What sort of content is allowed

Thank you for not repeating that ‘extremely offensive’ or ‘grossly indecent’ is self-explanatory, at least.


If you believe that a game contains unacceptable content and should be withdrawn from publication, I would recommend emailing support AT choiceofgames DOT com with your reasoning and evidence. The staff do look at this sort of thing.

Some stuff gets through, there’s games being worked on that I hope don’t make the cut, but the staff are doing their best, and the mods do bring games to their attention midway if we think it’s a problem (there was one month where we got a Confederate apologia game and a “Wehrmacht partisan hunter” game posted on the forum back to back - those were “fun” pitches).


That’s definitely something. Feel like I recall seeing them, now that I think of it. Don’t find it hard to believe but it’s nevertheless surprising, seeing pieces of evidence like that about how this place has grown from when I found here in like 2014 or whatever. More people naturally leads to more right-wingers, and I’ve definitely noticed channers being around in some places.

I’m not confident about sending an email mostly just because I’m not sure if I’d be able to with any level of eloquence give examples, especially without looking through the game again to grab stuff, but I might be able to work up to that. I know a lot of advice here in general boils down to “just email” but I actually didn’t think of it for this case. Think I worry that if a game got through in the first place I would really have to be arguing against it, instead of simply pointing out it existing. Like having to make a full case beyond going “hey this is pretty bad”, if that makes sense. Appreciate the response, genuinely.

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Yeah, I think that would be the case. You’ll get a hearing, but (speaking personally) if I were Jason, I’d want you to make your case and bring examples of the material you found offensive.

Thanks very much for bringing up the issue. It’s equally appreciated!

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I don’t really understand how this WIP got rejected for Hosted Games when we got Samurai of Hyuga where one of the books pretty much got a pedophilia scene though?


Would be really nice if COG were willing to be more open about how and why they make these decisions, considering that they are to this day making money off a book that is a full-on r*pe fantasy.

And launched without TWs.


I moved a couple of posts here; I’d suggest taking a look at the above post if you’ve not seen it already.

There’s an unnamed game around written by an out and proud channer which not only disallows any homosexual romance, it goes out of its way every chapter to check if the player has cheated it in, and “correct” the behavior if they have. I can only describe something like that as malicious on the part of the author.

(Also some other shit in the game but I’m not here to spend all day slagging someone else off.)


There are games that are, on purpose, the embodiment of ‘All Edge, No Point’, that are either outrigth meant to gain traction by how offensive they are, or because the authors genuinely think they did someone new and never seen before.

In the latter case you kinda do have to admire the sheer ignorance towards the onslaught of people who think the same.

That said, there’s one big factors that comes into play here:

  1. What kind of audience do you want to curate as company? Especially with some big name projects like the WoD games COG can’t really afford curating an AENP audience. It is a balancing act, but there’s weights that should not get near the scales

Basically if CoG plays its cards right there could be collaborations with other big name franchises, but not if the general audience is unappealing.

Also, if the curated audience is unappealing, you won’t get a good variety of games anymore, because there won’t be variety in authors.


@Ramidel and @HarrisPS have said their piece.

If people have objections or complaints about the content of a WiP. Bring it up to CoG staff using official channels. Not here on the forums or in this channel. Your concerns will likely be addressed in a capacity that is more than likely to achieve the results you want to happen.