(WIP) Just Kiss Me Updated: 05/14/2024 (103k words)

I wasn’t accusing you, it’s just rare to see my particular circumstances replicated so directly. Really enjoyed the WIP, your antics are a lot funnier than my experience of feuding with the tennis team and avoiding the priests attempts to convert me ever were. Looking forward to more.

See I like taking things slowly and I enjoy the slice of life stuff I’m also the type to enjoy taking it slow that way when it gets crazy at least to me it feels more earned and more natural but that’s me I do get the people who don’t like that and hey it’s your story you do you.

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I think that sounds good. I usually like to get to know ROs before I flirt with any of them (not sure if this game will be the type where there can be consequences or jealousy if you flirt with everyone). I also want to get to know Darcy, since I feel like a lot of her dialogue if her explaining or telling us objectives (witchy ROs are also among my favorite ROs lol).


I heard someone say blackmail.

Also eww a redheads body

I am attracted to girls, so it’s not weird for me.

I mean I am kissing myself so it is still weird.


The name of this character does not show in the demo, what shows instead is ‘unknown’ Sawyer.

I agree with this, but even if you want crazy fast paced I think we could still use a bit more investment in our mc’s than what is currently offered and waiting for the right flashback may be too little too late and distract from other issues, like living it up large in a rich jerk’s perfectly sculpted body. :wink:

Maybe a month of slice of life is not what the author here wants but at least give us a couple of days in the body of our mc at the new school and maybe one flashback to what life was like at their old school on the West Coast? :thinking:


I really enjoyed what you’ve put up so far. I really enjoyed connecting with A for the most part. They are cute with that tsundere vibe they give off. My MC was the teasing type by the way…

Pronoun changes/inconsistencies

How you are writing Audrey is great :joy:

Kinda feel like bring roped in for 5k isnt enough, should change it to 10-20k

oh my gosh, I love this story so much, it’s adorable, funny, cute and so amusing xD Alistair is such a tsundere xD and I like Darcy (funny enough xD) and the RO’s are all so lovely :3 there are a few pronunciation errors but except for that I love it :smiley:
I’m looking forward to the next update :smiley:

School setting? Check.

Magic stuffs? Check.

Lovable NPCs/ROs? Check.

Yep, totally my type of game. So looking forward for the next update. :grin:

I did catch one pronoun switching bug tho. But other than that and the Unknown Sawyer thing at the start, I didn’t catch any other bugs.


My mc has no problem with cheating per se…he goes to a school for rich kids most of their families fortunes have blood on them because you don’t tend to become super rich in the first place by being super nice and certainly not by being unwilling to bend the rules on occasion.

It is a pity we don’t get to enjoy more of the potential fun stuff of being “Ally”, yes my mc will nickname him “Ally” both because they are allies of sorts now but pronounced as “Allie”…at least in private. Anyway, where was I? Oh yeah, it would be nice if we got to do some more fun stuff while bodyswapped like drive Ally’s undoubtedly sweet car or motorcycle for a bit, stuff like that.

$5000 while not nothing is also not much of a life changing amount when it comes to the mc’s goals though since $5000 doesn’t even pay tuition for a decent community college, let alone an Ivy these days.

What it can maybe get my mc is a cheap second-hand car but since we only get the money after the end of the school year it will be of little use by then.

It would if they would cheat in person but in this case “Allie” just got good at physics, for all they know he hired some some NASA and Ivy League eggheads as tutors over the summer, as we get told his family sure has the resources for that.
My mc wouldn’t normally cheat for so little money…but there are no rules yet when it comes to magic and body swapping, therefore it cannot be illegal until it is made so through the legislative process…but to even get started on that magic would need to be accepted as real by society first.
Put short, even if discovered what the mc did is a legal gray area and since they cannot really prove who inhabits which body at what time beyond any reasonable legal doubt what mc does may be morally qualified as “cheating” but it is not illegal.

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It makes even less sense that they’d be “willing” to cheat for so little if they’re on an academic scholarship. That WILL get you kicked out, it will ruin your academic reputation and it will affect every other opportunity (or outright remove them) for the rest of your school career. No one would risk that, particularly not for so little.

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The problem is that the other students know. And will ask. It will never be a “just this once” it will be a “you did it for him, so you can do it for me, too.” And secrets never stay secrets. It will get around that you’re cheating, even if it doesn’t get around how. And the administration will hear, and you don’t have a rich and powerful family to back you up or buy them off. And while you are cheating for someone else, what’s happening to your own grades? In your own classes? During your own tests?


I will say that my mc would want some payment from Allie too, or even better a recommendation letter from his dad or another prominent member of his family for the Ivy of his choice or something.

Darcy and Klaus are the only ones who can really rat the mc and Allie out and even then who would believe them, Garrett may know but he has just as much to lose. Besides the mc cannot cheat for others because, as far as we know, Allie is the only one we can swap bodies with.

