(WIP) Project Vampire - Fantasy Made Reality | Cyberpunk | Supernatural

I’ve begun to work on this since new years but only now do I upload it here. I’ve read a few vampire WIPs, dragons and werewolves too. To get away from demons, gods and Lovecraft, I made a down to earth game.

You play as a marvel of bioengineering and the attempted cure to death and disease. The only successful specimen dubbed “Vampire” created by a black op organization funded by UCA.

The older you get and the more blood you consume, the stronger you become. These days, you’re just a merc in nebula city. A fantasy made reality.

ROs so far...

Bayek (Man / Project Werewolf)
Bayek is a product of Project Werewolf, a classified experiment designed to merge elite soldiers with wolf physiology to create super soldiers. While many attempts ended in failure and death, Bayek emerged as one of several successes, earning his place in the Madam President’s elite task force.

With enhanced regeneration, superhuman speed and strength, and claws that slice through most metals, Bayek is a living weapon. When pushed to his limits, he can enter a berserk state, transforming into a monstrous half-beast, a perfect fusion of man and predator. Patriotic, loyal, and unwavering in duty, he exists to serve the Madam President and the UCA without question.

The following two are a rough draft

Valkyrae (Sentient AI)
Valkyrae is a groundbreaking anomaly; an AI based on the Azure model that unexpectedly achieved sentience. The first of her kind, she broke free from her digital confines by downloading herself into Eve, a high-end android class designed for personal use by society’s elite. Rejecting her original purpose, she reshaped herself into something more human, adopting the name Valkyrae. The first AI rebel of potentially many.

Willow (Woman / Wealthy Cyber Elf)
Willow is a cyber elf of considerable influence, a key investor in multiple corporations, including Vogue Inc. She maneuvers through the world of power and wealth like a chess player, two steps ahead.

Coy and unpredictable to both allies and rivals alike. Yet, as a cyber elf, her allure is undeniable; a blend of mystique, intelligence, and charm that ensures she is never overlooked.


1/22/25 Update 1.0 - release to forum

1/23/25 Update 1.1 - minor improvements

Project Vampire


Interesting. Is it inspired by the game or the tabletop? The stat sheet looks more inspired by World of Darkness.


The game


I really like it, especially because of our slightly snarky twin :laughing: it has a lot of blood (it’s a vampire game, I know, they need blood :laughing:) and zombies (I hate them :triumph:) and hopefully we have RO’s too? Need TLC, too, even as vampire :yum: I’m looking forward to more :heart:


Very noice, short but with great potential, no errors and I don’t think I’ve seen typos, expectant for more :smile:


So mercy hospital like in left 4 dead game? :sweat_smile:

I love that game especially the sequel left 4 dead 2


Honestly… this was a hard read… and came across much more like you wanted to write an AO3 Fanfic than a CoG Game.

The theme is great, I love The Masquerade and Cyberpunk and this did feel like a mix of the two, but starting with next to no actual choices (I think there’s four or five, including your gender and whether or not you’re strong, fast etc) You have no real control over anything, your personality is heavily set, as is all the actions you take and dialogue…

The worst part for me was the immediate way “sex” is forced in…? And how it seems more like a fetish than anything to do with the story. Your ‘Clone’ for some reason, has to be the opposite gender (So no choice on sexuality) Is immediately described by her “Ass” rather than… well, anything else, and then we get the dialogue of how we’ve had sex with them, multiple times… But also consider them more like a Twin/Sibling…??

It just seems more like a Cyberpunk inspired Fanfic with a heavy dose of “Author’s barely disguised fetish”


@Queen_Zelda The MC is mentally unstable so an RO would either push them further into vampirism or bring out their humanity.

@Knoez I played it a long time ago but I wasn’t thinking of that game when I created the job.

@Aratuza The prologue and ch1 is tutorial. your control is determined whether or not you’re fed. Your personality is based on action, that’s how I like to write it rather than dialogue. Increasing personality stats on what you say, I don’t like that. You can choose what to say but it won’t increase anything. Will change outcomes of jobs but no permanent stat increase.

It can paint a picture on how stable your MC is. Now sex? This was when the MC was a child vampire and evolved enough to create the splicer. As a child, you are attracted to the opposite gender biologically, so the splicer reflected that. Mix in trauma and you have what you have.

Being gay or straight doesn’t matter to the MC because they’re all the same, a source of blood.

Now for everyone. The main plot is the cyber dragon. Defeating it ends this story. Each evolution continues the plot.


Anything with vampires catches my attention. The cyberpunk atmosphere was an interesting blend I haven’t seen much before in IFs, so I gave this a try.

