The Wight King(WIP) - Chapter 6 added (12/01/2023)

That’s what I’m working on right now. I’m trying to figure out what goes wrong.

Can I be ruthless to some people and compassionate to others. If you make it this way it would be great.
Anyway its enjoyable keep up.

I think I’m actually going to ask for help, because I don’t see what’s going wrong.

Look at your variables and the if, elseif and else statements … the parentheses seem to be off somehow with it giving that error message.

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I don’t see anything.

Do choices within choices makes the thing go banana? I don’t remember.

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umm sorry i dont know how to take a pic to show you but after the fight between my skeleton and the girl (forgot her name) i selected the choice that was like “suprising but not good enough” and this error came up

chapter2 line 727: bad label skeltonname

I screenshot a lot of the bugs, hope this will help?


The first bug is when choosing: “What did you call me earlier?” to Helena.

Then trying to reload the save leads to:

Skelton Bug: “Unexpected. Better than I thought, yet not enough.” I told him coldly.

Bug: with choosing to speak to the bandits:

Then trying to load last file:

Bug with choosing to attack bandits:


Bugs I got while dealing with the bandits.
Also after getting the bugs when I tried to reload the game from a saved point it wouldn’t work.

“a hard…”


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Hi, this is awkward so I’ll get straight to the point. Every time I talk to the bandits error arise, even if you passed through one of the (3) options another error arise (I don’t know how to upload screenshots):

You know in the scene where you try to talk to bandits then contains an option “I’m fine either we go through violence or diplomacy” not exactly the words but something like that.

By the way, since I’m here commenting might as well, I’ve been playing demo for a long time this is one of the WIP I look forward to be complete. Love your work, I appreciate the hard work. Thanks for this :slight_smile:


Sorry about that. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I’ve been busy today and yesterday, but I’m still debugging the demo. Things should be more playable tonight.

Thank you. It’s always nice to hear things like that. Lifts my spirit. :smirk:


cant fight the bandits

It finally works correctly. Gonna go back to writing now.


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Ok, either I’m dumb and I forgot to update or I’m dumb and I forgot that one.

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Okay. NOW it works. (I bet that in less than 10 minutes someone is going to tell me that it doesn’t. XD)

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See? XD

I fixed that one too now.



chapter3 line 313: Non-existent variable ‘octavemet’

(You might have fixed this while I was playing.)

@bl00dragon - sorry I’m silent lately. I have a lot on my plate at the moment - CS contest, some prior testing commitments and I am working on an important update to my own project that is taking hours and hours to execute correctly.

I am still very supportive of your work here though, so carry on and I’ll be back with feedback once everything calms down again.

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