The Wight King(WIP) - Chapter 6 added (12/01/2023)

And judging by the scars MC is described to have on their half-elf ears, am I to assume there’s a social stigma on both sides for being a half-blood? Ditto for orks?

Edit: I just realized the conventional spelling is orc, not ork. Goddamn 40k…


Yes and no, it does depend a lot on the location.

For example. Aquilea became an extremely prejudiced place over time, and one of the core tenet of their religion is that the purity of mankind must be preserved as all cost, that mutation, or even worse, voluntarily giving birth to a hybrid is a stain on humanity. Sin that must be purged one way or another.

Other human countries tend to be much more lax, the big empires have no particular stance on hybrids. Kriegsgard always accepted anyone with the will to become one of them, and they have a privileged relationship with many ork clans, which means a lot of half-orks live or seek refuge there.

Nevarra is much more closed off in principle, but being a huge economic powerhouse, they welcome people from all over the world. While many among the nobility advocate for the regulation of hybrids, the close relationship of Nevarra with the High Elves mean that there are a lot of half-elves living there. And these ideas are pretty much dying out considering they have a lot to lose from them.

Arkadia used to be very open, to anyone really. But after the Aquilean invasion, they started importing their religion and ideas into the country and it became more dangerous for hybrids to live in the cities than on the fringe.

The high elves are mostly opposed to hybrids, but it’s the source of many vehement debates. While hybrids are not outright banned from high elf cities, they are treated as second-class citizens and it’s very difficult for them to have a voice and advocate for their legitimacy and freedom. Interspecies couple are also often treated with disgust. That’s why many half-elves and their parents leave and try to find a home in some of the more accepting human or elven lands.

The wood elves and dark elves have experience being treated like reprobates and pariahs, so they tend to accept hybrids with open arms, though that’s not always true.

It depends on the clan, but most orks have no problem at all with hybrids. People have problem with orks in general, not the opposite.

I’m being extremely vague and non-specific but that’s the gist of it.

There’s a lot enmity between these different people for different reasons, but as a whole it got better once these people were forced to cohabit and the scars of the old wars faded. Only borderline insane extremists still try to push a race supremacist agenda.

I accept both and use them interchangeably.


In this one, I find the first and second choice st odds. The first option wants to potray the MC as a honorable figure and the second as a maybe hedonistic figure. However, the wording makes me feel the MC is just saying the first choice to appease H with a hint of compassion, whereas the second one potrays him as a naive/trusting person.

In this one, I couldn’t make much difference between the 3rd and 4th one, and i felt a little at odds as the MC who just a few hrs back, cut through the Templars and a Paladin (strong odds given the circumstances) with clinical mathodology and blessed ruthlessness. The last option is clearly to increase the compassionate stat I feel, however, personally it potrays the MC as over-compassionate and I think I’d like some pity thrown in there ss well to make it stick.

The first four options seemed similar to me, subtely pointing out the same emotion MC is feeling.

The first two options seemed similar. I think one is for compassion/honor and the other for aggresion?

Right after this, there’s 3choices on the next page which seemed all honorific to me.

I understand my personal understanding and buildup of my MC may have been instrumental in making these judgements but nonetheless, I tried to be as neutral as possible.

Sorry for the late reply. Have a good one🍻


Thank you, I’ll look into those choices again at some point. Right now I’m kind of working without a frame when it comes to them, since I need to complete my concept for the rework of the stats. I think one of the things I’ll include in one the next chapters is a self-contained testing ground for the new system.


No problem at all.
Completely understandable, indeed the testing ground would be a good foundation and a way to weed out the flaws I believe. :beers:


Oh-ho. I’m not gonna lie, very few games so far make combat in their works as well as you have in this.

It wouldn’t surprise me if you practice with bokken or training swords. Or have perhaps done a writing role play somewhere where fighting was a thing. Very much looking forward to this projects future.


It’s no secret that I really enjoy writing fights. I do try my best to make it fun.

I’ve never had formal training. My experience with martial arts is limited, so I’m mostly self-taught. Growing as a french kid in the countrysides, there really aren’t many options for those who want to pick up swordfighting. Except olympic-style fencing which I actually practiced for a few years, which is pretty fun but not really what I was looking for, I mostly used a sabre or a fleuret.

It’s easier to find hand-to-hand sports, which I practiced for a while too. So I mostly practiced on my own with some cheap, probably made out of scrap-metal, katana. I enjoy using polearms and staves too. I must say finding a staff is way easier.

I drew a lot of inspiration from watching both completely imaginary fighting style and actual HEMA fighters or such.


I’ll be honest in most games choices related to fighting are cumbersome to me as they just seem flavour text.
You defeated oppenent by insert name , you practiced with insert name but your take on this aspect in your story is a breath of fresh air for me and i really appreciate you for that.


I think i found bug, when you have selected your weapon and secondary, later at east path when you choose what weapon to use against that shrine, it doesn’t let me use my weapon and secondary, only my fist and balefire. Chapter 5 :face_with_monocle:


It’s probably working as intended. You can use your weapon if it’s either the eveningstar or maul, because I thought it wouldn’t make sense to use anything but a big, blunt weapon for demolition. You can use the gauntlets if that’s the secondary you’ve chosen, I didn’t think anything else would make sense.

Though if you had any of these and weren’t able to use them, yeah it might be a bug.


Yea, I can’t use the gauntlet. The rest is fine though :+1:


This is something I meant to mention a very long time ago but I think our weapon choices are really fucking cool. Like, all of them.


I have the maul and the gauntlets and I can’t use them.


I found some issues yeah, I’ve fixed them and it should be fine in the next update of the game.


What’s soulmass meant for?

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The stats are basically useless right now, I’m in the process of remaking them.

Honestly, even back then I don’t think I really knew where I was going with that one.


Happy New Year’s dragon how’s your day’s been doing

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I’m fine now, but I was sick a few days ago and I’m still recovering. I’m pretty busy now because I just started work at a new place, but I’m going to start working on the next chapter more once I feel more comfortable.

It’s already pretty much planned out. The next three chapters will be pretty straightforward if I actually write them according to plan.


A new job always takes some settling into, I wish the best on that. Also would like to say how happy I am that you’ve had the persistence to keep this project going for this long. It has so much potential and your skill as a writer has grown noticeably over the years. Here’s to your success thus far :beers:


I havent been here for a while but is there any way to win against the paladin boss dude? Even when I do 8 damage against him and receive 0 I keep losing in the end :sob: