Ultimata (Fantasy WIP)

Hey everyone, I have some new piece of Information, which I just recently worked out. It regards the non-human races within my game.

You see, a lot of the non-human races, especially from the demi-human races, possess extremly sensitive bodyparts and weakpoints due to their partly inhuman anatomy. Your character will as well have such weakpoints, which will vary based on your choosen race (with the exception of the Soulmancer). For example, the sensitive weakpoints of the Kitsune, Raiju and Grey Wolf are their animlistic ears and tails. These are extremly sensitive body parts for these races and they might actually attack those who touch their sensitive weakpoints out of instinct (sometimes even kill them).
For the Half Dragon however is it a little bit different. Their sensitive weakpoint isnā€™t their tail or their ears, instead most Half Dragonā€™s have a scale somewhere on their bodies that grows in the reverse direction then the others, and they hate it when people touch it, to the point where they would go as far as kill the toucher. The scale is an extremely sensitive/private issue as the sensation of it being touched temporarily renders them docile and limp. As a result they may attack once they regain their composure out of a feeling of being violated. Of course, the Half Dragon MC will have as well such a reverse scale somewhere on their body.


That sounds fascinating! Will we get to pick the reverse scale area or will it be randomized?

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You can actually choose the area where your reverse scale will be placed. You can choose to either place it on your lower back (just above the base of your tail), the midth of your back (up to your shoulderblades), the nape of your neck, your stomach or on your chest (in this case the female MC would have their reverse scale either above or below their breasts).


Interesting. My half dragon MC is female.

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Well, where would you like to place your reverse scale? If you allow the question.

Nape of her neck is where Iā€™d put it.

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Iā€™ve also decided on the surname for my gunslinger.

Oh cool. And what did you came up with?

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His name is going to be Clint Holliday. Is alright if I picture Lawbringer as a Colt Peacemaker?

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Itā€™s perfect, since Lawbringer is actually supposed to go in the direction of a Colt Peacemaker or a Colt Navy in terms of design.

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Does Lawbringer look like a normal gun or itā€™s more transparent and ghostly looking due to being a soul weapon?

Lawbringer looks like a normal Revolver with a few unique details.

Then could you actually use it in public? Nobody would suspect anything if it looks normal and having a gun wonā€™t be so weird when youā€™re in America. By the way can other people touch/use the gun or only you can operate it

Yes you could. The same would also apply for Lichtblick.
Thats also the reason why the Duelist has no need for a Combat Weapon and the Gunslinger has no need for a Firearm in their Basic Equipment as a D.S.R. Agent, since they can use their weapons in public.

Only you can use and operate your soul weapon. If you would hand your weapon to someone else (even another Soulmancer) it would simply dissolve.

Iā€™m glad I got it right. I could see a Gunslinger scene where theyā€™re showing off doing gun tricks.

Hehe, that might be a good scene for when you meet Jack. I mean just think about it. You could both show off with some cool gun tricks and maybe determine which one of you has the better tricks up their sleve.

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That would be fun to see. Iā€™m working on my kitsune character name now.

Cool. Again Iā€™m eager to see what you come up with.

Iā€™ve had the most fun with creating the Gunslinger.

Oh, I know what you mean. Itā€™s pretty cool to imagine your character as a gun-wielding hero, like one of these Gunslingers from those old Western Movies.