(WIP) Path of Martial Arts: The Beginning (Dark, Eastern Fantasy | 653k words)

I punched his head off and I’m still his friend smh.

my toxic trait is wishig i could romance tf outta long chen. its not incest. we’re two different people we just happen to have similar spiritual origins… hashtag self love… also day 500 of begging for dragon characters to be selectable- and to keep tigress as a fem locked oc…

i think we have…
ai- gender locked
guo- gender locked
mei- gender locked
tang- gender selectable
caihong- gender locked
tigress- gender selectable in the future maybe

so for fem players thats only 3 gender options meanwhile masc players get 5 - which doesnt really seem to fair.

hence why i propose to supreme author nicki that you keep tigress gender locked and make caihong gender selectable- for one i feel like they both fill the same niche anyway in different aspects. and for two i feel like theres definitely angst to be had there if you romance both caihong and tang ruo- which might open up opportunity for flavor text and love triangles. but thats just my thought. the idea also works out for masc players as well. you have femruo and you can romance fem caihong and still end up in a situation where you’re caught between two forces of nature. poma form goers… please support my cause… my petition… for ruo-caihong competition angst route. now im not saying a polygamy route because ruo’s character wouldnt go for it but like i really do see good writer potential for that kinda edward, bella, jacob dynamic and i feel like caihong and ruo would hate each other even without mc interference


Considering Jing Guo shamelessly rips you off not paying you the cut from two years worth of profits he’s accumulated while you’re in the coma, Long Chen can step on him all he wants. /s


While I do agree with your starting point, isn’t your stated solution not doing anything to change that?

I mean, I too would probably enjoy a Caihong romance for my MC more (while I love Tigress, I’m not sure her archetype would work quite as well as a male character), but at the end of the day, it’s still three options for female MC and five for male.

word. i feel like i was one of the few people who didnt really care about jing guo. likeeeeeeeeeeeeeee i didnt care much at all actually. long chen is cooler plus jing guo literally tries to scam us even after we let him get a room- the first day we meet him.

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Considering that 80 percent of players play as male MCs, it makes sense that the majority of ROs are female


sure, which is why i only advocated for one more gender change. caihong. romantically and even character wise caihong and tigress fulfill the same niche but caihong seems more popular and seems to have a potential connection to another ro. it makes more sense to let caihong be the gender selectable one instead of tigress. i get the playbase has more men but it’d also be kinda cool if female players still had somewhat cohesive options, i think


I can’t help but think this sort of logic is kind of a self-fulfilling prophesy, though. More people play male MCs, which means authors put more efforts into male-specific options, which means more people play male MCs…


cuz i think nicki was already considering making tigress gender selectable which is why my post focuses more on changing caihong and leaving tigress as is, balancing out the ro number either way

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That’s true but it’s worth noting the 80/20 gender split was already in place when all ROs were available for everyone, regardless of gender.

And honestly, between Ruo and Xiwen i find the male ROs more interesting selection than female ones, even if on the surface more numerically limited – Mei Mei appeals to very specific tastes, Tigress is similarly very one-note and Ai is very… bland, to put it politely (and also very easy to lock yourself out of) It’s a small wonder Caihong has swept the stakes the way she did from the moment she’s appeared.

edit: i want to stress i don’t consider any of the ROs to be bad characters. All of them have their appeal and the interactions with them are for the most part entertaining, and they’re “their own persons” with well defined character, motives etc. It’s just the appeal of some of them can be more niche than others.


I guess everyone will have its own take. I usually mostly romanced Mei Mei or Tigress before the change, so I kind of lost my two go-to options. Tang Ruo is a solid choice, but I’m not too sure about Xiwen yet. And Guo kind of just dies anyway.

I mean, I’m sure you can save him if you just roll over for Long Chen, but fuck that noise!


Had to get my keyboard out, because it’s 1:36 AM and I’m typing on my side lol. But yes, either way by original point was contigent on the idea that Nicki still wanted to/was considering making Tigress a gender selectable character. Since the new rule has been inacted for Nicki’s safety, due to his come country’s policies, fem and masc characters share Ruo as an RO. The reason I thought it made more sense, if Nicki still wanted another gender selectable OC, to let Caihong be that second pick is because of the reasons I stated before. For one, Caihong and Ruo are for certain going to intersect at some point. It’s sort of implied within the story. I feel like it’d be cool as an experience to have the option to be a stone in that river of narrative. I made sure to include the fact that, should my suggestion be considered, and a love-triangle/rivary-esque romance be a written, I think the avenues that could be explored narratively would really appeal to the player base. Of course, by nature of both the RO’s MC would have to pick one or the other, but that subtle game of tug of war between two forces of nature is so appealing. Its a niche that appeals to a lot of people. I agree with you that the male ROs are definitely more interesting and I may have mistyped some of my intentions here but I think having this be a plotline and letting Caihong and Ruo be gender selectable (as a story function) would benefit the playerbase as a whole. And even equally, if I might add.

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#ProudGuoHater here. I know one of the big contentions with making Caihong a f/m selectable OC was that some of her behavior reads incredibly creepy from a male character… but I have to add that if Tigress is made f/m selectable (she/her literally tries to kiss you in the training session sort of without your consent and you have to pick whether or not you want to go through with it as an after thought). I don’t personally think that’s weird or bad as the character is animalistic, my point is that the story revolves around mature themes anyway and I’m sure everyone here has the reading comprehsion to see that Nicki isn’t writing assaultfanfic- and that the character’s romantic expressions are an extension of their background and personality. And I personally think Nicki’s done an amazing job at keeping that line consistent.


So her behavior would only be creepy if he was a male… bruh…


That’s not what I said, I said that was what Nicki said he felt her behavior would come off as, had he pursued changing her gender.

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Here ^

Truth is, I don’t even hate him. He’s… there. I guess he likes money and don’t like danger (making it ironic that he’s the most likely to die).

Someone above called Ai bland, but I’d argue she has clear motivations, an in-progress character-arc, and an inner conflict that’s actually pretty interesting. I feel like that’s far more than what Guo can claim.


idk if guo has a lot of romancers. but try his route next playthrough ig

Eh, I don’t know. I’m all for characters having hidden depths, but if you have to enter a romance just so he can start getting interesting, no thanks.

Also, if it involves just giving up when confronting Long Chen, that’s a huge deal-breaker as far as I’m concerned.


too valid. as much as i like long chen cuz i love the bravado types, i want to beat him up so bad