Sure they could do something against the mc but as long as we stay allies with Allie any attempt on their part to rat out the mc would see them committed to a mental institution before the world would believe their silly stories about “magic”.

And they have no proof, none, zero. Stories about magic? Please even a poor student like the mc can spin that to sympathetic media as a literal witch hunt by an entitled administration against a poor scholarship student. Outlets like Mother Jones and Rolling Stone would probably run with it especially if the mc record before was nothing but good. Making accusations of magic? What is this the 16th century or the Salem Witch trials 2.0? Even if they can ruin the mc publicity like that would cost the school far more in negative impact.
While everything is infinitely easier with a rich family backing you up it is not as if the mc could do nothing. But it probably won’t come to that since I don’t think the author is keen to take the story in that direction and thus far the people who know stand to lose as much as the mc in particular the Garret thing could lose the school their reputation for match-fixing and cheating in athletic competitions the impact of which would far outweigh the fact that a rich kid suddenly got decent in exact sciences.

Much like in Buffy, when it comes to the supernatural its direct impact and the knowledge thereof will likely be limited to the Scooby gang and the others who are directly involved with the supernatural. Most adults and kids who are not will probably remain clueless. If it worked with some suspension of disbelief for Buffy it can certainly work here particularly since the magic here has thus far been far less impactful than in Buffy what the hellmouth threatening to break open about once a week.


You have too much faith in people.


She might like you if you were 10% hotter and 100% cooler

God I love this description of your relationship with Audrey.

Honestly I thought I would go first with Darcy instead. But besides the fact that she is not romancable, her personality not being my type, and just sharing the name of that Asshole Darcy from Professor of Magical Studies. She seems way too likely to be the bad guy.

Also thank God Audrey is not a Taiga or Louise Tsundere but someone who is actually more nicer. Kinda like a less bitchy Pacifica Northwest.

All in all. I have high hopes for this.


“I… What? Just because I’m poor they came up with this sad excuse of an accusation, swapping bodies, and they even have the gall to suddenly start kissing each other and acting crazy right in front of me. Like what kind of college is this!? I came here thinking I’d be judged on my merits yet they insist on judging me by my background!”

Anyway totally need to get rid of the arch at someplace point. It’s just going to cause problems. It’s evidence at least and while I don’t suspect legal issue to easily come up more people discovering it is a worry in of itself.

Funnily enough 5000 would’ve covered a semester at the college I went to. However still disappointed in the amount especially since it’s at the end of the year.

Which is why stealing Audrey’s money is really high on the to do list. Or stealing money as Audrey either is fair.


@AnneWest @idonotlikeusernames I’m so surprised that you guys consider $5000 to be a low amount :joy: I went to school in the states, so I know how expensive it can be. But, I would have loved $5,000 to help me out! I can up the ante to $10,000 for it to be more worthwhile, but also, considering Darcy is a high school student herself, I didn’t want to overshoot with some absurdly high amount. I had barely any money in high school haha. But if $10,000 would be more realistic, I don’t mind doing that at all!

I will say, I would consider swapping bodies a pretty air-tight alibi for cheating, which is the only reason the MC even considers (if they are against cheating) the offer. If the secret were to be spread, who would believe it? Maybe other students, but I doubt the grumpy, old, hoity-toity men who work in administration would buy it for a second. At the very least, it would be very difficult to prove with any tangible evidence. Darcy won’t rat MC out, this is her plan after all, and K is the only other student how knows that MC is even doing this for A. And they’re way too nice to do something like that.

I am thinking of changing the first day to give MC time to consider the offer, which may make it seem less spur of the moment!

Also, as revealed in the story, A’s physics class takes place during the MC’s spare block. So, there isn’t any overlap between their classes. MC wouldn’t have to worry about A taking a test in their place, notes, etc.

That’s just how I feel about it, at least. I enjoyed reading your opinions! It’s good to see people are passionate about cheating. Cheating was quite the phenomenon during COVID due to online exams, I’m sure others can relate.


It may need to come to that we’ll see…my mc at least thinks “Allie” is a cute jerk and making him into an official boyfriend and a generous one at that solves most of those issues too. Not that my mc won’t consider it as a backup plan.

Agreed, particularly since we need it to swap back, cute though he may be my mc does not want to risk getting stuck as Allie forever. Would be swell if we could discover how to do magic without the arch though.

Anything is better than nothing, but as Stalker says mc only gets this at the end of the year and they are a senior so this is not exactly going to help them very much. A year at an Ivy costs around $100000 dollars, give or take, times four to complete a full degree. $5000 or even $10000 falls way short of paying for that ridiculously expensive tuition.
The amount also seems lower than it is due to the fact that the mc goes to a place where all their classmates are millionaires with big trust funds, unless Darcy is one of the the other few scholarship students $10000 seems like it would, at worst, be a monthly allowance for them, even if it is a big deal for the mc under normal circumstances.


@LaReveuse @Aoyama_Blue_Mountain
Thank you for the examples of the pronoun inconsistencies!

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