Triaina: Academy - WIP - Update 1.27 - 12/29/2023

Please quote the line for me! Thank you :slight_smile:

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It’s the first line

Ah, there! I was looking in the first weight room scene, that makes more sense haha.

Fixed :slight_smile:

I came back because @No_This_Is_Patrick said something about a secret route, but then I found out he was talking about the author, I can be dumb sometimes

Also I didn’t know if this was asked but is there a possibility of a Harem route or a love triangle route? Are there other ROs that will be introduced on the later chapters or are they complete?

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So what do all the powers do? Light = electricity and abyss is darkness I think but what’s clock? I’m guessing something timely wimey

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Clock- it seems like a redo button
Blood- blood manipulation(regeneration, etc)
@keyport It was talked about, too much work, at most it’ll probably be more of what happened at lunch when Raven called us their love in front of everyone.


Is Leo an RO? Just what kind of relationship dynamic would that be… :slight_smile:

Full Harem, perhaps not, considering the dynamic of most of the cast it would be improbable, since the RO’s don’t necessarily have a crush on the MC from the start like most Harems tend to utilize (I’m going to pretend Raven doesn’t exist in this scenario because everyone knows they crush the MC hard.)

The entire cast has been introduced for this book :slight_smile:

Blood = Ability to manipulate your blood in various ways.
Light = Electrical manipulation. This extends from electrical currents in the brain to actual voltage currents, as explained in the book.
Abyss = Limited control over Blackhole phenomena (Gravity and polar extremes of temperature, and blackholes themselves very minutely though.)
Clock = Limited control over Wormhole phenomena (Compressions of time and space on a minute scale.)


Follow up question. Will abyss or clock lead at all to teleportation?

Yes, but only for clock. Compressing space would create a phenomena of making two points at different spaces become closer to each other, resulting in a ‘teleport’ of sorts.

You can debate the effects this may have on the MC’s body, because it’s basically the question of if wormhole travel is dangerous, but I don’t care. Teleportation is cool damnit, suspend your disbelief. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Fray is a girl.

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Thanks, I fixed it. I switched a multireplace variable, so all the “her” variables were “him” instead. Whoops.


Ok, i’m probably not the only one thinking about this, but I’m gonna have to ask this very important question.
Will we have the ability to give our dear step-sibling…a headpat?


…what makes you think you can’t right now…? :slight_smile:


So even if full harems aren’t possible (that’s a headache most of us can’t imagine, lol) can you finish the game with multiple love interests or will you need to pick one?

For now, only one. In the next book I have some plans for poly options, which I think will come more naturally once the group as a whole has spent more time together, and not just with you.

The main options that I’ve come up with are:
The twins, with a duality of innocent reluctance during the day with P and the more naughty indulgences during the night with M

Robin/Ren and Emma/Emil, playing off their rivalry with each other as they attempt to vy for you, R in a more forward direction while E gives passive notes to you.

L and F, both intelligent aristocrats, one finds great usefulness in you as a mentor, the other as a servant. Two different ideological perspectives of royalty clash as they figure out their emotions for you.

V and Raven. Perhaps the deadliest combination. One apathetic to death, while the other relishes in it. A less emotional and more considerably violent poly romance that sees two different killers pitted against each other, with you in the middle.

Tell me what you think, just some ideas I’ve thrown around.


V and Raven. That can’t end well. This would be a complete chaos. Looking forward to see it in the next book! I mean just imagining these two in a poly/love triangle is a blast

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Isn’t that incest because poly is all three people in a relationship together.

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That will be much death

Aye. This would be more like a love triangle, not exclusively a poly.

Not sure how you’re gonna have Raven in a harem( yanderes tend to get rid of anything amd anyone that gets jn the way), unless by that point their rehabilitation is already taking effect. I don’t see S so I guess you couldn’t think of a pair up with them, I can’t think of one either since they come off as a “free spirit” and a bit of an adrenaline junkie. So unlike the others you’ve mention they don’t really reflect out of anyone specificaly and I guess would be ok with any combination.