The Winter Child (WIP) [small update 2 Dec '16]

There will be conflict between Embodiments. There will be romance available characters…I guess? The person who offered to help me with romance just left the forum indefinitely. :cry: Back to square one on that front, I guess. There will be female characters you can befriend though, other than Carrie.

(I’m trying to keep my answers short because I don’t want to spoil anymore details :joy: )

I have no idea how long the story will be. :sweat_smile: Initially this game was supposed to be at most like what, 40k in length? Now the demo is hitting 10k and above and the scale of the story I want to write is frankly ridiculous.

EDIT: The person who offered to help actually still wants to help! They just don’t want to post in the forums. :grin: I guess romance is back in the realm of possibility :grin:


I understand completely, relationships and romance are confusing.


I have school to deal with, but I can help you out somewhat if you need it. I’m not an author or anything, but I know a bit about fictional romance.


Tell me about it :tired_face: school is terrible. The results for the March Tests are coming in, and my teachers aren’t happy :confounded:

Thank you for offerring though :grin: more people to read through my bumbling attempts at romance are always welcome.


No problem. Just send me a message when you want my help.


pokes @WIre_Ryse’s ego with a sharp stick


stick fails to pop ego, it just slips and slides around it

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Your reminding me of one of my favourite quotes!

“If there’s anything more important than my ego around, I want it caught and shot now.”


Favorite Quote about ego: Do you face the sun and ask “Are you the sun?”


Okay, when I need beta readers I’ll send you a message. Maybe near the end of this month, once I’m done with Chapter 2.5 and 3. Or maybe just 2.5. The more I write it, the more I want to add in :sweat_smile:

I mean, I can’t send the MC out on an epic journey without some preparation first, right? Jack wants his ‘investment’ to work out.

EDIT : Sorry for the late reply! I just got back from school. :confused:


Hey, just wanted to say that your title “The Winter Child” gave me an idea for my own game(no you don’t have to sue me :grin:),

P.S. Hope you servive the summer!! :laughing:


Is it “The Summer Child”? Cause that would be awesome lol. jk.


Lol thankfully not. :wink:

You need to get someone with enough authority to do it for you (like Jasonstevanhill) or make a new account.

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:rage: where are my lawyers when I need them

:joy: :grin: :joy: Just pulling your leg. When your game is up, send me a message or mention my name! I’m kind of excited to see it :grin:

@WIre_Ryse Is that grade very good :joy: I honestly don’t know, we don’t have that grade system down here. And thanks :slight_smile:)

(Nuke the oreo empire anyway :joy:)


I recommend not doing that to the Oreo Empire.


The Ryse Empire will probably do whatever it wants, regardless of your recommendation. Just an observation.

@WIre_Ryse @Mystjerne

I’m pretty sure that that’s GPA. Right WIre?
The highest GPA you ca get is a 4.0 - All straight A’s (100%)
I’m normally around the 2 point whatever range.


GPA ranges
0.00-0.99 F
1.00-1.99 D
2.0-2.4 C
2.5-2.9 C+
3.0-3.4 B
3.5-3.6 B+
3.7-3.99 A-
4.0 A

I think those are correct. I’m normally in the B range.

GPA isn’t necessarily an indicator of knowledge or application of knowledge. As someone who slacked off a bit in highschool, I can attest to that.


So THAT’S how GPA works. I’ve always wondered. :smiley:

Where I’m from we just get grades. 70 marks and above is A, and it goes down from there all the way to U, which is below 40. I’m normally barely getting by on science related subjects, but for English Lit and General Paper I’m doing pretty well. :joy:

About 15% done with Chapter 2.5. Made some good progress today, although the transition between scenes in the beginning is a little bit choppy.


:smile: This whole thing is a series of firsts for me (first piece of writing longer than…15k words now, first choicescript game… The list goes on) so I really needed someone to beta read. I really can’t thank you enough for volunteering. :grin: I hope you enjoy reading my cringeworthy second draft when it comes, because ergh that is nasty I want to write a third draft right now

EDIT: Don’t worry! No coding involved. I’ll be doing all of that myself.

Also to the people who sent me helpful advice via pm (I’m not sure if you people want to be mentioned by name) I’m doing my best to listen to your criticism! I’m not sure I can actually follow through with all of it though, mainly due to time constraints. :confused: Rewriting the first few chapters to incorporate in a few extra days after the blizzard scene? Maybe after my exams :sweat_smile: