Well I don’t want to spoil but Ma Rin is eeeeeeeh
You should check out that choice,it will give insight into her character.
And of course Caihong is best
Yeah, it is quite interesting one, but i don’t let anyone touch my moneymaker, not even for demon sugar mommy. (also, it’d mean having to take Yang Bohai as your master, unless you want your clan end in ruin)
I usually save him by using the favor, then I beat up Long Chen.
Based as hell
If you guys have ‘protected saves’ that were broken before (game restarted), you can try to upload them now. They should probably work (at least I managed to upload a few broken saves). Though keep in mind you’ll have to set variable limit_X (str, agi, con etc) to 500 or you’ll get an error when opening stat page/raising attributes (this will only happen with these saves, not in the future lol).
Yup, seems to work. I’ve tried with a save which would generate the usual “restart chapter” after the recent updates, and it went without a hitch this time. Same for older saves, although these will require touch up of the attributes like you say.
I’ve spoken too soon. Loading a save even with proper stat values generates error after opening attributes and then returning to game:
Then my sanity has not been wasted in vain
I saw the bugs you pointed out, will get to them in a day or two
Sorry but i’ve had to add an update with bad news ._.
Can you pm me your save?
Actually, try loading your save, then click ‘Return’ option (do not open the statpage right away)
Ohh yeah, that worked, fortunately. So, crisis averted after all.
I’ll add a big ‘DO NOT OPEN STATPAGE RIGHT AWAY’ disclaimer when I do bugfixes lmao. I thought it was all for naught =(
she didn’t want to kill you she wanted your heart blood.Ai is just fool who wants to save people who don’t give fuck about her.mei mei knows how world works.she work for herself not people who don’t give damn about her.that’s reason i like her.if she become mc’s ally(specially marriage alliance) with same goals they can become dangerous duo.
It’s worth nothing though, that in the older build of the game, with repeatable quests, there was something like 1% chance for Mei Mei to ambush the MC in the forest and kill them with her vines. She will also kill you if you piss her off during the meeting at the waterfall.
mc can’t catch a break everyone out here killing them or kicking their ass lol
Unapologetic force of good.
That’s my Queen right there.
Hmm looks there’s a different problem with this new update. Saving the game using the regular “Save” button, then hitting “Load” to try to restore that save produces error:
Fixed, I think?
Yup, looks like it is working again~