These Reluctant Years (WIP) - Last updated: August 11th, 2021

Yep, and on the “rebel” path that may well be both of the mc’s ,eh? :sweat_smile:

Anyway seeing who the would-be rebels are let’s just say I am not all that confident as they seem to be , like possibly mc 1, privileged kids playing at being radical rebels.
Unless of course the local Gestapo turn out to be variation on Herr Flick, his loyal sidekick von Smallhousen and his occasional reluctant “assistant” Helga.
That would do to assuage my concerns about the rebels somewhat. :sweat_smile:


Thank you!


That’s where the current demo ends, so it isn’t just you!

Did you use the quick-start option? If so, that could also be why they dislike you. There’s no choice to set your squad camaraderie value when setting up a quick-start character, and the default is zero.

In general, just being as nonjudgmental as possible is the way to go. Certain characters also approve and disapprove of different things. For example, Reid really doesn’t care about what you say as long as you’re not personally rude to him, but Vance and Merriweather will take your radical/traditionalist beliefs into account if you mention them while talking.

I never said this wasn’t a tragedy! (;

Unfortunately, the most influential of the radical-sympathizers are exactly as you describe, and will denounce the radicals the moment they make any serious push forward. Laz is going to have to look for allies elsewhere.

The Faceless Guard are slightly more competent, so the radicals had to do something drastic to throw them off. Whether or not you approve of their drastic choice will come up in the next chapter.

EDIT: I’m trying to gauge how to best interact with my readers/supporters both on and off of Patreon. To that end, I’ve made a poll, and I would appreciate it if people could take some time to answer it!

Here is the link: Poll.

Thank you! (:



I’ve restructured the tier benefits to better reflect the responses I’ve received from readers on other platforms and the general trends on my Patreon page. The specific changes are listed below.


  • Access to commissioned artwork exclusively shared on Patreon.
  • Access to polls.
  • Sneak-peeks at in-progress chapters.


  • NSFW side stories.
  • All of the five dollar bonuses.

Thank you for reading! I also wanted to mention that there are already two commissioned portraits of Lázaro and Belvidere available for viewing and that the first of the adult content will be up this Friday. It will be about Prudence and how her rather controversial amorous escapades led her to being conscripted into the Frontiersmen.


can our mc romance each other?

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Will the character art be avaible at a later date here or in the game? It’s a bit of a shame not to show the characters to everyone? :thinking:
I’ve seen some authors keep full body pictures as patreon exclusive, but still show the portraits on the forums, for example, which is a nice compromise in my opinion.

Yeah, I’m going for that myself!


Short noble x Tall Redhead wildling lets go!


As Konoi said, yes!

Maybe here, but I wouldn’t want to put the portraits in the game because I did not discuss that with the artist beforehand. If it’s all right with them, then I might.

What should I do if the commissioned artwork are only portraits? I know that might sound like a snarky reply, but I am genuinely curious if you have any ideas.

Godspeed! (;

Weelll then… Maybe put the lineart (or flat colors, if it’s shaded artwork) public and keep the finished pieces for patreon? :thinking:
If you have access to the WIPs of your commission and if the artist is okay, of course!

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For now, it’s only lineart. That’s a good idea for if/when I eventually am able to afford colored pieces, though – thanks!


There is a new update available for the members of my Patreon page! This update will be accessible by the public one week from today. In the update, I’ve completed chapter 3 (including romance interactions between MC1 and other characters), fixed some spelling/grammar and continuity errors, and written some 96,500 more words.

There are also weekly developer insights that I’ve started doing and new lore/supplementary content that I’m adding constantly, so if that sounds like something you would be interested in, consider becoming a patron!


There’s a new update up! In this update, I’ve:

  • Completed chapter 3.
    • Including romance interactions between certain characters and MC1.
  • Fixed various grammar, spelling, and continuity errors.
  • Finally given you the option to pick a side in the brewing conflict!
  • Added some 96,000 words.

Follow my Tumblr blog or join my Patreon page to see additional lore, what-if scenarios, and early updates! You can also always feel free to ask/tell me anything on this thread! (:


Just read it and I have to say that this is a Masterpiece, In love that we can play as two main characters and the variety of paths depending your choices :heart_eyes:

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This story is really good. I just read it and I did the characters, Arden Wey and Blossom do Ash. I like how these people become enemies on the opposite sides of the rebellion and I hope you continue making your game.

