I don’t think this is already in the thread. Needless to say, this one is another I’m excited for:
I’ve found a game which hasn’t been mentioned. It’s this orc one. Where you can be an orc. And do orc things. Like eating, killing and stuff. (And conquering an entire continent or becoming a demon lord)
The release date is provisionally 2025, but I’ll put it here as we’re still in 2024 for now!
Edit: looks like it may be 2024 after all
This is great. I’ve seen these titles on the forums so many times, over the years. It feels like watching a video of my high school graduation, or something.
Now both ChoiceScript games from the Spring Thing are up on Steam.
I cannot believe I am this excited about a cheerleading game of all things, but this sounds wonderfully weird and weirdly wonderful.