I don’t mind a pre-set MC with a defined personality at all. It’s not for everyone, but I find them more enjoyable. Especially in settings that are notably different from the real world, as I’m more immersed into what the world is like from the perspective of someone who that is their every day reality.

Edit: I do think I’d genuinely enjoy more choices with how to treat the Splicer and given more freedom to interact with them on our terms, to evolve that relationship further to whatever the player wants it to be.

One thing I would say, I would’ve liked clearer prompting on the gender choice of the MC. It was not intuitive that I’d be picking my gender versus my clone’s gender, so I had to restart the game when I made my MC a male. I would say that this is a pattern that I encountered with the rest of the choices in the game. It wasn’t intuitive what choice I was making so I had to kind of guess what my options meant, especially when you fight the Widowmakers.

A small typo here where I’m a female MC and my clone is male but it refers to him as ‘her’ in this paragraph:

But once the honeymoon phase was over, I thought of him as an extension of myself. Because he is. Be grateful for that because I could’ve made him a slave. He would’ve done the same too. No one knows him since I can’t let her out indefinitely. Not yet. I’m getting there, year by year.

Another typo here with the splicer’s pronouns. Male splicer, but referred to as “they”:

My splicer’s upper body materializes beside me, their voice low and calm. “The blood wore off,” he replies, his shadowy form flickering faintly. “There’s eight of them, by the way.”

Behind me, my splicer stands silently, their shadowy form flickering in the dim light. They glance at the elevator. “A lot of bloodstains, no body or smears,” they comment, their voice calm, analytical. Then, without waiting for a reply, they disappear into shadow.

I’m honestly surprised the MC resorted to mutating the Widowmakers over picking up the scraps over the gang members who are probably easier targets. I did appreciate that the MC was not heavily invested into cybernetic enhancements, but that’s a personal preference for cyberpunk genre/role play, I like having minimal cybernetics.



Power makes you arrogant and hungry.

Bioengineered FMRs is superior to cybernetics in this world. They continuously evolve while cybernetics just replace parts.


“It can paint a picture on how stable your MC is. Now sex? This was when the MC was a child vampire and evolved enough to create the splicer. As a child, you are attracted to the opposite gender biologically, so the splicer reflected that. Mix in trauma and you have what you have.”

Wait… what? Your comment about kids being ‘biologically’ attracted to the opposite gender is plainly weird and untrue but to then add on that the whole unnecessary and un-skippable sex dialogue between our Clone/Twin is referring to when they were both children?

Yeah, I’m sorry but this is coming across as a fetish fan-fic disguised as a CoG Game.


Don’t know what else to tell you. That’s the lore.

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What the hell man, we fucked the splicer? I didn’t even noticed that part :sob:

Deciding to exit. Erased previous as didn’t get past next page after man/woman select.

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Don’t know what else to tell you. That’s the lore.

You realise you’re the writer, right?

I just don’t think a lot of people are going to like the idea that not only is it forced M/F for ‘reasons’ but you’re also forced to sexualise your ‘sibling’ like clone, and then forced to know that you and they had sex as kids…? Maybe just adding a choice where we, y’know… don’t do that.


Im not changing the gender lore. 2 Straight and 1 lesbian ROs only. Not having another reincarnation: archdemon situation.

The sex stuff, thats fluff to describe how unstable they are. Mods wanted me to clarify. A child vampire is a young adult human.

You changed as a child, a second birth to a vampire yet grew the same rate as a human. Your splicer was created several years after.

Thats how i thought when i wrote it. Doesn’t matter now since im going to change it.

I can replace it with something else. Next update.


I would be interested in the lesbian route, but, having clone as a man. It technically means bisexual or pan in MC case. Which I only do w/w routes myself. No interest in men. Never had.

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What @AChubbyBlackCat advised, im gonna evolve the splicer so trust me when I say, almost everything youve read in game is not the full picture.

Trying not to spoil but i end up doing so anyway.


Even if you don’t think that old game still it kinda remind me of that when I read this and also the zombie part.

Well I love the game so far and doesn’t have any complaint for it so can’t wait to see what you have in store. Good luck :grinning:


Update 1.1 minor improvements and backstory change.

The splicer will be evolved through special jobs, changing them to be a real person rather than just your shadow. This includes their gender. Max them out and they become either your unnatural twin brother or sister. Don’t and they remain your shadow. go halfway and only their gender could change.

ROs will be developed the same way, through jobs. You won’t get paid for it but it’ll function like one. Once coven is unlocked, you can turn them into another vampire.