(WIP) Path of Martial Arts: The Beginning (Dark, Eastern Fantasy | 653k words)

I mean I doubt Tiger would have an honor code against killing women. It doesn’t really seem in character to have that there.

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I was actually debating on subbing to Patreon and Boosty. I really like this series. Is there a lot more demo content…?

Well boosty is better for Niki there is side stories you can vote a 15k-20k advance update usually and you can ask characters questions.


Idm supporting both- but I’ll definitely keep that in mind. This story has me hooked! I recently got a text to speech app that reads the text to me using a vocal speaker, and hearing the names pronounced correctly is kinda dope.

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Yes, it’s one of the two ways you can have it work – either Yes, it's possible or I'll make it possible. But note, either of these options is basically telling Ai what she wants to hear. If you as much as display doubt or tell her you don’t believe such change can happen then she’s done with you; the incurred penalty to her opinion will block further contact.

I also want to clarify, i don’t dislike Ai as a character. Her character isn’t a very likable person but i can appreciate character like that. She’s just simply someone who doesn’t work as a RO for the MC i’ve picked, and mostly due to her own decisions/convictions she follows.


The solution clearly isn’t to hate on Long Chen, but to make his gender the opposite of whatever gender Mei Mei is (Mei Mei herself being selectable) Since he isn’t a RO himself, it’ll all work out :V


Funny on the discord there is a Male Mei fanart

is there… male caihong art…

Ugh…someone… commissioned a Femboy Caihong

ugh god dang it. i need my macho male caihong art itch satisfied. but idk why, but this situation reminds me of the kashimo femboy art lolll

:rofl::rofl:yea that one well the discord is kinda fun and there is a lot of lore there

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I find it interesting that the two most popular ROs (Tigress and Caihong) basically occupy the same niche

Well most Caimancer were Tigressmancer


I suspect in terms of RO there might be quite a difference waiting in the wings. Dragons tend to be very possessive (something Caihong displays already) and Tigress with her friends with benefits approach seems to be anything but.


you are right but as every time the tigress defends our honor it is in a violent and aggressive way I wouldn’t be surprised if as the relationship develops she becomes more possessive

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Whoa seriously i never got that encounter nor do i ever piss her off but i may just have to try it now.

Triple A RPG
Baldur’s Gate 3 and Mass Effect 2.

Both characters are popular but notorious for having characters arcs mostly behind dating them

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Have we ever needed Tigress to defend us? Almost every time we’ve seen her she’s lost fights (twice in the arena and in the expedition). Before Caihong and Fem Ruo only Tigress hit the niche of strong female RO, but she’s not that close to our level, that relevant to the plot (yet?), and not everyone is into one night stands then being warned to not have feelings.

Her niche was good but similar to Mei Mei (I love a girl who can kill me) but there’s some unavoidable things that weaken the relationship with her. In Mei Mei’s case I don’t think you stand a chance with her unless you’re evil or just a tool right now.


day 888888 of askin for male caihong. pls, just a crumb for fem players

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Honestly not feeling it. Perhaps I’ll cave and just add another male RO, not sure yet.