WIP Grey Swan - Birds of a Rose Rewrite Update 28.01.25

Error: Bad Slot in saves

Yeah I am still trying to get the saves to work :sob:
But its getting late, I will keep looking for a way to make them work tomorrow.


Okay, no pressure.

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I’m not 100% on the nuances, but I think I see the issue with the codeline for the save plugin.

Typically, you want to add it after creating all the stats, variables you want.

Currently you have it set at the top of everything.

I don’t know any cases where this method worked, but I do know a couple ways you might be able to get it to work, black magic that this highly uncooperative string of code is, at times. :sweat_smile:

Relocting to either this spot after the last variable,

Or putting here at the end before the `*finish` should get it working.

It may be redundant in its own way, but having just one *finish after a final *goto is the usual practice, but this works well enough. It may make this fix position completely unusable, though, so be aware of this when testing for activation on dashingdon!

If neither works, there are many support threads in the purple General topics section of the forum that may be able to help you find your answer, if it isn’t solved on an older thread there already.

Lastly have a tasty snack, some water, and a well deserved break! Being stumped by something doesn’t make you stupid, or incapable; it just means you needed a little help. I’d say you’re doing just fine at the pace you’re going. :grin:


Thanks for the answer.

I did have it on the end of the variables but had all the same errors too so I moved it up to the top to make sure I wouldnt forget it when opening cside again!

Already looked at them, also there seems to be something new for that saveplugin as a whole idk, and there were various answers which I did try haha. Nothing worked, but I wont give up, I probably did a mistake and will go over this again at a later time when I had a bit time for myself.

Thank you for your encouraging words. As long as it isnt too complicated I already feel somewhat convidend in my code! :smiley:


I’m not sure If you noticed, but you have ‘I’ written as a divider between birds-of-a-feather and 5


Instead, it should be this symbol: |

So your code should probably look like this:

sm_init birds-of-a-feather | 5

And you can put it before page_break in the startup file, as @AdmiralLynx89 suggested. At least, it works in my case.


I simply copied that from some other post somewhere on here.
Just uploaded it and its working, oh my god.


Also, remember to comment out the save code when running both randomtest and quicktest.

Not doing so causes fatal errors in both.

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Congrats! :smiling_face:

Here's a bit of funny irony about my MC

Because of course I pick something that might actually work.

And why wouldn’t I? This thing is hilarious:
YouTube link to the bird in question.


I will.

I already love your MC! Its so fascinating learning about you guys MCs :smiley: I am so excited in which direction you will all shape them!

And I knew it was just a question of time when I had to add english names haha, guess that time has come. After all most of MCs schoolmates are named after birds in english.


I’m caught up with my first (full) play through of the demo and wow, it’s SO good! Your writing is so captivating. I look forward to the future updates!


Thank you so much!
My writing is something I am proud of (even though I am def struggling with writing in english) so I am glad that you enjoy it! :smiley:

The next update will be a big one :wink: however I will be posting bugfixes and minor changes without any big announcements


AAAH! Vampires and werewolves! Is it weird I’m so thrilled that it’s not just a cult?

I can’t wait!

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I am glad to serve! You will discover that vampires arent the worst this cult has to offer. :smiley: And tbh I dont think so! I had way too much fun with the cult but everything can only get better by adding vampires. However in one volery route you will be able to see the cults roots, and I am also working on something that shows it in a different volery!

Sadly this will actually take some time, because I have to write so much, I am trying my best to make the wait worth it though! I am looking forward to it, especially because I finally can use a perfect picture I found!


Lol it would make sense so im curious to see what kinda spin you put on it. :smiley:

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Not a real Update, just some added content:

I added another sport by the Hawk volery! After inventing that sport for it (which was great fun), I decided to try and write so see how I liked the flow and imo it fits really well.

This route will focus, like another one, on the beginning of the Divine Flock.
I jokingly call it the Foxhole Court route.


Added a small update of the next morning! Also fixed a few bugs in the Raven volery, so if you got stuck there you can now experience everything!

Still busy writing the next big update, some of those trigger warnings will finally play a role when it drops, so be careful!


Yay, update! I really thought that our ornitologist cult just wants to help people with all the blood drives. I think that the sleepwalking can be a new thing, since i dobut that they students can have their own rooms, somebody would notice if our MC suddenly disappeared in the middle of the night. I think it’s caused by stress so…Chase, stop stressing out my short-tempered Dove! :smile:
I have a little problem - when i play as a Dove, the demo suddenly ends in the middle of a sentence.

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Thank you for your kind words!
And, if someone notices an empty bed in the Divine Flock… lets just say they know better than to do something about it, except if its a Nestling. Surely whoever is missing will show up the next day!

This shouldnt happen, I tried to recreate it, but couldnt. Was there an error code?

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I love the WIP it is an really interesting story hope to see more Keep up the great work.

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