The Wayhaven Chronicles General Discussion (SPOILER FREE FOR BOOK THREE!)

What did they do with themselves before the MC too? F and N are always talking about how dour and boring it was. Did they all just sit around a brood about how humans suck (A and M) or humans don’t like them (N and F)?

I kind of get the dog/pet comparisons with F. MC coming in is like introducing a puppy to a room full of sulky adults.


Dezh would totally want to make a battlemage. It combines the ability to hack things apart with the ability to blow them to hell, which is right up her alley.

Nyx would want to be a tank fighter.

Wolfe would want to be a Legionnaire Scout a’la Dragon Age.

Jax would want to be a ninja, lol.

Edited to add something unrelated, but didn’t want to put up a new post and get yelled at!

I am still going through Sera’s tumblr asks and putting together the doc on M (I had to stop for a while due to work) and found this little treasure trove on the LT:

OMG on the little scene she included. Poor Nate. But Adam… :drooling_face: Nyx would so not dodge that much, though. She’d fight him, lol.


A and M will be easy to fit in a DND or RPG team: The Knight and the Mage.
N however can be a fighting roll as well as the Negotiator.
F should be the ‘fun’ one: a Dwarf Alchemist that has a wild knowledge of Herb medicine happens to be the cook of the team and knowing about semeiology so she/he will always carries a fighting banner that boost team morale into the battle. A belt of dwarf potion, a powder barrel of explosives, a banner flag at back with a cooking wok as shiled and the medic carry-box as a flail.

Here’s Sera’s take on UB and their Dnd classes.

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Nate winces, knowing he’s probably the one who will have to clear that up later.

N is so funny and a total mom i agree with all of you!

But N’s feelings got so crushed :cry:


What book is Wayhaven based on I want to read it before book 2 comes out

There’s no book that it was actually based on. It was initially planned to be a novel but Sera wasn’t able to decide which RO the MC will end up with that she decided to make it into an IF.

Edit: Here’s the ask how it came to be:


About what class my MC’s would play…

Marla would play a druid, a cat to be precise, because “omg, what do you mean I can play as a cat the whole game?!”. She just really likes animals, ok :joy:

Astrid would play a death knight. Why? Well, she is romancing F, so every time she summons her undead minions she would be “look Felix, I have my own Thralls now!”. She thinks is hilarious, the rest of UB might disagree.

Irina would play an ice/arcane mage. She thinks they are the most intellect driven. Plus, when she is playing alone she laughs like a maniac every time she roots and enemy about to escape.

Then, Iris. She would be a tank. She would like to be a defender irl, but doesn’t have it on her to jump into battle. A warrior tank most likely. She loves the ability intervene to soak dmg aimed for her more squeeze teammates.


:eyes: N might teach us some Echolian???


I’m… scared of this. Not because of N, of course, but because of F.

N: we have advanced a lot today, Detective, we will continue the lessons tomorrow, alright?
MC: Sure! Again N, thank you for using your time on this.
N My pleasure : )
later on
MC: Hey F! Hytan talolsh!
F: :open_mouth: Detective! That was almost perfect!! I guess you wanted to say “hello friend”?.
MC: Yes, how was it?
F: Instead of talolsh is more like taloolsh. The o sound a bit longer.
MC: Like this? Hytan taloolsh?
F, smiling a lot: that’s perfect, Detective.
Again, later on
MC: N, hytan taloolsh :slight_smile:
N, shocked at first, frowning then, and pressing their fingers against their nose: you saw F, didn’t you?
MC :expressionless: : what did I say.
N: You said, “hello, fuckers”.
F laughs from the other side of the apartment


Y’know, I bet they would, especially in the LT route, because then at least it’s something A can’t burst in on all “you’re teaching them wrong!”


And if they do, they might accidentally teach you to say ‘hello, fuckers’ like F would, lol


On the plus side now the MC can call M and A fuckers without either of them knowing!

Though I could see M knowing the bad Echolian words cuz F taught them.


Hmmm screw N’s teachings i’ll rather go to F they can teach me more useful words


F would teach you the cuss words, then get bored. I suppose that is your intention though, and they wouldn’t beat pronunctiation and grammer into you. It’d be a quick lesson!

Has someone already suggested N and F having wildly different accents? Like N is proper, clear pronunctiation and F is just a mess of contractions and slang?


N: standard british accent
F: manchester

You can see a good example of why Manchester accent is just not cool. Specially if you are not a native english speaker like me :joy:

What would be a good difference of accents in your countries?


N lost their accent due to learning various languages so we can’t identify their mother tongue. :thinking: Same with M. For F, I think Sera mentioned New Orleans but I have to check.

A seems to be the only character that has a confirmed accent but I do imagine Adam speaking like the way Tom Hiddleston talk but a bit deeper.

Um… Resuri, I know N doesn’t have an accent, I was saying that for following Hannah’s joke :joy:

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@Meira_Litch That was the video I just watched. We actually use “dead” to mean “very” here too (“I’m dead tired,” “I came in dead last”).

N–probably the mid-atlantic accent (if you’ve ever seen an old American film, that’s why they sound weird)
F–Deep South (uses a lot of contractions and the South in general has different slang, f.x. “buggy” vs “shopping cart” and “soda” vs. “Coke”)


so Benedict Cumberbatch, lol

In American English, N would speaking with a Mid-Atlantic accent, while F would be speaking this.