WIP: Fallen Hero 2: Retribution - updated 27 april 2019 (pre-adult version)

That means I can eat whatever I want and also I could get rid of belly fat only using magic, it’s genius.

I’ve played the first one so many times I don’t even know my canon route anymore!!:joy::sweat_smile::rofl:


Which brings up a good question, is it rape if you decide to sleep with Dr. M? After all your puppet isn’t technically you.


In my opinion yes it is. Which is one of the main reasons I don’t and will never romance anyone with the puppet, it already makes me uncomfortable using the puppet.


Totally agree with you I’m just not that much into Ortega as a romance option, besides in my game Ortega is female. Which is ironically what allowed Sidestep to work with her and befriend her, yet still remain at a distance because there were no messy, complicated feelings on his part. With Herald on the other hand…

Yes because the puppet didn’t consent to any of it.

To reiterate:
If any of the parties do not or cannot consent, then it is rape.

This means that any puppet-centric romance with a physical or sexual aspect is rape, because the puppet never consented.


Which also serves to show just how messed up the MC is or what kind of morals they lack or have suppressed in order to experience what they wouldnt dare to experience in their real body or in order to gain the upper hand.


I would agree. What confuses the situation for me is that it seems like the puppet might be regaining it’s consciousness because of the doctor (or Ortega) and if I’m reading the situation right the puppet seems to like whoever we romance in the first game because they sometimes seem to do or feel things that we do not. Doesn’t make it right but it is interesting. I feel like if you go far enough with it you won’t actually have the puppet for much longer.


Never realized that i didn’t question if the MCs use of the puppet was slowly waking the person up. Maybe constant usage is altering whatever is keeping the person comatose. Theories, theories.


Also don’t forget Mortum. They consented to sleeping with the puppet and not the MC inhabiting the puppet

Which is an extra can of worms to unpack and another line the MC can cross. I hope though future titles will address this one since you know this is a pretty big deal relationship and topic wise


The more I think about it the more screwed up it is. Not only are you raping someone but somebody else will feel guilty about it. It isn’t their fault, they have no idea but I’d imagine they would still feel guilty if they found out.


Well, according to the first book, the puppet is brain dead, which means there’s zero brain activity.

However, it seems to be the type of brain dead where the brain stem is still active because the puppet can breathe unaided when the MC isn’t in the body.

By reactivating brain activity, the MC is quite literally reviving the puppet from death, which is some real Star Trek shit, tbh, but whatevs.

Because it means their synapses are firing and therefore experience brain activity, it is possible that by simply inhabiting the body, the MC has begun to revive the puppet into a vegetative state, where the puppet is capable of responding to stimuli (stimuli here being physical and audible) but isn’t conscious.

However, the puppet talking in their sleep in the end may actually be a sign that they’re in a minimally conscious state, which is where the consciousness is aware and capable of forming new experiences, but to a significantly less degree than a neurotypical person.

This would mean that the puppet has been aware for a not-insignificant portion of what the MC has had them do, which is bad new bears, y’all because it means they might be able to point fingers and name names…when they are capable of speech, but considering this is sci-fi, it wouldn’t require thousands of hours of speech therapy, so they could probably name names within a few hours fuck.
I think it’s time to whack the puppet, y’all. They know too much.


The big what if though is who the puppet is if/when they wake up. So imagine they’re good leaning they essentially got Bucky’d (“You didn’t choose to do those things” “But I did anyway”) and well on their way to the dark side given their backstory

Or…actually this pretty much sets them on the dark path anyway regardless of who they were before (or if they were I imagine it just feeds into any less than altruisic moral compass). It’s enough to send anyone over the edge imo

MC has effectively created their own monster and tbh idk if the Farm had that planned from the get go

/spit balling here so cohesiveness might not be a thing


This is a gentle reminder not to discuss explicit or obscene topics (such as rape) outside of the Adult Content category.

Everyone has stopped skirting that line for now, so let’s keep it that way.

Thank you.


Speaking of the puppet though what do you guys think the puppet actually “knows”? I remember in the first book it was mentioned that Lady Argent was tipped off that something was up from your own lingering subconscious thoughts after you possessed her but you kept your guard up mainly. I’d assume the MC doesn’t in the puppet however, so if they wake up would they know and remember everything the MC did or thought?

I’ll go with Supernatural’s idea of what an angel’s vessel remembers, and I’ll say bits and pieces. Like when you’re still asleep and sort of wake up to roll over or something. Intense moments of emotion experienced by the one using your body --like when they are with someone they feel strongly about, or moments of exhilaration.


This sounds like a really interesting venue to explore. I wonder if, depending whether you had the puppet do anything untoward, they might even be grateful or at least non-terribly peeved given that you saved them from most likely rotting in a hospital room.

Would we be able to convince the puppet to work with us or would we just have to whack them? And if so, would they turn their potential romance against our MC?

Like, telling Mortum or Ortega how fucked up Sidestep actually is?

Damn it @rose-court, now my puppet may have to experience an… accident.



I do wonder this: if the MC forces the Puppet into a dangerous situation from which they cannot hope to escape, how long can the MC stay in the Puppet to make sure they don’t save themselves, without risking losing their own consciousness into the void?


…Not really the right thread.
And doesn’t that kind of mask defeat the purpose of staying anonymous?

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My bad let me delete my post then. But that’s not the full costume yet but soon (am just a big fan of the gas mask aesthetic)