The Wight King(WIP) - Chapter 6 added (12/01/2023)

Agreed. It was tedious then, even more so now.

On the story itself, I do wonder: do the MC has a goal of some sort? I mean, there’s this whole “rebuilding your castle/army/power”, but that’s not a goal, that’s a mean to an end. There’s the whole “rule the world, muahaha!” but that seems like maybe it’d be too big a scale for a single game - at least it seems to me it’d be hard to write it in the space of a single quest without feeling the story was massively rushed, given our starting point.

(I mean, I didn’t think much of it at first, but after all those talks on how people expect the MC to do on the world’s stage, I can’t help but wonder ‘is there really a way to cram all of that in a single game?’)


IIRC @bl00dragon said that this game would have sequels.
And the WK is a force of change, so I think even at the end of the first game the world won’t be the same

Sure, but that tells us little on what will be the Wight King’s arc during the first game. If I had to guess, I’d say it’s probably a combination of rise to power (as in, claiming one little corner as our own) and settling things with Asterius, but that’s only a supposition.

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If I had to guess, since bl00dragon said that everyone will happily settle their differences to unite to fight the undead, I’d say that the first game would be the WK carving a small kingdom of their own and gathering as many allies as they can


Let It be known that Half Elves are the true apex, pure humans are too weak, pure elves are too static, Half Elves are adventurous with enough power to get anywhere.

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Are we going to have to worry about random adventurers stumbling into our lair and trying to steal our shit? And if so can we come down, snap their sword like a twig with our bare hands, and then interrogate them about how their life has lead them down this desperate path and whether they wouldn’t be happier working for us instead?

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I haven’t made a list. But a lot of characters wield their own artifacts, and the Wight King will be able to find powerful relics as well.

Things like a cursed sword made by an archdemon, but also a lot of things that would be kinda spoilery.

Yeah, I’d like it if elf haters/lovers could chill a bit instead of rioting every time someones mentions them.

Well, the first objective would be to survive, and stop the threat of the templars. But later on, as you’ll remember and learn more, your objectives will be made clearer.

No please. This sentence is so cheesy I’m coughing blood right now. XD

Well yeah. I’m planning on making at least three books, maybe more depending on how much I think there would be to tell. Probably more than three.

For the former, kinda, yeah. Though that’ll be a continuous goal, getting more powerful, more allies, more territory.

For the later, Asterius is in the way, but he’s not the goal.

Well, not really stumbling, since ‘low-level’ enemies would die in a few minutes just from the death field around Balespire. And the servants you left there wouldn’t have too much trouble pushing back the rabble. But the keep will be under assault from time to time.

“I don’t know, being a noname is a pretty ingrate job don’t you think? You should at least have fun on the right team if you’re going to die in one blow on the side of the screen anyway.”


Obviously as a caring wight king I would endeavor to learn the names of any living employees and provide them with a satisfying work experience. I mean most of my employees are mindless undead so it shouldn’t be an insurmountable task. I mean, living allied would be very helpful for information acquisition.

Do we have any control of this death field at all? Like, can we make it an overwhelming dread field? Poor random low level people suddenly dropping dead upon entering is just so unnecessarily violent, and just bound to draw unwanted attention.

I suppose we’ll still be traveling a lot though, so we’re bound to have the chance to run into a few people who think they can harm us when they in fact pose so little danger that killing them would be needlessly cruel… right?

But, but…

So I’m guessing you don’t plan on many races after making us half breeds?

Is it going to be one of those talking swords? I don’t think I need a sword that makes penetration jokes every time I fight.

image Destroy the word muahahahah?

Oh! Destroy all doors and name everyone Bob!

Can I make him undead?

Oh yeah one of my goals. Turn all the champions undead and take their stuff, they’ll be sent to the front lines like the warriors of old. Naked. To inspire true fear.

So would there be anyone naturally immune to that?


Just wondering will we be able to choose what kind of Armour we have and how it looks.

That’s to far! You can destroy the world but that’s that’s evil


I’m still waiting my half-orc option.


Considering that most of them are considered “holy” and “divine” I don’t think you can make them undead

When @bl00dragon was working on the old version he said that further down the road you’ll get to customize your armor, I’m not sure about the revamped version though

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Probably not, not now at least. Unless I make custom species that could have gone through the same things as the Wight King without getting killed.

Nah, it is sentient however.

Who doesn’t need a sword that makes puns as you hit enemies with it?

Some people are too strong for the field to really affect them beyond a slight weakening. Paladins have a resistance to it as well, that grows as they become stronger, but they’re still get severely weakened and slowly die if they’re not powerful enough.

The death field’s role is ironically not to kill people, but to debuff them, to keep them away. The instant you step into it you feel that something is very wrong, and your body just wants to turn back. Unless you know perfectly well where you’re going you’ll instinctively run away from it.


Probably not. I’ll think about it.

They’re very hard, but it’s not impossible.


“Mind if I…cut in?”


Sorry to cut the conversation short.

You know I don’t appreciate you just sticking me into every random person you see and covering me with their sticky fluids.

Looks like you’re a cut above the rest.

God I woke up hammered.


But, but, but…:thinking::rofl:


Y’all know…I believe someone be insulting MUH Dawi! and Warhammer but my Dawi is more important lol

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What about an intelligent sword that is also a pacifist?

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Could you imagine this

WK: so, when will my sword be ready ?

Blacksmith: in a couple of days, I just have to straighten out the kinks

Sword: I like feet

Blacksmith: shut up