The Divine Flock.
Some call them crazy, some even dangerous. Some even say the cult is hiding dark secrets… and according to them you are one of them?
The Angels Consort, the purely ritualistic companion of the Divine Flocks leader, the Phoenix, is the oldest tradition to make sure the Phoenix never forgets who they are responsible for: the Divine Flock, the people that so many other cults forget.
A member, not only of the Divine Flock, but also a pupil of the Avis Academy, the best school the cult has. Your life is quiet and follows a strict routine, at least until two Strays from the outside, the normal, world are allowed in the normally so closed off grounds and as a Wing it is your job to keep an eye on
one of them.
Some words before you play and TRIGGER WARNINGS: Most of those will only be active in the game due to a specific choice made by player! Due to the cult enviroment, the “typical” homo/trans/bi/a-phobia, sexism, abuse. Also blood and needles (with the option to be scared of needles so it won’t be shown), sexual abuse (only after two very clear warnings in game). Birds are only used in symbolism, basta.
Genre: Dark Academia, Urban Fantasy.
Important: I am working full time, updates wont come fast! Also english isnt my native language.
What to expect of the story so far:
Frequent changes, as there are still some parts (like the names) where I am not finished yet, but I decided that I can simply add that later!
-Genderselectable MC: cis male or female, trans male or female. However due to growing up in a cult, MC wont know that trans is a thing/what it means, this is something MC can learn about. The same goes for sexual orientation: play as gay, bi, straight, aroace or ace, but be prepared for consequences. But also being straight is not that easy in the Divine Flock.
-Pick your level of devotion: be a devout follower of the teachings of the Divine Flock, reject it partly or wholly, or simply not care. All of it will have consequences.
-Choose one of various school clubs, your volery, and get unique text and a unique storyline. Ranging from dance to school security, to managing your social media page.
-Important people:
Your Nest, a group of younger pupils you were responsible for before the Strays arrived. You may not be their Wing on paper anymore, but you still hold a special place in their heart! They do miss you and are looking forward giving you a present on your birthday!
Your volery: whichever volery you joined, you are going to met pupils that are just as enthusiastic about your chosen interest as you are! Some more than others.
Your parents. It’s another question if the relationship between you is good, but important it surely is!
Known as Fuchsia King, one of the Strays. Her eyes are hidden behind glasses but you could swear she sees everything! Rarely loud, she is calm and softspoken. Her eyes are hazel and her hair is curly and dark brown. She loves vintage aesthetics.
Known as Chase Watson, one of the Strays. The complete opposite of Fuchsia. Loud, colourful and it seems everything out of his mouth is either a curse or shameless flirting. He is not a fan of the Divine Cult. His hair is dyed a dark blue, his eyes are heterochromic (which is the only thing hetero about him) grey and blue.
Wing Droznik Juschka, your childhood best friend. Always happy, always smiling and somehow always at your side, he went through the Wing training with you and would rather lose this status than lose you. He has light brown hair and brown eyes, his face is covered in freckles.
only for Owls: Wing Astoria Rapace (Red Flag), while not being in any volery she still seems to know everything about anyone… her tiny smile is a rare gift but as you get to know her you will find it a gift often shown only to you. She shows interest in you, now make sure she doesn’t lose it. Think of your chliche horror movie girl and you have Astoria: pale, really dark brown eyes, long straight black hair.
-only for Peacocks: Marter, your online friend. Originally you were only supposed to write with them to get them to join. Over time it blossemed into friendship and maybe more… or not, its your choice.
-only for Swans: Estelle/Elrond Falkenflug, your rival in the Swans! Which, given the fact that you literally need to work together, is quite annoying.
-only for male Ravens: Marcel Rabenschlag (the bigger red flad RO). Long black hair, dark eyes, he would be beautiful if one wouldnt know what he is capable of.
-for Beizen: gender selectable: Jonah/Columba Kroon. Your first meeting during a game has been… weird one could say, and now they are back, but this time on your team! Brown hair, grey eyes, from a Divine Flock that is much more open… coming to your Flock? They may be confronted with the cruel reality.
-for Doves: two actually: one is always the opposite gender as MC: Karla/Christian Stransky, the other the same sex sibling… that has some unpure feelings for MC.
-(vampire route) Sebastian Voss The new heir of the Voss Clan, open enemies to the Rapaces, has one rather unique background: a former Hound, the human companion of a low ranking courtless vampire, and afterwards a human member of the Rapace Clan, before the Voss Clan took him in.
