What i would likehto do in stat screen?

In the stat screen I have a label ‘Location’ of each member of the group listed. It looks like this:
Locationnpcplayerone “this will list where they happen to be at that piont in the game”
What I would like in the stat screen:
Location “Whoever was assigned to npcplayerone have their name pop-up here” “Again their location”
In the start of the game the reader chooses 5 people to go with them. They are assigned to npcplayerone, npcplayertwo, and ect. Is this something possible or am I reaching for to much at this piont and time.

As always thank you for your insight and help.

It sounds like you will need to use variables a little differently. I would have a variable for each location and assign npcs to them. For example:

Dungeon: “no one”
Library: “no one”
Kitchen: “no one”

then in the body, use *setref to assign the name of the person.
*setref Dungeon npcplayerone

So, if Dave is npcplayerone, that will assign Dungeon to Dave and look like this in the stats screen:

Dungeon: Dave.

I hope that helps. I have not played around with setref much but I think that is a good use for it.

I will play around with it and see how it works. I do believe it gets me a little closer to what I am thinking of. Still massive amounts of code to write so I am off. Thanks.

Ok I pulled up the help doc. Not very much on the setref, not for a beginer. I have made many many attempts to make it work. I work best from sample codes, do you know of any docs with the setref in action I can look at. Thanks.

Ok I pulled up the help doc. Not very much on the setref, not for a beginer. I have made many many attempts to make it work. I work best from sample codes, do you know of any docs with the setref in action I can look at. Thanks.

I’m not quite sure what you are trying to do. Do you want to have the stat screen show a location name and an associated character name? If so, you could just use two variables.

*set npc1 “Carl”
*set loc1 "kitchen
*set npc2 “Laura”
*set loc2 “library”

In the stat screen:
{npc1} is in the {loc1}.
{npc2} is in the {loc2}.

This should output:
Carl is in the kitchen.
Laura is in the library.

I think Simski’s answer is probably the easiest and most elegant way to handle that. Setref is extremely complicated, and difficult to handle, and probably isn’t what you’re looking for (in fact, I can’t imagine it helping you at all with what you’ve asked so far).

Sorry about the double posts, when I send from my phone it does that every once in awhile. I want to thank you for your help. It did help but still had to go to the google site and spend a lot of time reading. Between what you sujest and what I found I have what I want now, happy days. So now I can spend hours and hours tonight coding until I dream up somthing I can not do and come crying back to you guy/gals for help. Take care all.