Weeping Gods (WIP, 10/JAN/2025) (371K)

Jeez sorry…


The pop-up error messages can be solved by deleting the cookies. No need to delete all of your cookies, just the ones for the cogdemos website (also, don’t forget to save your game and export the saves to your device before you do it). If you get any other error in the text itself (pronoun switches, misplaced text, inconsistencies etc), then I would like to know about it :sparkles:


Found the error! As I suspected, I forgot to write that possibility. It’s probably from that choice from where the lady is screaming at you at the guardhouse and I forgot to add labels to one of the choices and it made a horrible bug that caused people to skip half of chapter 1. I fixed that one a while ago, but this is probably the aftermath of that one choice :sweat_smile: I’ll fix it in the next update.


Loved the update! So many Narmer feels


Ahhh amazing update! I’m addicted!

Has anyone gotten all of the achievements?

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Thank you all! :heart:

I’m curious about that too :eyes: Although there was of course that problem with the achievement errors on the website, which made it harder… But there are new ones now in Chapter 3 that I haven’t heard anyone getting yet :eyes:


Question, are the origin characters real characters we can meet or even join the team? I only tried the thief and haven’t played as the others. Is Captain Fishdick the same as the captain MC? Might be fun having to work together or something. haha


The other main characters all exist in the universe, but it depends on your route and choices of how much you get to interact with them. Captain Fishdick (lol) is the same as the captain MC, yes :smiley: Except when you play as one of them, you get to choose their gender, appearance, personality etc.

The others won’t join the team because if you don’t play with them, their life goes on on different paths. Priest MC for example dies every time if you don’t choose them. The captain and the thief routes are the ones where you get to interact the most with each other, but only in Chapter 1. From Chapter 2 and on, the story will take you to different places.


Love this feature - it’s like each Dragon Age Origins where each possible background for the warden existed but which one you chose was the one Duncan went to recruit - and you and find out about the other wardens fates when you play through the game


Yes exactly! :smiley: I think I may have mentioned this before, but that’s where the idea came from cuz I love Dragon Age and I thought this could be cool to implement in IF. I haven’t really seen any other games doing it tho… I guess it’s too much writing. (IT IS). But it’s really fun to work on :smiley:


Drawing dumb shit to cope with chapter 3. I imagine the captain has been called almost every possible insult before - but this must be the first time mine has ever been called a whore :rofl: He has no emotional defense against it :')

This is how the scene went, right?


LOL your drawing is 100% accurate and very funny hahaha…

Narmer very much didn’t like that either :dotted_line_face:

Do you mind if I save the picture? :eyes:


Love that all the other origins still exist in the universe. The way all the four are connected makes it worth to have a run for each of them, and it’s not just changing a para or two but entire scenes and backstories depending on our origin. Excited to see how they will play a part in our adventure

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Haha sure you can save it!

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Cogdemos got a new fix for the website that includes repairing broken images in games, and the way some of the games load to prevent even more variable and achievement errors. If you get any problems or bugs please let me know!