Gladiator: Road to the Colosseum (Out Now!)

Sorry this took me so long to fix. (Still can’t believe I got the spelling wrong on it.)


God, that looks so amazing!


Thanks @Fay! :smile:



1 weapons: check

2 some badass scars/tattoos: check

but…where is the most import thing? the blood! the blood is the soul of a gladiator!


Hey everyone,

I’ve been gone for a long time, but its mostly because I’ve been hunched over my laptop in a dark corner of the world trying to fix everything and churn everything out for the COG contest submission! I will update everyone after the submission, but meanwhile, I can’t for the heck of my life get the scripts to pass quicktest (playercode) and randomtest for the strangest reason.

If anyone can take a look at the code and see how it went wrong (it just freezes up and my computer starts to make a very loud angry noise :frowning: ), I would be SUPER GRATEFUL!!! I have spent way too much time on this. Perhaps my brain is just fried from work/sch heh.

I normally don’t do this… but having spent a few days on this, I’ve decided it might just be better to drop the PlayerCode system and skip over the problematic scene if I still can’t figure it out by tomorrow. Thanks everyone!!! MUCH APPRECIATED!

  • sad intern/student living off team lunch leftovers

Randomtest fail:

	#Play it safe and form up with the rest.
		*set elephant_decision 1
		*set beast_score -3
		*set renownrome %-10
		"Form up! Form up!"
		*if left_hand = "standard_shield"
			*goto standard_shield_form_up
		*if shield_stat > 1
			*label standard_shield_form_up
			You interlace your ${left_hand_text} with the gladiator next to you, pointing your ${right_hand_text} forward.
		*if shield_stat = 1
			*if left_hand != "standard_shield"
				Since you don't have a shield, you stand behind the rest, waving your ${right_hand_text} menacingly.
		*goto beast_elephant_javelin
	#Surround the elephant and attack it from all sides!
		*set elephant_decision 2
		*set beast_score -2
		*set renownrome %-10
		*set leadership %-10
		"No! Surround the beast and attack from all sides!" You defy
		*if chap6_cap_dead = 0
		*if chap6_cap_dead = 1
		orders, but standing static would have meant certain death! Much better to make use of our numbers by surrounding the beast! The gladiators seem to understand this logic, sprinting out on both flanks to encircle the elephant!
		*goto beast_elephant_javelin
	#Attack in loose formation!
		*set elephant_decision 3
		*set beast_score +2
		*set renownrome %+15
		*set leadership %+10
		"No! If we stand still we will all be dead! Loose formation! Let the elephant pass!" You scream out, defying
		*if chap6_cap_dead = 0
		*if chap6_cap_dead = 1
		orders. Standing static would have meant certain death! Much better to form up loosely, allowing the beast to pass before attacking it after its momentum is lost. The gladiators seem to understand you, spreading out into a loose formation.
		*goto beast_elephant_javelin

*label beast_elephant_javelin
The elephant storms forward, its very footfalls shaking the ground beneath your feet like a tremor. Its feet pound into the ground, sending dust clouds flying in its wake. "Hold! Steady now!" You wipe your sweaty palms on your armor, feeling a nauseating sense of dread as your heart threatens to explode out of your chest.
The mahouts let loose, a spray of javelins raining down upon your position, take cover!
	#Divert the javelins with your weapon!
		*if intellect >= 50
			*set beast_score +1
			*set renownrome %+5
			*set intellect %+5
			[i]Stat Check: Intellect >= 50[/i]
			Calculating the velocity and trajectory of the incoming projectiles, you swing your ${right_hand_text} at just the right time, catching the javelin mid-air and slicing it into two! It falls harmlessly at your feet, much to the amazement of the Roman crowd.
			You fellow [i]ludus[/i] mates on the other hand, have mixed results. While most of the javelins hit shields or sand, a few find their mark, piercing armor and flesh.
			*goto beast_elephant_decision
		*if intellect < 50
			*set beast_score -1
			*set renownrome %-5
			*set intellect %-5
			[i]Stat Check: Intellect < 50[/i]
			*if armor = "general_armor"
				*goto armor_deflects_javelin
			*if armor = "centurion_armor"
				*goto armor_deflects_javelin
			*if armor = "legionary_armor"
				*goto armor_pierced
			*if armor = "standard_armor"
				*goto armor_pierced
		*goto armor_pierced
	#Cower behind your fellow [i]${family}[/i] mates!
		*if chap4_clique = "barbarian"
			*if renowngaul >= 40
				[i]Stat Check: Gaul Renown >= 40[/i]
				*goto family_shield_block
			*if renowngaul < 40
				[i]Stat Check: Gaul Renown < 40[/i]
				*goto family_shield_no_block
		*if chap4_clique = "civilized"
			*if renowngreece >= 40
				[i]Stat Check: Greece Renown >= 40[/i]
				*goto family_shield_block
			*if renowngreece < 40
				[i]Stat Check: Greece Renown < 40[/i]
				*goto family_shield_no_block
		*if chap4_clique = "foreigner"
			*if renownegypt >= 40
				[i]Stat Check: Egypt Renown >= 40[/i]
				*goto family_shield_block
			*if renownegypt < 40
				[i]Stat Check: Egypt Renown < 40[/i]
				*goto family_shield_no_block
		*goto family_shield_no_block
	*selectable_if (shield_stat > 1) #Raise your shield!
		*if left_hand = "big_steel_shield"
			*goto shield_block
		*if left_hand = "big_iron_shield"
			*goto shield_block
		*if left_hand = "small_steel_shield"
			*goto shield_pierced
		*if left_hand = "small_iron_shield"
			*goto shield_pierced
		*if left_hand = "standard_shield"
			*goto shield_pierced
		*goto shield_pierced

*label armor_deflects_javelin
*set beast_score +1
You swing wildly, but you miss! The javelin hits your chest with force, but your ${armor_text} holds and deflects it! It falls to the ground leaving nothing more than a dent in your armor. Holy shit!
*if range_technique = 0
	Partially dazed, you grab the javelin and hurl it back, but miss by a mile!
*if range_technique = 1
	*set beast_score +2
	*set intellect %+10
	*set renownrome %+10
	Partially dazed, you grab the javelin and hurl it back, hitting a mahout and sending him tumbling to the ground! Good shot!
*goto beast_elephant_decision

*label armor_pierced
*set beast_score -1
*set renownrome %-5
*set strength %-5
You swing wildly, but the javelin spears you in the chest! It punctures your ${armor_text}, spraying a red mist into the air. You cough blood onto the sands, pulling the javelin out. It didn't go too deep, but you're still bleeding profusely. Arghhh!
*goto beast_elephant_decision

*label family_shield_block
"Here! Get behind my shield!" A fellow [i]${family}[/i] mate calls out, as she brings her shield in front of you, moments before a javelin thuds into her shield, sending wood splinters flying. It could have been your face. A second javelin narrowly misses, whistling over your head! A third javelin pierces her exposed high, but she grits her teeth and continues to shield you.
*goto beast_elephant_decision

*label family_shield_no_block
*set beast_score -2
*set renownrome %-5
*set strength %-10
"There's no space!" A fellow [i]${family}[/i] mate calls out, huddling behind her shield. Its true, the shield barely covers her frame, let alone the two of… A javelin whistles past your head!! It sends you ducking behind your [i]${family}[/i] member anyway, but a second javelin slices into your thigh! You grit your teeth and snap the shaft off, but its tip digs deep into your flesh, sending shards of pain shooting through your leg. Damn it!
*goto beast_elephant_decision

*label shield_block
*set beast_score +1
*set renownrome %+5
*set strength %+5
Raising your ${left_hand_text}, you cower behind it, putting your faith its cool metal exterior.
[b]Thud! THUD![/b] Javelins pummel your shield, sending splinters of wood and metal flying. But it holds, turning into a pin cushion. With one swift motion, emerge unharmed and snap the shafts off, tossing them aside.
*goto beast_elephant_decision

*label shield_pierced
*set beast_score -1
*set renownrome %-5
*set strength %-5
Raising your ${left_hand_text}, you cower behind it, putting your faith its cool metal exterior.
[b]Thud! [/b] Your shield catches a javelin, sending splinters of wood and metal flying. But it holds. With one swift motion, emerge unharmed and snap the shaft off, tossing it aside.
Spotting a second javelin hurtling through the air towards you from the corner of your eye, you swing your shield in the way, but alas! It's too small, the javelin stabbing into your exposed thigh! Screaming in pain, blood pours out from your ruined leg, sending shards of pain shooting through you. Damn!
*goto beast_elephant_decision

*label beast_elephant_decision
Still, the elephant storms forward, its powerful legs churning the sands as it spurs forward, like a massive mountain.

Quicktest fail:

Input your Player Code (starting with PlayerCode and ending with character name and a number)
*temp tester_load ""
*temp tester_load_check ""

*input_text tester_load

*if choice_quicktest
	*set tester_load "PlayerCode. 253392. 166868674. 662626256. 3998196. 295266862. 21780600. 6000000000000. 96893280108000.Maximus07"

*if tester_load = "PlayerCode. 253392. 166868674. 662626256. 3998196. 295266862. 21780600. 6000000000000. 96893280108000.Maximus07"
	*achieve imposter

*if length(tester_load) < 110
	*goto player_code_failed

*temp num 0
*label check_tester_load
*set num +1
*if num <= 10
	*set tester_load_check tester_load_check&(tester_load#num)
	*goto check_tester_load

*if tester_load_check = "PlayerCode"
	*temp tester_load_PCremoved ""
	*temp z 11
	*temp y 0
	*label remove_PlayerCode
	*set z +1
	*if z <= length(tester_load)
		*set tester_load_PCremoved tester_load_PCremoved&(tester_load#z)
		*goto remove_PlayerCode
	*temp code_seg ""
	*temp code_seg_zero ""
	*temp reconstructed_code "R"
	*set z 0
	*label first_iter
	*set z +1
	*if (tester_load_PCremoved#z) = "."
		*set code_seg code_seg/12
		*set reconstructed_code reconstructed_code&code_seg
		*set code_seg ""
		*goto second_iter
	*set code_seg&(tester_load_PCremoved#z)
	*goto first_iter

	*label second_iter
	*set z +1
	*if (tester_load_PCremoved#z) = "."
		*set code_seg code_seg/14
		*label second_iter_zero
		*set y +1
		*if y <= length(code_seg)
			*if (code_seg#y) = "1"
				*set code_seg_zero code_seg_zero&"0"
				*goto second_iter_zero
			*if (code_seg#y) = "0"
				*set code_seg_zero -1
				*set code_seg_zero code_seg_zero&"9"
				*goto second_iter_zero
			*set code_seg_zero code_seg_zero&{(code_seg#y)-1}
			*goto second_iter_zero
		*set reconstructed_code reconstructed_code&code_seg_zero
		*set code_seg ""
		*set code_seg_zero ""
		*set y 0
		*goto third_iter
	*set code_seg&(tester_load_PCremoved#z)
	*goto second_iter

	*label third_iter
	*set z +1
	*if (tester_load_PCremoved#z) = "."
		*set code_seg code_seg/16
		*label third_iter_zero
		*set y +1
		*if y <= length(code_seg)
			*if (code_seg#y) = "1"
				*set code_seg_zero code_seg_zero&"0"
				*goto third_iter_zero
			*if (code_seg#y) = "0"
				*set code_seg_zero -1
				*set code_seg_zero code_seg_zero&"9"
				*goto third_iter_zero
			*set code_seg_zero code_seg_zero&{(code_seg#y)-1}
			*goto third_iter_zero
		*set reconstructed_code reconstructed_code&code_seg_zero
		*set code_seg ""
		*set code_seg_zero ""
		*set y 0
		*goto fourth_iter
	*set code_seg&(tester_load_PCremoved#z)
	*goto third_iter

	*label fourth_iter
	*set z +1
	*if (tester_load_PCremoved#z) = "."
		*set code_seg code_seg/18
		*label fourth_iter_zero
		*set y +1
		*if y <= length(code_seg)
			*if (code_seg#y) = "1"
				*set code_seg_zero code_seg_zero&"0"
				*goto fourth_iter_zero
			*if (code_seg#y) = "0"
				*set code_seg_zero -1
				*set code_seg_zero code_seg_zero&"9"
				*goto fourth_iter_zero
			*set code_seg_zero code_seg_zero&{(code_seg#y)-1}
			*goto fourth_iter_zero
		*set reconstructed_code reconstructed_code&code_seg_zero
		*set code_seg ""
		*set code_seg_zero ""
		*set y 0
		*goto fifth_iter
	*set code_seg&(tester_load_PCremoved#z)
	*goto fourth_iter

	*label fifth_iter
	*set z +1
	*if (tester_load_PCremoved#z) = "."
		*set code_seg code_seg/22
		*set reconstructed_code reconstructed_code&code_seg
		*set code_seg ""
		*goto sixth_iter
	*set code_seg&(tester_load_PCremoved#z)
	*goto fifth_iter

	*label sixth_iter
	*set z +1
	*if (tester_load_PCremoved#z) = "."
		*set code_seg code_seg/24
		*set reconstructed_code reconstructed_code&code_seg
		*set code_seg ""
		*goto seventh_iter
	*set code_seg&(tester_load_PCremoved#z)
	*goto sixth_iter

	*label seventh_iter
	*set z +1
	*if (tester_load_PCremoved#z) = "."
		*set code_seg code_seg/6
		*set reconstructed_code reconstructed_code&code_seg
		*set code_seg ""
		*goto eighth_iter
	*set code_seg&(tester_load_PCremoved#z)
	*goto seventh_iter

	*label eighth_iter
	*set z +1
	*if (tester_load_PCremoved#z) = "."
		*set code_seg code_seg/8
		*set reconstructed_code reconstructed_code&code_seg
		*set code_seg ""
		*goto add_name
	*set code_seg&(tester_load_PCremoved#z)
	*goto eighth_iter

	*label add_name
	*temp name_length1 length(tester_load_PCremoved)
	*set name_length1 name_length1 - 1
	*set name_length1 {tester_load_PCremoved#name_length1}

	*temp name_length2 {tester_load_PCremoved#length(tester_load_PCremoved)}

	*temp name_length name_length1
	*set name_length name_length&name_length2

	*label last_iter
	*set z +1
	*if (tester_load_PCremoved#z) = name_length1
		*set z +1
		*if (tester_load_PCremoved#z) = name_length2
			*set reconstructed_code reconstructed_code&name_length
			*goto hashkey
		*set z -1
	*set reconstructed_code reconstructed_code&(tester_load_PCremoved#z)
	*goto last_iter

	*label hashkey
	*set z 1
	*set tester_load_PCremoved ""
	*label whilehash
	*set z +1
	*if z <= length(reconstructed_code)
		*set tester_load_PCremoved tester_load_PCremoved&(reconstructed_code#z)
		*goto whilehash

	*comment start
	*set tester_load tester_load_PCremoved

	*comment race
	*if (tester_load#1) = "1"
		*set race "Gallic"
	*if (tester_load#1) = "2"
		*set race "Greek"
	*if (tester_load#1) = "3"
		*set race "Egyptian"

	*comment background
	*if (tester_load#2) = "1"
		*set background "Noble"
	*if (tester_load#2) = "2"
		*set background "Merchant"
	*if (tester_load#2) = "3"
		*set background "Peasant"

	*comment gender
	*if (tester_load#3) = "1"
		*set gender "Male"
		*set orientation "Straight"
		*set bestfriendheshe "she"
		*set bestfriendhisher "her"
		*set bestfriendhimher "her"
		*set intronemesisheshe "he"
		*set intronemesishisher "his"
		*set intronemesishimher "him"
		*set playerheshe "he"
		*set playerhisher "his"
		*set playerhimher "him"
	*if (tester_load#3) = "2"
		*set gender "Female"
		*set orientation "Straight"
		*set bestfriendheshe "he"
		*set bestfriendhisher "his"
		*set bestfriendhimher "him"
		*set intronemesisheshe "she"
		*set intronemesishisher "her"
		*set intronemesishimher "her"
		*set playerheshe "she"
		*set playerhisher "her"
		*set playerhimher "her"
	*if (tester_load#3) = "3"
		*set gender "Male"
		*set orientation "Gay"
		*set bestfriendheshe "she"
		*set bestfriendhisher "her"
		*set bestfriendhimher "her"
		*set intronemesisheshe "he"
		*set intronemesishisher "his"
		*set intronemesishimher "him"
		*set playerheshe "he"
		*set playerhisher "his"
		*set playerhimher "him"
	*if (tester_load#3) = "4"
		*set gender "Female"
		*set orientation "Gay"
		*set bestfriendheshe "he"
		*set bestfriendhisher "his"
		*set bestfriendhimher "him"
		*set intronemesisheshe "she"
		*set intronemesishisher "her"
		*set intronemesishimher "her"
		*set playerheshe "she"
		*set playerhisher "her"
		*set playerhimher "her"

	*comment age
	*set age (tester_load#4)&(tester_load#5)

	*comment stats
	*set leadership (tester_load#6)&(tester_load#7)
	*set strength (tester_load#8)&(tester_load#9)
	*set charm (tester_load#10)&(tester_load#11)
	*set intellect (tester_load#12)&(tester_load#13)

	*comment renown/language
	*comment 0 for illiterate, 1 for spoken, 2 for spoken and written
	*set renownrome (tester_load#14)&(tester_load#15)
	*if renownrome < 10
		*set renownrome (tester_load#15)
	*set renowngaul (tester_load#16)&(tester_load#17)
	*if renowngaul < 10
		*set renowngaul (tester_load#17)
	*set renowngreece (tester_load#18)&(tester_load#19)
	*if renowngreece < 10
		*set renowngreece (tester_load#19)
	*set renownegypt (tester_load#20)&(tester_load#21)
	*if renownegypt < 10
		*set renownegypt (tester_load#21)

	*set latin (tester_load#22)
	*set greek (tester_load#23)
	*set gaulish (tester_load#24)
	*set egyptian (tester_load#25)

	*comment game mechanics
	*if (tester_load#26) = "1"
		*set realistic true
	*if (tester_load#26) = "0"
		*set realistic false
	*if (tester_load#27) = "1"
		*set permadeath true
	*if (tester_load#27) = "0"
		*set permadeath false

	*comment bestfriend
	*if (tester_load#28) = "1"
		*set bestfriend "Boadicea"
	*if (tester_load#28) = "2"
		*set bestfriend "Dionysia"
	*if (tester_load#28) = "3"
		*set bestfriend "Ebe"
	*if (tester_load#28) = "4"
		*set bestfriend "Vicetorix"
	*if (tester_load#28) = "5"
		*set bestfriend "Agapios"
	*if (tester_load#28) = "6"
		*set bestfriend "Qalhala"

	*comment bestfriend looks
	*if (tester_load#29) = "1"
		*set bestfriendbody "plump"
	*if (tester_load#29) = "2"
		*set bestfriendbody "average"
	*if (tester_load#29) = "3"
		*set bestfriendbody "slim"
	*if (tester_load#29) = "4"
		*set bestfriendbody "muscular"

	*if (tester_load#30) = "1"
		*set bestfriendhair "bald"
	*if (tester_load#30) = "2"
		*set bestfriendhair "short"
	*if (tester_load#30) = "3"
		*set bestfriendhair "curly"
	*if (tester_load#30) = "4"
		*set bestfriendhair "long"

	*if (tester_load#31) = "1"
		*set bestfriendhaircolour "blonde"
	*if (tester_load#31) = "2"
		*set bestfriendhaircolour "black"
	*if (tester_load#31) = "3"
		*set bestfriendhaircolour "red"
	*if (tester_load#31) = "4"
		*set bestfriendhaircolour "ginger"

	*if (tester_load#32) = "1"
		*set bestfriendeyecolour "black"
	*if (tester_load#32) = "2"
		*set bestfriendeyecolour "brown"
	*if (tester_load#32) = "3"
		*set bestfriendeyecolour "blue"
	*if (tester_load#32) = "4"
		*set bestfriendeyecolour "green"

	*if (tester_load#33) = "1"
		*set bestfriendnose "button"
	*if (tester_load#33) = "2"
		*set bestfriendnose "sharp"
	*if (tester_load#33) = "3"
		*set bestfriendnose "large"
	*if (tester_load#33) = "4"
		*set bestfriendnose "crooked"

	*if (tester_load#34) = "1"
		*set bestfriendmouth "thin"
	*if (tester_load#34) = "2"
		*set bestfriendmouth "medium"
	*if (tester_load#34) = "3"
		*set bestfriendmouth "thick"
	*if (tester_load#34) = "4"
		*set bestfriendmouth "slanted"

	*comment intronemesis
	*if (tester_load#35) = "1"
		*set intronemesis "Teutorigos"
	*if (tester_load#35) = "2"
		*set intronemesis "Kraterous"
	*if (tester_load#35) = "3"
		*set intronemesis "Maatkare"
	*if (tester_load#35) = "4"
		*set intronemesis "Judoc"
	*if (tester_load#35) = "5"
		*set intronemesis "Iris"
	*if (tester_load#35) = "6"
		*set intronemesis "Nefertari"

	*comment Slaves R/S
	*set bestfriendrs (tester_load#36)&(tester_load#37)
	*set gisilars (tester_load#38)&(tester_load#39)
	*set taurusrs (tester_load#40)&(tester_load#41)

	*comment Romans R/S
	*comment skip tester_load#42
	*set auluscators (tester_load#43)&(tester_load#44)
	*if auluscators < 10
		*set auluscators (tester_load#44)
	*set deciuscators (tester_load#45)&(tester_load#46)
	*if deciuscators < 10
		*set deciuscators (tester_load#46)
	*set aureliacators (tester_load#47)&(tester_load#48)
	*if aureliacators < 10
		*set aureliacators (tester_load#48)

	*set sextusbrutusrs (tester_load#49)&(tester_load#50)
	*if sextusbrutusrs < 10
		*set sextusbrutusrs (tester_load#50)
	*set titusbrutusrs (tester_load#51)&(tester_load#52)
	*if titusbrutusrs < 10
		*set titusbrutusrs (tester_load#52)
	*set horatiabrutusrs (tester_load#53)&(tester_load#54)
	*if horatiabrutusrs < 10
		*set horatiabrutusrs (tester_load#54)

	*comment events
	*if (tester_load#55) = "1"
		*set chap2_gisilaortaurus "Gisila"
	*if (tester_load#55) = "2"
		*set chap2_gisilaortaurus "Taurus"
	*if (tester_load#55) = "3"
		*set chap2_gisilaortaurus "None"

	*if (tester_load#56) = "1"
		*set chap3_abandonbestfriend "true"
	*if (tester_load#56) = "2"
		*set chap3_abandonbestfriend "false"

	*if (tester_load#57) = "1"
		*set chap3_feelingsbestfriend "love"
	*if (tester_load#57) = "2"
		*set chap3_feelingsbestfriend "friend"
	*if (tester_load#57) = "3"
		*set chap3_feelingsbestfriend "dislike"

	*if (tester_load#58) = "1"
		*set chap3_typeofslave "rich_slave"
	*if (tester_load#58) = "2"
		*set chap3_typeofslave "plantation_slave"
	*if (tester_load#58) = "3"
		*set chap3_typeofslave "mine_slave"

	*if (tester_load#59) = "1"
		*set chap4_clique "barbarian"
	*if (tester_load#59) = "2"
		*set chap4_clique "civilised"
	*if (tester_load#59) = "3"
		*set chap4_clique "foreigner"

	*if (tester_load#60) = "1"
		*set chap5_support "Talis"
	*if (tester_load#60) = "2"
		*set chap5_support "Atesos"
	*if (tester_load#60) = "3"
		*set chap5_support "Nikas"
	*if (tester_load#60) = "4"
		*set chap5_support "Kritos"
	*if (tester_load#60) = "5"
		*set chap5_support "Madyes"
	*if (tester_load#60) = "6"
		*set chap5_support "Imani"

	*if (tester_load#61) = "1"
		*set chap5_lieutenant "Talis"
	*if (tester_load#61) = "2"
		*set chap5_lieutenant "Atesos"
	*if (tester_load#61) = "3"
		*set chap5_lieutenant "Nikas"
	*if (tester_load#61) = "4"
		*set chap5_lieutenant "Kritos"
	*if (tester_load#61) = "5"
		*set chap5_lieutenant "Madyes"
	*if (tester_load#61) = "6"
		*set chap5_lieutenant "Imani"

	*set chap5_result tester_load#62
	*set chap6_cap_dead tester_load#63
	*set chap6_gisilaortaurus_alive tester_load#64

	*temp i 0
	*temp num 65
	*temp load_denarii ""
	*label whiledenarii
	*set i +1
	*if i <= (tester_load#65)
		*set load_denarii load_denarii&(tester_load#(num+i))
		*goto whiledenarii
	*set denarii load_denarii
	*if load_denarii = ""
		*set denarii 0
	*set i -1
	*set num +i
	*set i 0
	*temp load_name ""
	*label whilename
	*set i +1
	*if i <= (name_length)
		*set load_name load_name&(tester_load#(num+i))
		*goto whilename
	*set name load_name
	*page_break Select Chapter
	*goto_scene testerchapterselect

*label player_code_failed
Sorry! Please key in a proper PlayerCode starting with PlayerCode! Thank you (:
	#Playing for the first time
		*goto_scene startup startup_screen
	#I'm a pro (Key in Player Code starting with PlayerCode.)
		*if choice_randomtest
			*goto_scene startup startup_screen
		Input your Player Code (starting with PlayerCode and ending with character name and a number)
		*goto_scene testerquickstartenigma
*goto_scene startup

Also, chapter 6 is 50 000 words, finishing off the book nicely with ~190 000 words, ~225 000 (including code). I’ve decided to submit it for the COG competition (why not right!) and see how it goes! Super excited to see what you guys think about the finished product!

