Way Walkers: University3--suggestions and feedback

Yeah, but that’s something the MC can do if they trained the right abilities, not something they are always able to do…so MC is only above average if they put work into it what makes sense. Hard work can be enough to compensate a lack in talent.


Exactly. and keep in mind @Beaterxys i said normal "for and Exemplary Talent.’ Keep in mind the MC is still, like, super rare.


Well that’s how it should be. You cannot substitute hard work. And if any character want to physically beat someone they need to have a high Rosin, Kubesh or Rhean stat. You cannot expect to knock someone out with Beleskie or Bree.


What kind of recruitment program does tar’ka-besh has? My MC would be very much interested in becoming one if possible.

@WayWalkerLeigh I just refuse to think it’s Clay, it can’t be Clay, come on. Owen is basically the king of exemplary talents (excluding the MC of course) and Yeah i know the MC is very rare, I just wanted my MC be Death. (I kinda accepted the fact that they aren’t an incarnation during the first playthrough)

Clay resorts to physical violence whenever he faces any problem so he might be a reincarnation of Kubesh. But still that seems highly unlikely.

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@Beaterxys-- well, there’s lots of other people in then school than Clay or Owen. XD Though i will admit there’s been some Incarnations that were jerks before Awakening. Same as there’s a lot of ppl who were jerks in high school then mellowed. though there are plenty who don’t, too XD

@Tuhin_Subhra_Maity-- tar’ka-besh is a tough thing to get into even for an Exemplary, but they will start to train you once you graduate Third Tier if you focused on Montage with heavy secondary classes in Rosin as well as either Kubesh,Rhean or the pre-path for Pearl Paladins under Angani. (there is a specific program that aims Excemplaries in Third Tier to becoming tar’ka-besh but not all of them make it into the program, hence the focus on Montage.

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Well till now I got 50 Montage, 45 Rhean and 48 Rosin. So I think I am on the right path.
And is just a high Rhean stat enough if you want to become a Rhean Knight?

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@WayWalkerLeigh I thought you meant a person the MC has met.

Yeah you’ll be fine. Idk if we’l ever get up to graduating Third Tier, but i’ll see if i can make mention in the epilogues. Maybe XD

Ka’meile need to have high Rhean, Rosin, Montage and a touch of education in Turin and Beleskie. Think of them as jedi-ninjas.

and @Beaterxys-- the MC has still met more ppl than that. XD

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@WayWalkerLeigh That has been named. Look, we all know it’s Owen, it’s been Owen from the start. You just tricked us with the situation where the MC saves him from Clay (or not)

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It’s not Mc or sem. Let’s just hope it isn’t someone I pissed off then


lol i never, ever said it was a student ya know. Ya got a whole host of teachers, and there’s Sharrah, Genoa, ect. :stuck_out_tongue:

@Lightsavior lol yeah that’d be bad. Ish.

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you’re trying to throw me off now. it’s Owen. (CANON)


Is there a certain age limit for the awakening or can it happen to a person of any age?

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If an incarnation was a follower of red would they automatically stop? Also when someone awakens do they loose their personality and gain the personality of. Whomever they’re the avatar of?

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Well I think that there is a very good chance that a reincarnation can fall to the Way of Red. That is why the Tar’citadel does not take a risk of living any exemplary talent out.

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@Beaterxys-- i neither confirm nor deny. muahahahaha

@Tuhin_Subhra_Maity – it can occur in bits and pieces from a very young age, yes. True Incarnations usually grasp concepts much faster, remember reading books before, old fighting moves, ect, but so too do other old souls. Full Awakening though, is very rare when younger, though there are known cases of partial Awakening starting as early as 18-20, but it’s actually a bit hard to gauge as most Incarnations when they start to learn they are one tend to hide it, as the best time for a Red follower to kill an Avatar is before they are Awakened and Ascended. The ONLY exception to this is Angani, who consistently Awakens and Ascends by age 10, but she tends to die either tragically or through disease before she’s 15.

@Lightsavior – There have been Incarnations born in the Middle Lands and brought up in the Way of Evil, yes, though they weren’t happy with the life there from the start and later escaped. The Tazu Saga addresses the character A’ron De’contes, however, who made it all the way to becoming a Red Mage, managed to kill Rhean and Ra’vien and then suddenly awakened to a past life as one of the eight Original Clansman and a devoted friend and follower of Rhean. (best quote: “I literally woke up with the blood of my god on my hands.”) His reaction was to then turn on all this former minions and allies and murder them all, then flee to Tar’citadel to claim sanctuary. So i imagine an Avatar would have a similar reaction.

@Tuhin_Subhra_Maity – yes, though good luck getting Tar’citadel to admit that XD


@WayWalkerLeigh Owen is the incarnation of angani and he is about to die, he is so frail from the disease so he couldn’t fight back against clay. we can save him in the third game. (CANON)

lol! No. ;p Also Angani is always a girl. Not all Avatars stick to a specific gender but, a few prefer one over the other and she’s one of the ones that’s always the same.