(WIP) Aura Clash SFW Discussion [466k Words (624k Patreon) | Eastern Fantasy | Adventure | Martial Arts]

Ok… Then tell me how many relatives mc have… I can literally count in one hand how many people are there in MC’s family tree… And its laughable if you think mc can build a clan by being monogamous… No clan is made with strangers… They must be from your family members… Only when you become polygamous, you can have a clan with multiple family line, multiple heir… Unless of course you don’t want mc to create a clan, maybe after thousands of years later, one of the heir will have a proper clan with enough members… But until then its a clan in name only


I mean you could make it more like a gang I guess if you don’t want to be poly. Sure are they going to be as loyal as family? Probably not but just because they don’t share blood doesn’t mean they’ll betray the place that gave them a chance to greatness


Anon talking to his wife: “Hey honey, can you help me write scenes of the mc banging everyone?”


It’s not especially different from writing smut for men, though I’d argue that in fact most smut is for women, where men seem to largely enjoy a more visual experience. Some women prefer a stronger guy who will come to them, some like a guy they can easily fluster and tease, there’s really no one size fits all answer here. As with “smut for men” different ROs are going to have different vibes, and that’s fine.


I think the amount of smut on the intrawebs written for men, with man perspective and often by men disproves this bit as little more than stereotyping. Just like the amount of porn for women disproves the idea they’re not so much into visual aspects of it. Although, granted, the smut is mostly fanfiction and professionally published romance novel for women are more of a thing.

Still, even the fact IF and text-based porn games have plenty of male readers/players demonstrates that liking visuals doesn’t mean one can’t or doesn’t enjoy text just as much.


I guess you can create a gang like all those bandit gang or those begger gang/clan from manhwa… They don’t have blood ties… But in this particular case, mc is trying to build a proper clan since they are not orphan


You speak my language, true about this for clan growing, however MC is not the only person that can bear this responsibility there is also MC’s siblings.

But if MC want to build own clan their sibling must find someone to marry into MC’s house not marrying outside.

If MC is female however they can try do polyandry there will be no question of disputed heritage if the house head is female, another way is to make sibling have offspring ofc to expand with cadet branch.


Most of clans have historically practiced widespread adoption of promising younglings. Heck, some of the most famous heads of various Japanese clans were adopted. Excessive obsession with blood is pretty much modern take.

My point was that “denouncing lineage” as you call it is what happened quite frequently historically in middle ages with actual Eastern clans. And the ones who obsess over their virtual lineage are people playing computer games today.


Naturally people want their own, it’s not modern take at all, to denounce lineage is modern take.

There is adoption ofc but only for very distinguished individual, even so that doesn’t occupy the core position in the clan.

Those who obsessed about lineage is people that play computer games? How about the Rothschild though? You see them having nonsense like adoption?

If you’re important family with lots of power you will want it to stay within family.


Now now people, wars in lineage was a big thing some 20 years ago, if u want that much a war of lineages, go bang and wage war there, no need to bring the warring states back to the forum


This doesn’t seem true? Kosuke is adopted into the clan just fine and it generally seems a fairly loose thing. Adopting powerful aligned people under your name seems just as viable, and likely more efficient, than trying to start up some sort of breeding program.


You are talking about few examples of many examples of clan always prefer their own to take control, there is always an exception but exception doesn’t make the general rules.

It is not breeding program it’s not seeking the perfect heir it just focused into making the clan heir is their own blood, it’s question of legality.

To pull off adoption especially for distinguished clan requires massive influence either the clan head need to be highly respected or the current clan leader have complete control of clan politics, while the later is true for MC clan newly established clan having an adoption is not good outlook.

Kosuke is different he is loyal he know MC since childhood, he is distinguished individual but still the clan leader is MC.


Anyway, so guys what do we need to unlock anon’s rizz? I got the provisions and the ancient spear that will also act like a key later on in the journey, what else do we need.


I reckon a temple visit is in order.


Did the game get an update? I see people talking about new stuff, or is it from patreon?


Unfortunately no, I’ve been handling house buying, moving, family illness, personal illness, and more work responsibilities. I’d say chapter 7 is about 80k words right now and I’ve barely been able to touch it since September 27th. Hopefully this all settles down and if not I will be faking my death to write in a remote cabin Hemmingway-style, except it is winter soon, so I will not survive.


Gotta stay positive! With the global warming you just might.



This game is incredible ^^!!! just started playing the prologue child history, and you surprised me by allowing to play so many races ^^ !!! I´m big fan of this, specially playing Youkai, Oni ^^ !!! Just a Request, can you please add a Vulpine Youkai Option ? playing a Kitsune would be a dream came true ^^ !!!


already a thing just choose the wolf yokai option and there is a kitsune branch choice.