UnNatural - A supernatural horror game - editing complete, beta testing over

Samuel and Marie are members of Unit Gamma while Maximillian is a member of the M.R.U.

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Can you tell me a little bit more about them? What did Max do to the MC? What is Samuels role in srt?

Sure Samuel was one of the experienced members of Gamma. He also is the one who betrays the SRT. You can choose to kill him if you want.

Marie is the shy girl who is seen with him. You can bump into her in the library twice.

Max you first meet in Sticks and Stones. He is leading the anti srt gathering. you can kill him which affects the case 4100. If you donā€™t he reappears during the attack at the end.

@Nocturnal_Stillness If I may ask, how is U2 coming along? Havenā€™t heard about that in awhile.

Its on hold while these edits are being done. A lot of changes are being made and Iā€™d rather wait until they are done so i know exactly what i need to do for season two.


As season one edits are progressing and thanks to some of the romance controversy around Mass Effect Andromeda its got me thinking about the romance in season one. So does anyone feel any of the LIs gets more or less treatment or on the whole are they OK in that regards?


Hey noc, i dont think much changes are necessary

But i think denise should have more time with mc considering the other two have much time (ash being the highest) remember when you can ask the boss to shift her to room near you? There should be additional scenes on that and after she return to normal i think there is already a scene.

I think expanding their subplots can add twist to story, like help one of you friends/r.interest in their personal quest outside the main quest (which can be done when you get some free time) and in return recieve certain perks or benefits which can lead to a whole new ending .


You can add more fractions similar to srt and sck
Siding with them can provide diff benefits (i think it should be for season 2 cuz season one already has a whole plot to srt) i can think of fraction, remember the elf like creatures who helped to gain shade/azure powers back ?

And of courseā€¦since there was a romancable werewolf girl in s1 i wonder will there be others like male/female vamps, etc In s2?.

These are all just my personal opinion though. :slight_smile:

Mass effect ard is unfinished game the reason they pushed it was pressure from the investors and perhaps they wanted to end the fiscal year with good recordsā€¦but it got opposite, i feel a bit angry though as ill have to wait another 6~7 months or 1 year maybe for all the patches. :confused:

Itā€™s been a while since I played through Unnaturalā€“I was waiting for the fix that would allow Victor to be romanced by a gentā€“butā€¦ I feel like I can recall feeling a liā€™l bitā€¦ underwhelmed when it came to Craig? Lakota didnā€™t interest me, and he still doesnā€™t, but, if Iā€™m remembering correctly, it felt like Craigā€™s arc ended a bitā€¦ prematurely? Iā€™d have to replay to try and remember, but I have that vague impression. Just looking at the romance guide alone gives the impression that Ashley, Denise, and Austin got heftier romance content, but since I tend to only play as gay characters, I canā€™t attest to that. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Iā€™m already aware that Victorā€™s content might not be as in-depth as the others 'cause of his personality, but so long as itā€™s as short for guys and gals, I canā€™t say Iā€™d complain.


One of the things Iā€™ve decided on is Iā€™m going to scrap the gender specific romance triggers and make everyone who can be romanced by the player so people after m/m romances will be able to choose Craig, Austin, Lakota and Victor (possibly Anthony too if I can finally settle on what that would entail.


I donā€™t like this, I liked those specifics romamces.

The romances will still be in it they will just be opened to more people. I personally prefer characters to have specific gender romances but a friend made a very compelling arguement about how being player-sexual works especially in an interactive fiction game.

"if the MC can be Male or female, gay or straight etc why canā€™t this npc be straight in your game yet be lesbian in mine? "


Huh. I wonā€™t complain about that (I actually really liked Austin and wouldā€™ve been content with more friendship content for/with him) so long as no one winds up treating my fella like a gal. I havenā€™t played Austinā€™s romance since Iā€™m a stubborn fool who will only play as gay males, but I reckon he might have some interactions with the MC that imply the MC is feminine? I could be wrong, but thatā€™d be my one concern. Youā€™d have to aim for gender-neutral interactions or variations for each gender. Yā€™know, if the character would act differently depending on that detail. :laughing:

/scratches chin/ Anthonyā€¦ Anthonyā€¦ Is that the older gent that we can try and promote, but he turns it down? You have ideas for making him a companion? I definitely wouldnā€™t say no to that, haha. I remember in my very first playthrough I tried to promote him, but I couldnā€™t. :cry:


Donā€™t worry at the moment Austin is written specifically for a female player but Iā€™ll alter it so if the player is gay itā€™ll be his husband who is killed etc Iā€™ll more than likely go for variations based on gender for more immersion :slight_smile:

No youā€™re thinking of David he always refuses the promotion due to his desire to keep alphas safe. Anthony is a guy in Unit Beta whose sister is unwell (he wasnā€™t romanceable originally due to being more about his sister and making money to pay for treatment.


More immersion is always best. :hugging:

Curse names! Theyā€™re the bane of my existence. I still like Davidā€¦ He was a nice guy. :cry:

Iā€™ve not gotten to the promotion scene yet in the edits. iā€™ll confer with the gods of the UnNaturalverse see what they think. I doubt I could convince them to convince David to get promoted but maybe he could be saved with the right choices that could work after all with the SRT closed in season two if he was alive heā€™d need a job wouldnā€™t heā€¦hmm interesting thought there.

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Because the PC is made to be customizable, the NPC arenā€™t. They have their own set backstory and sexuality is part of it.
And I dislike how the majority of writers have a single ending for the romance, without acknowledging that are differences between a straight and homosexual couple. I think some writers fear that having a different ending/scenes between them will lead to readers to complain about hose differences.
You can say you will make different scenes for those two, but in my experience the romances with sexual preferences are better.

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I understand what you are saying as that was my own original preference but my friend makes a decent point

ā€œin your games (i.e your UnNaturalverse) the characters can have specific preferences there is nothing wrong to say in my game (i.e their UnNaturalverse) the characters can prefer a different gender. It is like in a parallel universe Germany won the world war or Einstein never invented the atom bomb.ā€

Donā€™t worry I intend to still have the romances vary depending on the gender of the player as I too think specific prefs are better. I donā€™t intend to do a half a job. But after the talk with my friend I think itā€™s worth a shot to try and bridge the two. :slight_smile:

edit: Iā€™ll aso add that they still will have preferences they will just be what the player is.


Sooooo Ashley will be a lesbian when I play now? Along with Denise, Sarah and Scarlet?

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When the update is done then yes.

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Well I always tell people that stories need more lesbians, first time someone did it :laughing:

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