What weird dreams would arise out of a magical Apocalypse?

I plan to make a CoG game, with the idea, that dreams come true, LITERALLY! The somnalypse devasted the world and now castle rise out of the earth, unnatural creatures with every size and form roam the world, someone had to have a nightmare about zombies of course, and one badass robot walks across the land, but can’t a say a single sentence without saying Beep Beep Boop.
The problem that I have, I usually don’T remember my dreams. Of course I could come up with many crazy idea, but I want to have more relateble ideas out of real dreams. So that is what I ask for, what crazy dreams did you have, that could come true. Any idea would be appreciated.
And with that, I mean any dream, a normal one, a weird one, nightmares, lucid dream, if it is a dream I wnat to hear them. Anything can work, or inspire me to something