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Bug? grammar?

I picked a girl for the second main character so it should have used female pronouns instead.

“Perhaps we could look for his family before returning…?” I suggest.

The newcomer looks at you and shrugs like he can’t understand why you would bother.

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Okay wow… The update was incredible!
Not only the path I’ve played through, but also one of the alternate paths I did read in code only. It is very spoilery though, so I’ll leave it for the end of my post, and start with the usual bugs and other issues, if that’s okay!

When MC1 talks with the Faceless Guard:

When the Guard talks about all the “issues” with MC1, he says: “Morgan Set… The Guard speculates that you’re not fully aware of your own influence. Your friendship with Mr. Goldendoor draws much attention. The Frontiersmen are well-loved by all in the Colonies, even if they attract subversive elements looking to hide… Surely you’re also aware that your grandfather continues to test what is acceptable from a man of his station…? And you, personally, have been known to sympathize with radical ideas.”
The first segment is wrong since my MC has high friendship with both Laz and Bel. So I should have gotten “Your friendship with Mr. Goldendoor and Lady Ydl draws much attention.”.
I assume it’s because the “((mc1_lazaro_rep >= 55) and (mc1_belvidere_rep >= 55))” condition comes after the “(mc1_lazaro_rep >= 55)” condition in the code. The game checks first for Laz only, then for Bel only, and then for both. So I guess it’s impossible to get the line where the Guard talks about both, since it would automatically mean the conditions for Laz would be fulfilled and thus the line related to him would appear without the game checking for any “else if”'s.

The Sovereign's discourse:

At some point, he says: “Though, regretfully, we must steer the topic of discussion to a more… sober… topic.”
Repetition of the word “topic”. With how much the discourse must have been rehearsed, I don’t think that’s intentional. If it is, at least if MC1 is a radical, maybe they could make a mental note of the little blunder or something?

After the "incident", if looking at the crowd:

“${mc2_name} was expecting that even less than you were, and as a result is currently groaning on the ground, having been knocked back by the blast. Beyond ${mc1_himherthem}, you just see complete devastation – frightened civilians, broken windows, and bloody pavement.”

It should be “${mc2_himherthem}”, no? :thinking:
My MCs are both guys, so it wasn’t an issue when playing, but I’ve noticed that in the code.

Confrontation with the Guard:

Once the MCs have joined the radicals in the conflict, and they’re sent to protect Unifier, why can’t we follow the “outwit” plan? It’s the one that most fits my MC1, I feel, but it’s dismissed and then it defaults to the diplomacy path… :thinking:
It’s the second best fit so I don’t mind it much, but I’m mostly confused, since it seems both diplomacy and fighting have an actual “route”.

If going for the MC1/MC2 romance:

So, this is not really an error per se, I think, but when camping alone, and choosing for MC2 to initiate the flirting, and for MC1 to reciprocate, there’s that: “${mc2_name} replies while blushing”
Is it really visible when the seal people blush? :thinking:
It may show on their nose or something, eh! I’m not claiming it’s impossible or anything, but I prefer to ask anyway. My MC2 has pale skin despite his black fur, so his nose can probably become redder if that’s what you’re going for! Which is so cute…

When coming back to Laz with the sword:

This is the same issue as the one with the Faceless Guard before. It says: “At first, he just looks relieved to see you safe.” while it should say “At first, he just looks relieved to see you and ${mc2_name} safe.”
The code is the same - individual lines about Laz being relieved for MC1 then MC2 are placed before the one where he’s relieved for both.

In the "ending":

I’ve read that part in code only, but I believe there’s an error here:

*if (mc1_radical > 50)
One can speculate that, given ${mc2_hishertheir} beliefs, ${mc2_name} joined up with the radicals. If that was the case, then ${mc2_heshethey} likely died before rising to any prominence.

It is uncertain if anyone even cared to mourn ${mc2_himherthem}.

