Gladiator: Road to the Colosseum (Out Now!)

The save button will show that its faulty, but you can still save if you select “I am brave but not stupid” during the perma death qn.

Also, it auto saves just before Chapter 1. You will see a small green box appear at the bottom of the screen! Thanks for letting me know anw! Hope you have a great play through :smile:

Hmm. I adjusted the chances, but even with highest available intellect for a Gaul, the chances are about 60% that he will buy you, and 40% that he wont. (I will leave you to work out the randomisation algorithm) Also, I think there will be a slight bias against Gauls as they tend to be very strong but less well rounded (vs other races but this is no fault of yours) I will review this to see how fair it is.

As a potential RO or as a character?

I hear you. This is a great suggestion! I was thinking of implementing an administrative task with choices that would affect your relationship with Master Brutus and his family.

To be honest, I am having issues writing dialogue and creating ROs that are not cringey so I’ll like to know what your thoughts are with regard to Boudicea so far. And by extension Gisila, Aurelia and Horatia (which are all relatively underdeveloped but there will def be more of them soon!!!)

Well, it really depends on your choices :wink: Of course, she is the daughter of a very powerful Roman family of old repute… and as of now, you 're just a slave (probably a very good looking one but still… hahaha). So any form of romance will take time and you will definitely encounter a lot of resistance. We’ll see :wink:

So far, what are your thoughts about the various people you have met! Also, do you mind sharing your PlayerCode? :slight_smile:

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Haha awesome! The convertor worked fine I hope?

Thank you for your kind words! Can I ask you about your thoughts about the characters so far? I really want to make each character compelling and interesting (so far most of them are a little under developed) So I’ll love to hear what you think about them! Also, could you share your PlayerCode? Thanks @Phantoms! :slight_smile:

Update: 8/7/17

  1. Fitted endings to all paths in Chapter 3 so there’s no confusion with bugs/end of demo.
  2. Cleaned up House of Brutus path, left with 2 scenes.
  3. House of Cato path is almost done, left with 2 scenes.

I’ll like to discuss each character with you guys and what you hope to achieve with them, be it an RO or a means towards your freedom etc.

Firstly, what’s your relationship with your best friend! Do you see him/her as a partner in crime or a potential RO? Do you understand his/her character or is it not very clear?


Neat! Original from the other WIPs.

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Both, I like characters who delves into intrigue, seduction and politics.

Boudicea is the only connection my character has to his old life, she is cute, supportive and I’m very protective of her. She, for now, is my main target for romance, especially because she returned to be the ginger with curly hair :stuck_out_tongue:.

I don’t trust Gisila, but I took her side because it’s better to have a friend instead of an enemy. I think the truth about her past is not what she said or what the other slave said, but it’s in between.

Aurelia has a lot of potential, her description made me create a lot of how towards her. She is the character I’m most looking forward to meet.

Horatia seems to be the Betty and Aurelia seems to be the Veronica. She seems to be a kind and good person like Boadicea, but she differentiate from Boadicea in her interests. While Boadicea seems more interested in physical activities, Horatia is more interested in intellectual activities, so both characters seems very different in the end.


Thank you for sharing!! It really helps the writing process :slight_smile:

Haha yes Boudicea has been there since the very start hasn’t she hahaha. But romance will mean that you will have to break out of the friendzone and signal your intentions :wink:

Interesting… hmmm I won’t post spoilers but i have plans for Gisila and Taurus. It’ll be a good subplot.

Haha I definitely did not intend for them to be like Betty and Veronica! But now that you say it… hmmmm

Aurelia and Decius (her brother) are definitely very intriguing characters and the power struggle between the two houses will really add fuel to the fire and make for some difficult decisions! Sits back to watch the fireworks

DM’d you some points but I really liked it! Looking forward to seeing more.

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Thank you so much! :smile: Glad you liked it!

Hi guys!

I’m super excited to OFFICIALLY RELEASE CHAPTER 3 for both the House of Cato and House of Brutus paths! It’s been a monster (40k words x.x) so I would love it if you guys can give it a shot and let me know what you think! :smile::smile::smile:

There is a third path, but almost all my playthroughs don’t get to it, so if you encounter it, please let me know and drop me a dm! (This is just me considering whether or not the third path is even worth writing if most people end up in the first two paths)

Looking forward to all the great feedback and responses from you guys! Thank you!!!

P.S. I tweaked the PlayerCode system again (sorry!) so now it’s not one mega long ass chuck of digits! The first gen PlayerCodes (starting with numbers) no longer work. But those holding onto the PlayerCodes (starting with PlayerCode), select the old PlayerCode option to convert your old codes! I figured I’ll be doing this every update cause I need to add new variables each time. So… bear with me ><

P.P.S I’ve put up a poll on the main post! Let me know which character you would most likely want to romance! (This will affect how much effort I put into the romance part muhahahaha)




Stats: Leadership 32
Strength: 56
Charm: 37
Intellect: 27



Keep on getting error with the player code.

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I did not get the house cato or house brutus path

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Can you pursue other RO’s even though your “married” to your best friend, such as Aurelia Cato.


Also find this when i load my player code on my second play

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Ended up here

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My old playercode doesn’t work. It just says
testerquickstartv1 line 365: invalid return; gosub has not yet been called

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Didn’t know anyone was still holding on to the gen1 codes. Thanks for having faith and holding on to the first PlayerCode :slight_smile: I’ve updated the dashingdon to help you convert the code! :slight_smile:

Thanks for the heads up! Stupidly used goto_scene instead of gosub_scene. Fixed! Let me know if it works for you now!

Will reply the rest later! (Did the changes on the train otw to work hahahaha) Thanks for the feedback so far guys!

Let me know how it is so far! Esp on the fight scenes and characters :wink: