Way Walkers: University3--suggestions and feedback

@lokidemon007-- dueling is probably the hardest thing for me to add in because of the massive coding involved, so sadly idk if I can squeeze anymore into 1or 2, but I’ll see about 3.

@tw1stedmind-- I’m trying to utilize a bit better in small bits for the underused stats but I’d be really happy to get some more detailed suggestions from ppl; cause obviously it’s a bit of a blind spot for me XD specific scenes or choices that could have additional choices leaning on the less used stats would be ideal.

Also I’m very surprised to hear you say that about the red, as most ppl have found it to be the MOST utilized stat with the most story-changing content, and a lot of ppl have praised it for allowing the player to actually get to be really evil. I’d be curious to know what you consider “genuinely evil content”-- and if I can work it in where it doesn’t logically effect the plot (MC getting killed or expelled too soon) then I’ll see about putting it in.

@Tuhin_Subhra_Maity-- I’m looking into expanding the non-sem ROs a little during the ice sculpture date, so look for that. :wink: seedy bar with Sem? lol idk about in 1 or 2 but possibility three for that one


The seedy bar I can see easily. Perhaps we have to go there to find out information?

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Maybe add a little bit of a stat buff, if you decide to go with Sem instead of atending the opening ceremony in wwu1 if only ask because with my favorite MC build which is mostly a battle mage never has enough rosin to unlock the cuffs to save illiyan

@WayWalkerLeigh I remember MC birthday scene suggestions went on a while back so you’re probably not taking any more suggestions for them. Will there be any birthday discussions of any of the other members of the main cast?

On a story lore related note did anyone choose to ask Sem if Clan really drink blood during his date scene? I can’t recall what happened for the life of me… if I even chose that option. I remember worrying that it might be insensitive and possibly offend him so I was hesitant despite being curious.

Nah he just explains things very patiently to the MC. It’s interesting, and he also basically tells you how you easely could kill him (??? Yes he really trusts the MC it seems)…Oh yeah and that the MC should call it “feeding” not drinking blood. It’s basically a lesson in clan biology and anatomy.


To clarify, I’m not suggesting that red has a lack of content, just that it doesn’t feel properly evil. I’d like more opportunities to be manipulative and deceitful. A lot of the current content just feels like being evil for the sake of being evil. I want to make evil choices that give me an advantage at a cost to others, not just evil choices that make everyone hate me.

For one thing, I think it should be easier to do a red playthrough where you remain friends with Jun, so you can manipulate him for your own gain. You could do all sorts of stuff like for example, sabotage Jun’s relationship with Ay’Cura so he becomes more reliant on you (this would also be a fun thing to do in a straight evil route, just to make him more nuts). I can’t offer much in regards to specific suggestions seeing as I haven’t played the game in a while, but generally I just want red choices that allow you to be more cunning and calculated. After all, aren’t red followers supposed to be subversive and two-faced? You’re not exactly doing a good job of it if you make your roommate try to kill you.

As for the other stats, they’re a bit harder, but I can at least think of a few ways to use feator:
Feator: History class seems to be the obvious place to use it. As far as I can tell, the only thing it does in history is help you pass the test in 2. It could allow us to improve our academic status or even make Cael like us a bit more (or just hate us less). Maybe it can help you out with the history assignment in some way?
Turin: I can’t think of anything off the top of my head, but surely you can come up with some cool things to do with an ability that lets us speak to ghosts. :stuck_out_tongue:


@tw1stedmind-- actually what you’re suggesting in being really evil and being friends with Jun completely destroys the plot lol XD B/c of Jun’s past-self being angry at the MC’s past-self, he would never allow the MC to manipulate Jun. And because he’s already doing so, he’d subvert any attempts for the MCs to make Jun more reliant on them at ALL COSTS. I mean, granted it’s possible, but we’d be talking an entirely new branch of play-through, and i honestly just don’t have it in me to keep track of it. (3 is already so far behind in part because of this, and it’s the main reason i had to remove the ‘not friends with Sem’ branch in 2.) It’s an amazing idea, and totally what i had originally wanted of the game-- with the MC choosing to ‘spy’ on Semryu and totally screw with Jun tons, but in the end it was just too much. However, there are a lot of spots with the Red player that aren’t just ‘evil to be evil’-- and Semryu loves the MC no matter what-- even when they suggest straight-out murdering Jun after the ry’toya incident. And being Red isn’t actually about being ‘evil’ per say, it is about conflict-- being subversive actually falls more under Rhean, which the MC does in spades. (i mean, come on, you’re breaking rules left and right and lying to staff with Sem-- one can argue the ‘evil’ about that big time lol) And yeah you can be doing a good job of it and still have yr roommate try to kill you if your roommate has an even older and eviler Red follower in their head ;p. I also, as said, have to keep it reasonably realistic as far as what the MC is capable of-- and what i can keep track of. 14 yr old Talent that shows themselves to be very manipulative is gonna get dead or expelled real fast in Tar’citadel-- remember you have teachers who can literally mind-shred you. XD Part of the reason i pulled the reins back on how ‘red’ you can be is so you don’t get an early ending.

That being said, i’ll see what i can poke around with-- but i think ultimately your vision for a truly Red game will probably get more realized if i ever manage to do Way of the Red. One of the best and worst things about WWU was that i tried to allow for all Ways to be played through, and it really is just too much and too complicated given where the plot took off from. I know if i ever do any more Way of games, they will be more specialized, and i believe better for it.

Feator i’m honestly not as worried about-- it gets much more heavily used in 2 (all the past-life stuff, its actually intellect and studying that helps you pass yr Cael test) and it will get used more in 3, again to bring up past life stuff. (whoo for remembered skills! get ready Dez and Ulics who don’t fight, u can learn some cool stuff!)

And Turin man, easier said than done, but i’m working on it. Fortitude is a big thing tied to Turin, so i’m putting that into places.


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Shush, some patience. @WayWalkerLeigh is still busily working at WWU3 and books set in the Way Walkerverse. Show a little bit respect. Having that much on the plate is not easy. Authors after all are also just people.


Wait, does that mean our spoiler guest tried manipulating the MC? Or is that just Jun themselves who are capable of it even if they don’t consider it manipulation as such.

P.S. “Semryu will always love the MC no matter what” oh, my heart! Protect that delicate snowflake at all cost!


@WayWalkerLeigh Not…friends…with sem? Not possible.


@Jackrabbit-- Oh Spirit, yes. Prepare for massive spoiler!

Jun’s past-self has been messing with the MC from day #1, specifically to use the MC to gain a stronger control over Jun. This is why the MC was approached by Jun in the first place, and why Jun has such extreme personalities depending on the MC’s choices regarding Jun. If the MC is unfriendly or even neutral, the past-self uses this to undermine Jun’s regard for the MC, and does his best to try and turn Jun away from the MC by painting the MC as what Jun (them)selves hate the most-- Red. By fueling the conflict between the MC and Jun, this gives the Red follower more power over Jun. If the MC is friendly, and thus lacking in the deeper conflict, the past self tries to manipulate Jun and the MC against Semryu (also because past-self sees in Sem a lot of himself, and knows Semryu is gonna be trouble with regards to Illyan). If both those fail then the final stroke of the past-self comes in the scene when the MC must face him in Jun’s regression-- and if the MC is the one to defeat the past self, then SUPER SPOILER-- the past self only pretends to be defeated. (There’s a subtle difference when he ‘dies’: if it’s dramatic, with puffs of smoke, then he’s not really gone-- if he just ‘fades’, he is.) And surprise, surprise, if he’s not really gone, then he’s STILL manipulating Jun and the MC through the rest of 2 and into 3.

And that means depending on how things go down, you might face a very different ‘final boss’ in WW:U3.


And yes, i know, Semryu is wonderful. :wink:

Also, update: i’m almost through WW:U1’s basic update, editing spellings and capitalization to match the published novels, and adding in the option for the MC to have other gender options, as well as the in-world responses to non-binary ppls in WW. In the theater club, you can now try out for any lead role regardless of gender, and Kess thinks you’re adorable for asking. (though Kess will still earn the role of the maiden no matter what– sorry guys, but non-male MCs can now also land the male lead in the show. :wink: ) There was an additional distraction choice also added to the infamous Clay energy-ball incident that plays to the Dez/healer stats, and too low of a Turin stat will result in some fear-based results for some choices/scenes. As said, I’m still open to additional choices in certain scenes that can play to Turin/Angani/Dez stats.Also trying to see if i can find a place to add more in as far as the classes and the MC developing relationships with Kess and Umbrave there in addition to the clubs. Not sure where i can put it yet though XD



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Exactly. :wink: It’s subtle, and actually more about shrieking than poof-ing now that i see it again, but it’s there:

[spoiler]NOT gone:
It’s like a final nail in a coffin, and Jun’s past-self shrieks with rage and pain before dissolving into a red puff of mist.

Truly gone:
It’s like a final, last breath, and then Jun’s past-self dissolves into a red puff of mist.

The trick in stopping the past-self is actually in the MC FAILING the second confrontation choice with the past self, as when the MC is in mortal danger is when Jun finally fights back. Ultimately, it is the Jun who push defeat the past-self, not the MC.

The other truest test of if he was defeated or not comes into play if you manage to fins Illyan’s research and then break Cael’s brain-- as a Jun free of the past-self doesn’t hinder the questioning of Cael.[/spoiler]


Replaying. Cant let him live


lol remember to still play through 3 without! Lots of fun content to find. :wink: If i ever finish DX

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I will refuse until that bastard is dead. The thought of having to battle jun is not welcome. Annnnnd i did it. @WayWalkerLeigh next question. So youre saying. that if we beat the past self. Cael when questioned will say everything aand agree that Jun is the master?


yes, given that set of circumstances, he will.

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Im content then. I beat him.


Maybe you should add a variable to determine if you were able to defeat Clay, and in WW3 you should be able to remind him if his loss to a younger students with less training.

Edit: I found this while playing:
With that, Jun pulls out of her past-self again, and you watch beside him as his sister storms off, leaving him alone in the library.

Jun is a guy in my playthrough.

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