to think of a good insult hahaha

Thanks for the reports!! Its really helpful :smile: