The Wight King(WIP) - Chapter 6 added (12/01/2023)

Only an ounce? Come on you’re not even close to a pound and you’re 7/8 short a cup. Come on, you can do better. I believe in your somewhat manic ideas. Somewhat


Work on the new intro is going smoothly. (Really, a whole new part of the plot is revealed, at first it felt like I was writing a completely different game. XD)

Slower than I’d like because I’m also trying to rebuild an entire stat system, especially for personality.

I’ve also added more choices and ways to approach the intro. Your awakening will be rougher, your enemies tougher, and Asterius is noooooot pleased. He wants his sweet screen time.

So, as soon as I’ve got stats covered, and did at least a third of the intro, I’ll post a new link for you to have a taste of the revamped Wight king. With hope that you like it, and that I’ve managed to improve in more than a year of writing stuff.


Nice, can’t wait to play it

Just thought of this but how strong is the white king in this world? Like is he one of the biggest players or is he just stronger then normal people?

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And I will kindly direct him to the title in the upper left corner :blush:


Depends how many worlds it consumed for breakfeast. :japanese_goblin:

Really though, the Wight King was quite powerful while they lived. And they will one day become the greatest threat the world has faced in milleniums.

Ah, life is rough for non-protagonists. NPCs are people too. :cry:


Only if they can curse people with flying waffles to the face

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Yay the return of the Door Demon Dave and cereal leprechauns but in all reality I am very excited for the new intro

Sounds like overlord. (anime/light novel)
I assume that ther will be no RO? Anyway great job.

I watched Overlord, and I liked it. The game has in common to the anime that the protagonist is a powerful undead, and a part of the game will be centered around conquest and large-scale wars. But it’s no all that similar in the end though. :3

There will be ROs, but you can easily do the whole game without romancing anyone.

I’m glad you liked what I’ve done so far, I’m currently working on rebuilding the game from the ground up, to make the best use of what little experience I’ve acquired since I’ve begun writing the Wight King.


Um, Isn’t romancing with a undeath mc considered necrophilia?

Dunno, I always thought that twilight is about some crazy necrophiliac gal so… :wink:
No, but seriously, I dont know. MC looks like vampire, but he was killed right? So… lich? It can’t be ghoul/zombie (too smart) or phantom/specter (physical body). Wight king looks like resurected death knight/necromancer.


Wight king is undead, so yeah, but I think that the romance options available are also undead or supernatural beings, so it wouldnt be considered necrophilia, considering you will both be dead/similar.

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This is the place when someone should ask “how this is even possible” :slight_smile: We know how skeletons work (magical muscles and tendons) but still - any physical relationship without blood/hearth and between two undeath is… weird. Sorry, I know it’s fantasy but still - it’s weird.
I think I just over thinking this tho…

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Well if the Wight Kings body was preserved with dark magic then I think he will be able to perform physical relationship quite easily, ofc with a being similar to him, but this is just speculation as I cant quite remember if the Wight King looks human or a skeleton, well if he was a skeleton he can still bone someone atleast, hehe


Only in Choice of Games we ask about this


Yeah. Probably the only community for which it is an existencial question. XD

The Wight King’s body still has some of its old functions. But others have been modified by the transformation.

As for the sex part, I’ve thought about it, and for now at least it’s going to be this way:
The Wight King can have sex, but aren’t afected by it directly. Their feelings of this kind of things have dulled significantly. However, all wight kings have greatly empowered(and twisted) empathy(a kind of low-level telepathy centered around emtions).

This empathy causes them to be able to feed of the emotions of others, particularly intense feelings like fear, anger and other primal reactions are quite direct in the way they are absorbed by the Wight King… :wink:

Not only, but yes, some romances are with undead.

Most undead can’t have sex anyway. Not in the way we do.

The MC is beyond all undead, a being that transcends undeath itself. While they possess abilities of other undead kind, they cannot truly be associated with any of them. They are the perfect undead. And in some ways, they might the most perfect of all Wight Kings…

And by the way, ghouls in this world are by far one of the most dangerous kind of undead. They are as smart if not smarter than humans, and can grow in power to heights few undead ever reach.

Wight Kings don’t rot. They constantly regenerate. When they are destroyed, they are entirely consumed.

I really don’t even think about any of that. XD

Most romance with undead don’t lead to sex. Not conventional sex anyway. I don’t think of undead as dead people, except maybe for zombies and skeletons. Elisabeth, Helena, Dandelion, I don’t even think of them as dead, they’re just characters like any other in my eyes, even despite their unique conditions.


So are we able to have kids?
If so will he have some of our power?


Not in a regular way, not with mortals at least.


Well there goes my idea for a superpowerd undead lineage

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Think of it that way… What kind of parent would willingly inflict the Wight King’s curse on their children?