WIP Grey Swan - Birds of a Rose Rewrite Update 28.01.25

Would you prefer if I made the choices where you talk to the ROs according to MCs sexuality? I.e. Straight MCs cant flirt with Chase.
However I would also add choices like “Oh guess I wasnt as straight as I thought” “I never felt like that about another boy/girl/whatever” at certain points.

  • Yes
  • No

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I myself would prefer this, as it would mean the choices look less cluttered and also allow me to add more nuances regarding the emotional responses.


I can see the reason behind locking certain choices based on how the player feels, although I’m personally a bit unsure about it. My reasoning being that is that sexuality is not set in stone for everyone, and people may change if they come across either someone or an event that challenges their perceptions about themselves. So when in games they ask us to pick a certain sexuality for the character, especially when the character is still in their childhood or teens, I tend to always pick bi just to not lock me out of certain characters I might enjoy as I personally dislike not being able to romance someone simply because I picked a certain sexuality at the start. Although since you did mention that you’d put the option to say “oh maybe im not as straight/gay as I thought” I think that problem would be resolved. It would mean more work though as I imagine you’d have to make variables for MCs whose sexuality gets challenged and how they feel towards that. Especially considering that in the story homosexuality is seen negatively it could open really interesting paths to explore. All this to say that I think locking certain choices tends to feel bad for the player but, as long as you’d be willing to put the extra effort, this could be a great idea and a great way to make the MC feel more real. Of course, this is just my opinion and in no way do I wish to impose. I believe that if you write what you want to write the way you want to, the story will be much better for it rather than if you forced yourself to write in a way you believe to not be as good :))


Thank you for your thoughts!
Yeah thats a point I always not liked that much… cause like you constantly discover new things even in your adulthood. So locking you out of a romance just because MC identified as straight for the longest time (after growing up in an enviroment that, as you said, told them their entire ife that being gay/lesbian is a sin…) will def be challenged in their own sexuality when finally being exposed to people from the normal world.

In your words

and this is exactly what can happen to MC.

And I am playing around a bit with how to code this, and I like it way better because those damn huge chunks of choices (those 8 things where you can choose from) will be gone… I dont even like them because, to me, its just too much!
This will also give me more oppurtunity to finetune certain variables like the mental health one. Like adding a more positive or negative outlook to sth and let the ROs or other characters react to it which will be great fun.

When will this come though? No clue.

“No clue” he wrote and updated it all a few days later

In theory everything should work, let me know if you like this one better than the previous one! I also left some “flirt” choices because imo it would have felt to sudden otherwise.


Hi, sorry i just found this bug while giving it a go…

I love this game sm, but when I was playing there was a bug :frowning:

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“love” :sob: (from joy) thank you for making my day!

Both bugs have been fixed and I tried to make sure that the same bug doesnt happen on the other route!


will you add save files

For the next update, however I dont know when that will be!


I found dis.

Should work now, funnily enough this code was broken two times…
One time I made a typo and the variable was also wrong, thanks for finding that!
I hope this is the last bug you encouter (at least until the next update)

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Fixed it.
Also congrats, you reached the end of the demo! After that its just one more sentence!


Fixed it!

Also the bug witn a straight male Heron MC has been fixed!

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Added the second night, which focuses mainly on the Strays.
Tried to add some first reflections on MCs behaviour, but I def need to go over that again.

I also tried to add a save system and failed, so I *commented it for now.

All reported bugs have been fixed.
My Randomtest is for some reason still not working.


What error are you receiving, and what code are you using for saves?

Maybe I can assist.

Sorry I am a bit overworked, misread your question.

I dont receive any error. It just stops loading after a while, and cside freezes even when I close randomtest.

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Did you leave the Iterations count at 10000? If so, then it may be too much for Randomtest to calculate.

At least, when I changed it to 10 or so, it got completed in mere seconds. Changing iterations to a lesser number helped me. Maybe it’s your case too.


Thanks, that was the issue!