[WiP] Not Your Mother's Shire (c11: The Once and Future Kink)

100% prose edit on Ch7b: Chalice in Plunderland posted on dashingdon. :100:

Here, now, come the RO art polls.

Zale Asmar, Dragonfall Human Sorceror

Vera/Vero Haupin, Dragonfall Dwarf Monk

Octa/Octo Dhensen, Dragonsworn Human Warrior

Saz Lejamb, Dragonsworn Half-Orc Ranger

Llorick/Llvette al-Ghantra, Unalligned Elf Wizard

Trudy/Rudi Fernasa, Unalligend Halfling Adventurer

Based solely on art, who is your favorite MALE romantic option?
  • Zale.
  • Vero.
  • Octo.
  • Saz.
  • Llorick.
  • Rudi.

0 voters

Based solely on art, who is your favorite FEMALE romantic option?
  • Zale.
  • Vera.
  • Octa.
  • Saz.
  • Llvette.
  • Trudy.

0 voters

Which art do you like better, the dragons or the romantic options?
  • Dragons.
  • Romantic Options.

0 voters

Please feel free to explain your decisions in the comments. I will also be posting this in its own thread to hear from people who haven’t read. Cheers!

EDIT: Added RO art to thread source for easy access.
EDIT 2: This poll is repeated in the Game Development section, here. Don’t be afraid to vote there too, to stimulate participation. The data will help my project. Thanks!