It should be “if (mc2_radical > 50)”, no? :thinking:

The last line of the "ending":

“The eager world watches, and waits, for a truly free world…”
Maybe the repetition of “world” could be avoided?

Well, I think that’s it for the issues or doubts I’ve encountered!
I have one question though!
Do deer women have antlers too? And in general, do the antlers fall and regrow depending on the time of the year? Yeah I know, this is very very random, especially since my MC2 isn’t even one of them.

Some random musings:

I was thinking about it again, but I really like the relationships in this game, in general. Thinking of my MC2’s relationship with his sister. He’s the gentlest and most open minded boy that can be, and he truly tries to get along with his sister, he always tries to mend their relationship. But their personalities are SO incompatible, that despite his good intentions, she still hates him, and he can’t really do anything about that. Unless he’d be willing to fully change himself, but things don’t work that way.
I don’t usually like it in games when no matter how nice MC is to someone, that person may never reciprocate, but that’s because it never really felt natural and organic in any other game with that “system” that I’ve stumbled upon so far. It alwats felt gratuitous and like it was forcing to min-max stats and personality values in order to get a specific RO to like your MC. Here, I really only have to let my MCs act in a natural way and stay true to themselves, and the relationships form on their own, and FEEL natural. So no matter if a relationship is good or bad, it’s interesting and something I wish to see more of.

Some VERY spoilery musings:

So, I remember you said we’ll get to meet Blythe even if our MC1 was full radical, but that the circumstances would be unexpected… YOU WERE NOT KIDDING!!! Oh my god! That left me floored!
I didn’t actually get to talk to him in game since I followed the other path, but I’ve read the code for parts of the route where MC1 meets him, and even that alone, woah. :scream_cat:
Part of me felt sorry for him when the “incident” happened, but at the same time… he’s a horrible horrible person! So I’m so conflicted… I mean, he IS the enemy and I can’t say I like him, but I still have SOME sympathy, I guess. His reaction to what happened broke my heart a bit. That doesn’t lessen the hatred I feel because of his subsequent actions though…
I’m really curious about his romance now, though… I wouldn’t be able to go that path, really - it’s too awful - but it’s kind of interesting considering his position.

I have also come to realize while playing the new content that my MC1 shares some personality traits with Freeman, in a way? I remember when we talked about how Freeman is so obsessed with his cause that he’d never even think of himself, of love, and things like that. It may not be as extreme for Morgan, but the fact remains he was very much focusing on the rebellion itself, once he found himself truly thrown into that, and didn’t even notice Aa’rp trying to flirt with him, at first. Now, he DID reciprocate when he understood, but I see it as “not noticing his own feelings until they were ‘challenged’ in a very obvious way”.
And I have to mention I love how clumsy and “innocent” that entire scene was - clearly none of them truly knew what they were doing, and they didn’t even DO anything aside from sleeping with their backs touching. I think it added a lot to the impact of the scene.

That aside, I was both shocked and amazed to see MC1 could die at this point! Not to mention how things spiral down from that moment. :sob:
Obviously, this is also something I did read in code only, since it would have required to stay with Blythe, but man that was crazy (and heartbreaking, in the ending segment, with the reactions and stuff). Like, that ending genuinely made me cry even though I didn’t actually PLAY through it (but I did read specifically the segments I’d actually get, if I did play).
Now I’m kind of considering branching my playthrough around that point, and going for a confirmed member of the rebellion in one of them, and a radical saboteur hiding in the Sovereingty, as dangerous as it may be, in the other one. I wouldn’t go for the bad ending, obviously!

Interestingly though, aside from character reactions, another thing left a huge impression on me, in the ending - “Eventually, though, the last heir of Whitaker died by tripping over his royal cloak and falling on the holy blade Unifier.”
This is… crazy. In all sorts of meanings for the word.
But crazyness aside, I really like the fact we truly got an exposition of what happened from then on, not only for the various people MC1 met, not even only for the rebellion and this generation, but also for generations to follow. The entire History unraveling itself as a chain reaction… Chef’s kiss!
If you’re planning on doing that for ALL endings to come - as I’m sure we’ll get plenty of other “bad endings” before reaching something more satisfactory (in a more traditional way) - then I’m really even more amazed by this game than I was before.

