(WIP) Of Love and Honor - Gay Romantasy (Update: 20K Words Down!)

If your favorite parts of shonen anime are A: the gay fan fics and B: the tournament arcs, then this is right up your alley. I’m usually quite private with my writing process, but I wanted to let folks get at least a little peek under the hood with this game, and hopefully whet your proverbial whistles. Plus, I’m just pretty excited about this game and want a place to gush.

I’ll be keeping anything major under wraps for now, and I’m not certain how much of the actual game I’ll be sharing ahead of beta/release, but fair warning: if you want to go in completely blind and unspoiled to everything, then this is not the thread for you. Otherwise, stop in and sit for a spell.


Once every thirteen years, the major political players of Hexian gather their best representatives and enter them into a tournament. It’s meant to stave off war, to show their opponents and their allies alike what their young warriors have to bring to the table, either to instill fear or prove their strength. As the fifth son of a margrave, not much is expected of you, but the Sendrin Empire is resource rich and only has so many warriors of note under thirty. You know that you’re likely to make little impact, and no one else around you disagrees.

But these meetings of the world are not only for the fighting. Valuable social connections can be made or broken. On top of the competition, the chance to elevate you and your family’s station is being dangled in front of you—if you serve the empire well, you may be able to gain the empress’s favor, and the wealth, standing, and lands that come with it. It would be the first time your family has done anything of note in a generation.

You’re accompanied by a cadre of other fighters from the empire, all thirty and under…including your ex, who has much higher expectations resting on his shoulders. At the tournament, you meet combatants from all across Hexian, and with that many young, fit individuals, sparks fly, and some of them even catch. There’s a young outcast representing the dragons of the south, who has taken human form to fight. A sullen figure whose name no one seems to know, but who everyone seems afraid to fight. A man with a jovial laugh and the backing of the devastatingly powerful Arvin family, the Sendrin Empire’s closest neighbors. A recalcitrant nobleman who is the favorite to win it all. This is a tournament for honor, and a chance to make connections before everyone flings back to their homelands.

Romance Options

Chier: One of the last members of his clan. He fights for the Queen of Eagles, and no one quite seems to know his story. Chier also doesn’t seem keen on sharing the details of his past, but there are phantoms of a dark past in his eyes.

Errgaul: A wandering green dragon, called under the banner of Disheth, King of Dragons. As with the others in his faction, he fights in human form for the tournament, but the power of his lineage still burns within. For his part, Errgaul sees the tournament as a means to an end, a way to build his meager hoard into something worthy of a proper dragon.

Hainn: A noble warrior, and the nephew of Noaral, the ruler of Oxiil. He has an air of power and danger about him, as well as a constant cloud of hangers on. All eyes are on him to come out victorious, yet even the pressure of all those gazes can’t crack through his stoic facade.

Kidran: Your former lover, and the son of Empress Aylen, he bears the weight of the Sendrin Empire on his shoulders. Expectations are high that he will make a lasting impression. Especially now, after a year of training and dropping you to put his full focus on preparations for the tournament.

Tlekk: A mercenary from Lisenthel, the closest neighbor to the Sendrin Empire. He’s scarred and battered, but greets every interaction with a smile - whether he’s interacting with friend or foe. Tlekk seems to have endless confidence, and no regard for what anyone else at the tournament thinks of him. He’s already been paid, after all.


Is this fixed gender?
Yes. While I would never 100% rule out stepping outside of the realm of male/male romance, that is my bread and butter, and this game is no different. You play as a man, romancing other men.

Is this going to be spicy/explicit/steamy/etc?
Yes. While you’ll always have the option to be chaste, you’ll also have the option to be quite not chaste as well.

Did you say a dragon? How does that work?
Yes. As stated, the dragon fighters in the tournament take on human form during the fight, and for anatomical reasons, any explicit scenes will be mostly human as well (I make no guarantees that a wing or two won’t pop up in the throes of passion.).


You can support me HERE if you like. I’m just dipping my toes into the world of Patreon, so if you’re okay with watching my growing pains, I’m happy to welcome you.


I have no experience with shonen anime, but I’m definitely a fan of your work, so I’ll be looking forward to this. Thanks for giving us a glimpse!


Ah, yeah, I grew up at just the right time when they were importing English dubs to play on TV, so stuff like YuYu Hakusho and Ronin Warriors and Digimon were baked into my media landscape. Then Bleach and Naruto got big when I was a teenager. So shonen action shows are a major part of my creative DNA. I’m just fully throwing myself in with this one.

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Wait, does Death Note count as shonen? I loved Death Note. No tournament arcs (a Death Note tournament probably wouldn’t be very interesting for the spectators), but I’d be absolutely shocked if there weren’t whole terabytes of cyberspace devoted to Light/L slashfic.

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It would be, it’s just not shonen action. My mistake in the first post for not being a little more clear what I was referring to. Shonen refers to the age group it’s targeted at, 12-18, which Death Note definitely meets.

I may or may not have written some of those terabytes of Light/L slashfic back in the day, but I plead the fifth.

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I am so excited to see how this develops! Shonen anime have always been an absolute favourite of mine, so being able to play in one is very exciting :heart_eyes: Could I askif there is any paticular one you are basing it of off, so i can get a general idea of it?

It’s not based on any, just heavily inspired by the ubiquitous tournament arc. Back when I was a teenager, I used to write whole tournaments full of my own characters, just because I love the setup so much. And having a selection of guys to romance in-between matches makes it all the better, IMO.


Wow, I love the idea of combining a tournament arc with romance. Will the game include character backstories that influence the matches or romantic options?

This sounds really fun! I’d love to know, what’s it been like moving from real-world fantasy to second-world fantasy for your games?


There’s certainly a lot of things in the background. A big part is, of course, the sociopolitics of the different factions participating. Plus, all the drama of being there with your ex. Everyone’s going to have their own motivations pushing them different directions.

Longer. Significantly longer lol. But I’ve had some experience in novels writing secondary worlds, so it’s not totally foreign.


The mix of politics and personal drama makes the story exciting. I can imagine how intense the matches will be with everyone having different goals.

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The rough draft of the first chapter has been finished!


And just like that, the first chapter has gotten the greenlight, so I’ll be reviewing the outline and getting started on Chapter 2 today! More details, dog pictures, and other thoughts available on my Patreon.


Brilliant, so glad to hear it’s going well!

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