I dunno if its just me, but I find it hard to play a brutal mc. There just aren’t enough opportunities to be ruthless during fighting.
Breaking Ranger’s bones for the camera ain’t enough for you??? /j
You can check Tumblr but something interesting happens
That’s the thing. The only brutal action that could get you on the heroes radar is breaking the ranger’s bones AFTER the fight. If you ignore that, you could do literally all other brutal actions available, and you won’t have any bad rep with them.
I always thought Surpass just sought a rematch as we stale mate.
She must be very excited someone can hold against her.
Still bugs me on idea if I can. Catalyst could kill her then. Makes me nervous anyway. I want her to beat Catalyst to pulp. He deserves it ten hundredfolds.
Will we ever get an opportunity to
arsontraumatizeeathave a mask fight against Catalyst? Ideally with the Altruists involved, so we have an excuse to really go ham and blatantly disregard Coven’s hierarchy in the name of our “mission” -
In our backstory dream with AdVenture, if our Dime is highly observant, the following pathway for being low-strength still says we didn’t notice there wasn’t any glass in the window when we go to “sneakily” rest on it which just felt a bit out-of-character;
• Could be changed to us noticing the lack of glass (independent of having a high observation stat, if that’s easier) and thinking we’ll let the others know we’ve found a way in after we have a bit of a rest bc we’re tired, and then sitting on the windowpane, overbalancing, and falling in bc of the weight of our backpack instead? -
I could very well just be overthinking, but why is Control included in “the Altruists” potentially lying about their abilities in that one poll?
• Also would it be possible to get a list of each other character’s abilities as they would describe them to us? They’re all listed in the stats menu but don’t have much detail and I’m just kinda curious ngl
Got a laugh from that one guard saying he’s gonna have to report Surpass trespassing in the Zone area when there’s literally a mask brawl going on. Bureaucratic protocol nonsense giving us our getaway there lol
I’m curious as well. CG mentions that building up more resistance to the withdrawal effects of the juice is possible, so maybe the powers are slowly becoming a part of us and we’ll no longer need it at some point. Come to think of it, I’m not even sure how to get the option to smash your juice vial and completely reject. Never had that option available to me.
I save it. Just in case.
I believe in my ability to give Surpass a good time. Being able to stand up to her that is.
Can you beat her or do you always end up with a hole in your gut?
You can fight her to a standstill and give her an injury, but no definitive win.
Does that require certain choices or is it stat based? I did not fight to a stand still even I picked stuff that went along with my build.
Don’t overcommit.
The best thing to keep in mind while fighting her is not to try to match her strength and durability, but to mitigate it.
Fighting the precog is a different beast, but I believe Surpass is supposed to be our nemeses, at least for now.
Well I for one will settle for epically dropping a building on her.
Do kind of wish that even if we play a tall/muscular build, we could still choose guts as our week skill, If only because it has the potential to be extra funny
You should be able to I checked with the fast-forward option to skip chapters, and it let me do it. I’ll go ask my wife.
Loved the update!
Still working my way through the demo. Think I’m near the end. Really enjoying myself.
I would never have guessed this convoluted story based on the title, which sounds kind of campy. Readers might expect a different sort of story, and those who would really love what you have might give it a pass because the title sounds like comedy.
Just a suggestion. What do I know? But I’d say your work has more in common with Fallen Hero: Retribution than comedy. I think very highly of Retribution, so consider that a compliment!
Hang on, wait
Wil’s power in the cast list is “Draining Touch”
Not-Prii can make Dime pass out with their touch; it seems they’re somehow feeding on Dime’s emotional state to be able to do so
Dunno why Wil would do something like this, or how his abilities work for that matter, but we haven’t otherwise really seen his powers in action. It feels a bit too coincidental for Not-Prii to be able to both physically and emotionally drain Dime and for Wil’s power to be called “Draining Touch”, on top of his mask name being “Ghoul” and us seeing the “ghoul” of a dead friend
• If we have a good relationship with Wil and genuinely offer to help with his injury after the first mission, he gets super weird and the conversation dies. Might be reading into it but maybe he has an ulterior motive he’s starting to feel guilty about if he thinks we’re a good person.
• He also reacts very strongly to Dion revealing that the Altruists are on a crusade, and about Dion not trusting everyone as much as they trusted him at the start; projecting, maybe? He’s doing the same thing as Dion and he feels guilty because he knows it sucks being on the receiving end?
and some half-baked theories while we're here
Portrait’s description in the cast list states he’s “responsible for a majority of [the Hounds’] non-heroing outreach”
So the Hounds do outreach n such, and it’s important enough that it’s mentioned in two of their descriptions in the cast list (Vantage being the other note, with a smaller mention of it). And Pastalistair is part of a group that does a lot of outreach (his pasta ninja thing being in addition to that). So:
• Alistair is doing outreach & charity work for the Hounds?
• Maybe the business name the Hounds do their charity work under is separate from them being Glory Hounds for safety reasons & maintaining anonymity as heroes
• I still like my Alistair = Arcade theory since the personalities seem to fit better and Alistair is described as being tall and muscular, but since Portrait’s description is so specifically about the Hounds’ outreach/charity work & mentions he does the bulk of it, maybe Alistair = Portrait?
Other note: when we ask Mal to destroy the evidence of our field trip into the Zone, we can react with “that was fast” when they return and they say someone left the password on a sticky note on the desk.
• My high-observation Dime didn’t notice that when trying to erase the footage from the computers, successfully or not
• It’s a weird thing to lie about, but I don’t think Mal’s telling the truth about their skillset here
This could all be utterly incorrect, idk, I’m just munching on dyvj like mutations Dime munching on Vantage’s baton
I wonder how canceled my villain would be because her mask name is Lovecraft.