Anyway, I think that’s it.
Sorry, it was VERY long, but that update did really leave a VERY STRONG impression on me… Just… wow.


Lázaro is my absolute favourite angry soft boy. Although I am here to eat up the soulmate trope with the worlds biggest spoon, I can’t help but go mushy over him.

It’s a lovely update, and it’s nice watching the plot begin to unfold. I mean geez, the angst we can create by making a few choice decisions when the group meets up in the hideaway. My gentle hearted rebel sympathiser is not doing so well, they went in with rose tinted glasses and are shocked with the reality. Great angst and love. The camping scene with my mc’s and the tent scene with Lázaro were very sweet.

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Wow, thank you so much! O:

Thank you, too! I am planning on finishing this one, don’t you worry! (;


Responses to errors collapsed because spoilers

Fixed/changed to make more sense!

Responses to other comments collapsed because spoilers

I felt like I had accidentally written the “diplomacy” path as more of an “outwit” path, anyway, and decided to keep them the same because if the “diplomacy” path were more of a traditional “why can’t we get along?” route, I don’t think the First Guard would pay any attention to it, lol.

It’s up to you! I like the nose-blush idea, though!

Yes. The presence or absence of antlers is seen as a symbol of masculinity or femininity, respectively, though whether or not someone has/does not have antlers at a given time does not necessarily mean they are the gender associated with their antlers.

That’s correct, though the specific time varies per individual.

Thank you! And yes, it’s sometimes sad for me, too, to write interactions between people that might not change no matter how hard you want them too (because that’s just how some people are). ):

Blythe is a horrible person (and none of this excuse/justifies his subsequent actions), but his father, Faceless Guard, Hierarchy, and governmental ministers are all also horrible people. He’s spent some nineteen years surrounded by deferential people walking on eggshells around him because they don’t want to piss off the Sovereign, and so doubled down on his own self-superiority. He knows what he is doing, though, and like MC1’s brother, he just doesn’t really care.

It’s going to be a whole lot of awkwardly standing around, I assure you. (;

Freeman is a… complicated… guy… His devotion to his brother and their cause can somewhat be explained by his feelings of (completely untrue, as in what he did would never have upset anyone, but he feels like it would, regardless) guilt surrounding an as-of-yet unrevealed event.

When I finished The Paths to Greatness, a lot of people told me that they felt their character should be able to directly defy Emperor Maganat, and I left out that option because, well, he would definitely murder them, and I didn’t think that would be a very satisfying ending. I put it in These Reluctant Years with a sort of compromise, I think, with the “no hey really if you say this you will definitely die” warning to let players know what they’re actually choosing.

I am a sucker for irony. (;

Yes – I always like my epilogues to say what happened to the player character(s) (when applicable) and the rest of the people they’ve met!

Ahaha – thank you for the kind words!

Thank you! And yes, there will be maximum angst potential in some of the romance routes… particularly if you choose to be a saboteur.


A couple more things, then…

Under the cut again, since that's STILL spoilery as heck!

I actually never heard of that one, wow… Well then, I’ll have to check it out too!

Yes, I like that compromise. In a visual novel or if the game was on Twine, with the possibility to save, such a warning wouldn’t be useful, but you can’t really avoid it on CScript. I’m glad you put it in, even if I did read it in code only. I’m a sucker for that kind of tragic endings!
In a morbid way, I also like the difference in MC1’s execution, depending on if Blythe likes them or not.

Oh man :rofl:

And thanks for the anlter answer!


It was, uhh… let’s just say it’s not my most popular release…

Lol, me too! At least sometimes

You’re welcome! (:


I was just wondering if the MCs or other people around them will say anything if you make them look alike kind of like how in the Fallen Hero games where if you do that with the MC and the puppet people will mistake the puppet for the MC or make comments that the puppet reminds them of someone.

Also if both of the MCs are trans will they have a conversation about that or even just a moment of happiness that they have found someone who can understand them in a way as no other could so far?

And does the MCs sexes, genders, looks and personalities matter in terms of gameplay and story seeing as they have a bond as two who are one or does any of that not matter?

And I’m sorry if this doesn’t make that much sense I have dyslexia so I’m not that good at putting thoughts into words.

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