(WIP) In the Future You Are My Best Friend | medieval-romance

Can’t waittttt :))))))


@Guerra It’s a duology, so there will be two books.

Don’t worry, I’ll go straight into working on Book 2 after this.


Remember to rest and make sure you are healthy please


Yeah baby!!!

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thank you!

So dashingdon is down. I wanted to upload the game on cogdemos but I need to make some small changes first. It will be up on cogdemos in a few days.

As for the game’s progress, I’m on the last chapter. It’s getting a bit harder to complete because I’ve gone and done something extremely complicated.

As for other news, Zomrizen is getting an update. That’s my other game.


Apologies everyone. I have a whole lot of personal life stuff going on. Zomrizen’s update will come either tomorrow or the day after.

In the future is still in the works. The thing is the code is so messy because I was inexperienced at the time, I’m trying to tidy it up.

In the meantime, I’ll just say that I think you’ll fall hard in love with Zomrizen. Really.


I could not get things done. I have to get on a flight now, but updates will come tomorrow.


All right. Phew. Got tons of stuff done. In The Future is now up to chapter 5 in terms of the re-coding. That took way too much time…

Managed to do more Zomrizen too. I think I can release it tomorrow.

The reason it’s taken so long is because I want to set it up so I can update Zomrizen consistently. Unlike In The Future which is taking forever, I want Zomrizen to be something people can frequently come back to and find new content.

That meant figuring out the whole story beforehand just like I did with In The Future.

Anyways, see you tomorrow.

I still remember @Kin_Poke 's words and they have motivated me.