(WIP) Reincarnation: Archdemon - First Update 1/2/25

First Update of 2025!

It’s added words (IDK how much) and an interlude that introduces the first main antagonist. The same person you see at the start. It’s a method I’m doing that showcases what each major character you encounter, or face would look like. Previously, it was the Archdragon and Yi.

The codex is fully done and almost everything mentioned will be in the game.


Yay your back good to hear from you

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Bro the codex is just perfect and for the story I am just out of words​:100::100::100::100::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:

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Why isnt there a save option in reincarnation of adam and eve

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Demo is too short for a save.

Will we meet asmodeus as the MC or play as him again

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Oh well its already so good in the start are you going to make further improvements

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You get to play as asmodeus in reincarnation: adam and eve

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@edward_obasuyi Asmodeus will also be in the main game. As I said, almost everything in the codex will be in the game.

That includes the Archdevils.

As for adam and eve, I work on that in-between episodes.

@Ominking1 Asmodeus is important to Yi and vice versa.

Every RO will have their own character arc.

Asmodeus is a big part of her arc. (Remnants of Era of archdemon)

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Sorry to ask but what is the difference between a archdevil and a archdemon

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There is only 1 archdemon but 3 archdevils for starters.

The archdemon is cosmic in nature whereas archdevils are infernal except for maybe one of them.

Archdevils are more humanlike wheras the archdemon is more demonic.

How old is asmodeus in reincarnation: adam and eve he seems to be VERY ancient

Asmodeus is about as old as most creator gods.

The specifics will be explained in both games.

If you know adam and eve then you know lilith as well. The archdevil Lilith is THAT lilith.

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Wow that is so cool i hope reincarnation adam and eve gets more pages

Ok. The other titles, decided to stomach and look. Not bad. Didn’t look appealing due to its title. Definitely not what I ended up expecting, so far, anyway. Will have to see where it goes/comes from too.

If you mean adam and eve, im rewriting that to just feature asmodeus. After ep2. Change of title, the whole sctick.

Im just an Epic fantasy and hopefully Horror writer now.

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Yep, that was the one I was ignoring until very recent. It screamed to me, DONT READ. But saying is true, don’t judge book by cover, or title in this case. Asmodeus sounds more right to what I read thus far.

I am not that into horror but usually is the ones that MCs fit more with me.

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What happened to era of archdemon

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I don’t know if this picture will show up but there’s an error on the “my parents” choice when the MC is talking to the Archdragon after waking up.


Are all the demon forns blue??