The Wight King(WIP) - Chapter 6 added (12/01/2023)

My ears are bleeding…

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That’s what everyone thinks bro …
Why did I do this?
Now my eyes and ears are dead …

Don’t try listening to it and looking at the picture at the same time … It hurts … It hurts so much …

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That boss annoyed me so much when I first played that. It became funny after a while.
@bl00dragon I like all my undead companions, though Dandelion might cause some trouble with the king, for his name and the legendary door kicker will probably want to say something abut his mother at some point. How is Helena a geek?
I want to make the white knight a wright knight.


Is the White Knight a companion? That seems … Strangely cool

The forces of darkness and light gathering together to fight … Whatever you have as the antagonist

Just to crush their souls when we achieve our goal, or hug them

Bookworm, technology fangirl, one of the first scientist of this world, will later play a part in the creation of the arcanist academy, is interested in everything that she consider an advance be it in the domain of magic or regular technology.

I admit they would be a great addition to the undead host.

Rnadom song I just found, title sounds appropriate.

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Did the Wight King die from old age, on a battlefield or something else? No one asked this for some reason
Maybe betrayed by their friends?

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The Wight King died of young age, and the independance war was over at that point, so was the crisis that lead to the sealing WK has witnessed. It also was at that time that a new king sat on the throne.
I’ll let you imagine what could have killed the best warrior in the land out of a real period of conflict :wink:.


The last picture I posted? :sweat_smile:

This somehow fits into the back story

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No, they would have burned down this evil with great prejudice and great vengeance for having inflicted upon their eyes such an abomination.

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I would like to give you some more encouragement by telling you the plot line is very good so far but i would like to suggest that at some point in the story add a plot twist. For some reason, people really like plot twists even if there is a very sad ending.(not that i’m telling you to put a sad ending i hate sad endings;))anyway just and idea for you to chew on :)))

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He died of young age? So he turned into a baby? :laughing:


I think he meant, “died at a young age”

Now I can’t get the image of an undead baby in a battle armor out of my head (as if it didn’t have enough f*cked up images already)


Yep, exactly, they turned into a baby and retracted back into a small particle of the universe before exploding like a mini big-bang, and reforming into their adult form while gaining 666 level in awesomeness.

EDIT: The idiotic pun with the “died of young age” I made was probably intended.


How do you come up with this stuff!!! XD

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It is my boon, and my curse.

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Well, it’s a curse that’s gonna kill me in the future :joy:

EDIT: either that or Mr. Nightmare picture up there …


It’s just a vampire…

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Hm? Are you talking about this?

No it’s an ugly abomination that must burn.
Prepare the holy flamethrower

Ah no ! not again.

Sets the whole forum on fire to get the ugly thingy

Get out of my town you scum! Or get purged by the wrath of the emperor (My space marines day coming back, that was good time.)


It’s clearly Nosferatu.