the primordial truth is that the tigress is the best (sorry Caihong, but this is the truth)
Which is the latest version is it 0.12?
kill the demon queen’s son and brag about it or be an evil person
Minus when Long Chen is threatening shopkeeps.
I think she knows she couldn’t stop Long Chen (she couldn’t even stop us)
You actually don’t need to brag about it, just killing him will do.
There’s also that still weird part where even if you kill him before learning he’s the Demon Queen’s son, you’ll still know afterward who he was (though you can’t brag about it).
The other primordial truth is that Tigress will be bald.
Tigress bald…nooooo now I can’t stop my mind imagining it😂
To be fair, the dragon also doesn’t have hair in her true form.
I’m trying to be the monkey god disciple but when I choose the monkey gods memories I end up dead can someone tell me how to stop myself from dying in the demo.
finally an ally
throw the bomb mei gave you
Be bad, get 70 demon
A propos of nothing, there’s this interesting tidbit in the book on demons and breakouts you can read in the library:
There are, however, benefits to the Devil State. When transformed, the Martial Artists gains an extreme burst of strength and speed. They become untiring and nigh-unkillable, their amount of Inner Energy increasing multiple fold. They also lose their reason, left with one, simple goal: destroy. Destroy everything, kill everything.
But where there is will, there is a way. In the past thousands of years, multiple techniques have been developed to both keep the benefits of the transformation and, at least, a semblance of the sound mind. My Yang Clan has been at the front of this research and, while the results are nowhere perfect and are wrought with dangers, the success we achieved cannot be understated.
I wonder if this what’s behind Yang Bohai’s power, and the way he changes when he turns his battle mode on, harnessing the devil transformation.
I was wondering why niki has like 3 young rivals but then I remember you can have different relationship with Long Chen and Ruo so I was curious:
Who is Long Chen to your PC?
- Friend.
- Foe.
- Indifferent
But she gaslights, gatekeeps, girlbosses him
Anyway Long Chen is kind of on the low end of allies after killing my piggy bank.
Tigress won’t be bald unfortunately.