Only for herons Amelia Fern
What not to expect:
-quick updates. I already have a few more scenes finished, however I want to finish the complete second day first and post it all together. Also I am working full time, this means I have not much free time.
Plus I have ADHD, meaning while I lose interest quickly, this also means it will come back and with it my motivation.
-anything useless: those TWs will be needed, they arent just for decoration.
-anything american (except Chase). The game takes place in Europe
What I am looking for, feedback:
-Grammar and spelling mistakes. English isnt my first language and I have a hard time writing in it, so there are probably tons of grammatical errors! I would be thankful for everyone who would point them out. I am trying to write in british english, but my school thought american and british english so I may mix it up.
-Wording and writing in general. Are sentences too wordy or just weird to read? Too many choices?
-Contrary: is there anything that sticks out as really well done or nice?
-Story over stats? I am still debating if I should add stats, as since of now I only have use for a few.
-Code: unless there is a gamebreaking error I am learning this as I go, and as long as its working this isnt my priority.
31.5.23, a clarification what the birds name means has been added! Let me know if I need to rewrite anything for better understanding.
06.06.23: You can now play until the first visit to your chosen volery! It should stop before you go there.
23.06.23, just a few typo fixes, changed some things, added something about MCs parents (choose a red rose first to access)
28.06.23: big update, all volery scenes up the the evening have been added!
02.07.23: uplaoded the new code for Chases and Fuchsias route. Added the first version for players who want to change the sexuality of their MC (hello sexual awakening).
08.07.23: Updated the second night. Tried and failed to add the save system.
09.07.23: Save system is working. Added a small scene with Astoria, added english names.
16.7.23: added a new made up sport for the Hawks
31.7.23: small update, added the next morning, with some more lore!
15.9.23: added the whole open day, and a party, get into a relationship, discover the Divine Flocks true face.
17.9.23: fixed errors, changed a scene that cut Drozniks route short.
7.11.23: fixed some errors, saves are back on, added content to give a bit more insight into the story! Learn a bit more about your fellow Wing Astoria, choose if you want to be a vegetarian!
11.11.23: Added some content to Estelles route, fixed an error that broke Drozniks rejection route.
10.12.23: Added a whole new day, punishment route, beginning of the bday!
24.12.23: tried to fix the code, sadly not added any [tba]s.
27.12.23: started to add a few tbas, added the ambitious route and coded that in almost everywhere.
28.12.23: added a bit more to the tbas, this update has only been made public to get rid of an error when rechoosing volerys.
30.12.23: added a bit to some tbas, added Astorias gift to MC, a bit more flavour text when in a relationship with Chase especially for ace MCs.
9.1.24: Scenes for gay and lesbian MCs who decided to suddenly crush on Fuchsia/Astoria/Chase have been added. An error with Droznik showing up two times should have been removed!
12.3.24: Added aro and ace specific flavour text, added some disclaimer about my work, it goes a bit further than before (main update still being written but have fun code diving if you dont mind spoilers!)
10.5.24: Added what I have of the bday, most things are sadly tba.
26.07.24: only squashed a few bugs.
27.7.24: made the future ng+ volerys playable.
24.8.24: Added 90% of the solo party route!
4.9.24: added the Rewrite
9.9.24: added more to the update
3.11.24: added a bit more.
5.11.24: bugfixes, added a bit more up until the first blood donation.
8.11.24: added the first blood donation, meet your Nest!
12.11.24: added the volery choice, got rid of the NG+ restriction for demo purposes.
31.12.24: added the first volery activity with the Nest, added part of the time wrap! (patreon demo goes up to the first meeting with the Strays!)
28.1.25: meeting Strays, whole time wrap up, murder someone etc has been added.
You are NOT playing as a BIRD!
New link starting 31.1.25: CoGDemos
New demo: https://dashingdon.com/play/wolv/grey-swan---birds-of-a-rose/mygame/
To play the OLD demo, go here: https://dashingdon.com/go/13119
Plans for the next big update: add the [tba]s, add all possibilities of MCs b-day party.
Check out my other WIP: WIP Grey Swan - Wisteria Birds - on hiatius starting 17.12.23
Or my other other WIP: Grey Swan - Hawks and Doves Updated 20.12.23
Inspired by Ghibli: Ghibli inspired WIP - Citadel of dancing Birds 05.12.23
Want some more vampires? Hundsnächte - Dog Nights (aka Renfield - The Game) 12.3.24
My tumblr: https://reinekes-fox.tumblr.com
My patreon: ReinekesFuchs | Writer of Interactive Fiction | Patreon
Get to find out what car MC drives!