Beyond that, I’d really love to thank my beta testers for all your help so far! I know I haven’t been the most responsive, but I assure you, come 1st Feb, I WILL BE BACK!!! Anddd I will finally get my life (yes I have a real life, contrary to popular belief) back yay.

Alright, thanks for hearing me out. And if anyone knows how to work around pesky quicktests and randomtests, lmk!

Thanks for waiting/following/supporting/validating my bad life decision thus far! Yall are the best :smile:


You have a ‘!’ in front of the ‘=’ here. Would that make a difference? I literally have no idea about coding though, lol.

Great to hear you’ve decided to submit it! Good luck with it and can’t wait to play :smiley:


Yes, it means “different from”.


I’m too excited for the full thing


I’m not sure if this particular error has been reported yet or not, but I thought I’d make it known. Just in case.

1 Like

[Update 31/01/18]

I finally submitted the piece!!! Freaking excited for this, and for everyone to get your hands on it!!!

Special thanks to the people who have supported me since the beginning, the great beta testers @mossheart @Logan3000x @FutbolDude21586 @Kristina_NRE @phantom1321 @TheNobleOne @FaustXIII @Guillaume_Gilbert @CaesarCzech @Rav3nsblad3, y’all are the true MVPs. Sorry I couldn’t reply everyone properly or include all the ideas, I was dying as it was, but a lot of suggestions were amazing, and I am truly grateful for your help, taking time off your life to bother playing this let alone give feedback! Truly amazing people, and I would love to credit all of you in the final piece.


Anddddddd @Jok3rzRvmpvg3_98 @EclecticEccentric @Micheal_Blanco (cause the forum only allows 10 users)

Beyond that, @Carlos.R @Prof_Chaos @Josetrayamar @anon4518890 @AAO@Phoenix_Wolf y’all are tip top commenters, and I really appreciate that! Really kept me going during dark 2am nights and moments when I sat in a corner wondering what I was doing with my life when I had exams/work/friends aka a real life.


Special mention too, for @Seraphinite, I will finally have time to sit down and play The Wayhaven Chronicles properly. Thank you so much for the kind words and comments!

And @Jacic, who made a sick fan art that truly truly truly made my week/month/year! Never have I thought anyone would bother to play my game let alone do something like that so it means so much!!!

Huge huge huge thanks to @ruhenri @Urban @idonotlikeusernames for all the essays, arguments and hugely helpful comments. Thank you so much for following the thread since… I think the beginning? And always being so incredibly helpful all the way through. Truly an honor and joy to make something for you guys.

Last but not least, ALL OF YOU. And everyone who I haven’t mentioned thus far! Everyone who’s been stalking/reading/playing/commenting/giving feedback. Y’all are truly truly amazing and you guys keep this forum running, which is super encouraging for newbies like me.

And with that, just a quick plug if you guys are cool. Add me on Linkedin/ Facebook/ Instagram @ Foong Yi Zhuan or @nauhziy if you are interested in my personal life. I haven’t figured if I would want to create a separate page for the games but it would be really cool to connect! Thanks guys! Would be cool to just chat about life or hang or something HAHAHA

And with that, I’m off to get myself a real life! Thanks guys!!!


No, you are not finished!

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Congratulations!! :smiley: If you think you’re excited, just imagine how excited everyone is to actually play it, hehe!

What an achievement though! Make sure to enjoy and be proud of what you’ve accomplished :slight_smile:


Glad to be of service, looking forward to the final product.


Congratulations for submitting the game. Looking forward to playing the finished version.


@RainValkyrie @Thunder-Man
Thanks for the great catches! The old link here is super outdated, I’ll find some time this week to change it to the new one (without the new chapters of course, that would spoil the fun hahaha) Regardless, thanks for the feedback and I hope you guys enjoyed the demo!!! :smile:

@Seraphinite @idonotlikeusernames @Urban
Thanks guys! Yeah I’m gna ride out the ‘got to the finish line don’t care’ wave of euphoria for now!!! Can’t believe it’s done wow just wow HAHA


Do you need us to test the new chapters?

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