Where are the aces (asexuals)?

For the benefit of the discussion, I’m going to post some articles to help explain asexuality to the non-asexuals here. I found these particular articles really helpful while figuring out that I was ace, and I think those who aren’t asexual will find them informative, too.

This one’s really long, and there’s three parts, but it outlines what it’s like to be an asexual very well:
Part 1: http://www.asexualityarchive.com/possible-signs-of-asexuality-part-1-about-you/
Part 2: http://www.asexualityarchive.com/possible-signs-of-asexuality-part-2-about-sex/
Part 3: http://www.asexualityarchive.com/possible-signs-of-asexuality-part-3/

This one is a shorter and snarkier version of the above group of links. One of the few occassions where Cracked.com was informative: http://www.cracked.com/article_21988_6-weird-ways-world-looks-different-when-youre-asexual.html

And this is kind of the official asexuality website: http://www.asexuality.org/home/