[WIP] Chains of Destiny: Book One (~311k words) - Last update: 2024/10/06

Imo not gonna be a problem with age gap.

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Think age gaps are weird, but whatever people like I guess. Main problem is the fact he’s been watching over MC since they were young. If it was some random older dude MC meets later then whatever, but someone watching them grow up is weird as shit. But he not even a romance so it doesn’t matter anyway.


Hey everyone! I hope you’re all doing well. I just wanted to let you know that I updated the game today. While I’ve made an effort to ensure everything runs smoothly, there may still be some issues or mistakes that I might have overlooked. If you come across anything strange or out of place, please don’t hesitate to let me know.

Here is what the update contains:

  • Most of the WIP options are now fully completed, except for Barnabas’s party scene. While most of the scene is done, I’ve decided to save the remaining part for the rewrite. This update adds around 27k words of new content.
  • The character info pages and character portraits for Niemon, Iris, Zenon, Barnabas, and Emma have been added.
  • Minor adjustments have been made in the rest of Chapter 2, and an option to skip straight to Chapter 2 has been included for players who only want to experience the new content without replaying the game from the beginning.

I’m always eager to hear your feedback, so please don’t hesitate to share your thoughts, critiques, or any questions you may have.

Thank you for your patience and support, and I hope you enjoy the new content!


Nevermind, this was a stupid question because I wasn’t paying attention.

Hi author got an error while trying to talk to Ben

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Hey, it should be fixed now. Thank you for bringing this to my attention!


Cant wait to play this at home, I don’t like playing on phone, small screen.

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Do we know if Leona’s sister was alive during the prologue?
Because I first thought the reason she wanted him dead was for that.

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Can you play chapter 2 yet? I always end up at this part

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Yea me too I’m stuck there


Hmm, strange…did the demo end for both of you after the birthday celebration? (that is Part 1 of Chapter 2) I’ve re-uploaded the last page to dashingdon just to be sure, but this page shouldn’t have been altered by the last update.

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in this part


Leona’s sister died one year after the prologue (the prologue happened in 102 AR, and Leona’s sister died in 103 AR). While it’s not explicitly stated, I would say that Leona just hates Eric because he is a Ceovar (she spent years of her life fighting his people) and because he presumably killed many of her soldiers before he was captured.



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Yes, this is the end of Chapter 2 Part 1. Sorry, I don’t know why the last page showed that it’s the end of Chapter 1. It should be like this:

But either way, you have reached the end of the demo, thanks for playing!


Nice to know ,it was a very cool update.
Thx very much.


Thank you, I’m glad you enjoyed it! :blush: If you have any suggestions or further questions please let me know.


I actually met Iris. In fact, we literally ran from our parents together when they first approached us. Yet in this scene, the game acts like we haven’t met. By the way, Iris is my favourite ro. @Notlev


Hey, yes, it seems I overlooked that :sweat_smile:. To avoid any confusion, I’ll temporarily disable that scene for players who went to the garden with Iris before meeting her mother first. In the next update, I’ll make sure to include a variation of that scene for players who have already met with Iris. Appreciate your help in catching that!


Firstly, I’ve finally decided to give this a full playthrough, idk why I had a hard time getting into it previously but, here i am and I’m loving it!! :heart: I look forward to more!!

Feelings on our family:

Mom and our sister have to be two of the most insufferable beings ever: I HighKey wish we could show the same amount of annoyance and detachment that we can show Julia- to our mother as well. I do understand that it’s probably from a place of love and care but It seems like she feels the need to control everything frfr. Also, she treats our dad like a child- like ma’am that is a grown man, he’s our parent just as much as you are. Like girl, you know your child is a reserved introvert; who isn’t fond of crowds and loud noise…but forget all that huh.

Sigh if only Eric successfully kidnapped us… anything would be better than two overbearing family members

:sob: :sob: My Poor MC; I think i’d run away if I was him.

I love our dad though. Maybe it’s because we start the game with him and he seems quite easygoing, not overly involved in a way that feels suffocated. So far Him, Nemio- and I know this may come as a surprise but, Eric, are my favorite characters.

Also is there no way to be distant with Zenon? I don’t want to be mean to him since him and MC are kinda similar but all the choices seem to be either flirty, teasing or friendly. Not really reserved, stoic or introverted.