The Wayhaven Chronicles General Discussion (SPOILER FREE FOR BOOK THREE!)

Does anybody know how long the Agency has been around for? Has Sera answered this before or is it too spoilery?

A quick search didnā€™t yield any results. I do recall an ask about agency calling in N for help with royalty, but thatā€™s not much to go on. Could be an Ottoman sultan from early 1900s, could be queen Elizabeth I for all we know.


My guess is F since there are no humans in Echo World and the second they came here the agency probably got in touch and started giving them bagged bloodā€¦but it seems kinda obvious so it might not be them (like in a detective story where the first suspect is never the real culpritā€¦and this is a detective storyā€¦)

Your Awesomeness :smirk:

I love it when that happens :smile:


Yeah, thereā€™s just so much evidence pointing to F.
At first I thought it would be N, but then as jumo pointed out there probably werenā€™t special systems and places like the agency that offered bloodbags back then so that kinda eliminates N and A. Further thereā€™s something that makes me skeptical about N and blood. The comments F made and the theories just makes me believe N had to drink blood from a human at some point. As for M I donā€™t think theyā€™d care to drink or not drink blood from a human. Just because they extremely dislike people I donā€™t think they would completely dismiss drinking straight from one (back then). And finally that leaves F. They havenā€™t been on earth for too long as someone else mentioned, and F just seems like, I donā€™t know how to explain it butā€¦sort of innocent?


There are plenty of modern countries with monarchies too. Maybe the Agency has been around since the 1800/1900s, since superstition was beginning to die down a little?

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I donā€™t want to derail the discussion, butā€¦

I just canā€™t get over this mental image of F at a first year calculus class
Prof: So here is Rolleā€™s Theorem which states that if a smooth continuous function is equal at 2 ends of an interval itā€™s slope is zero in at least one point in the intervalā€¦
F: Well duh, thatā€™s so obvious!
Prof: Yes, but we need to prove that this is in fact true-
F: Come on! Why canā€™t we just see how intuitive it is and move one?
Prof: Because if you do that all the time you end up with fallacies like-
F: This class is a fallacy
Prof: Now thatā€™s just meanā€¦


Am I the only one that can easily imagine N nota drinking from a human before? I can see them getting the consent (or compelling in the worst cases) some humans to put their own blood in a cup or something. Just to try and hold to humanity a bit more.


I was debating between F and N, and then I considered that maybe, just maybe, N once drank from a human and was so horrified that they decided to ā€˜punishā€™ themselves by limiting the amount of blood they receive.

Also, in book one, N mentions something along the lines of them being ā€œmore like (the rest of UB)ā€ than the detective thinks. And drinking blood directly from humans may have incited this statement, especially since it kind of reinforces in them the knowledge that they truly arenā€™t quite like humans anymore.


In my view, A and N would definitely have drank from the source since they have been a vampire a long time, which means this would be the time where blood bags were not yet available and possible they have experienced famine and wars which could pushed a personā€™s morality at some point.

My bet is on F since they are the youngest and from the Echo world, where humans were nonexistent at best, though how they feed themselves in there would puncture my hypothesis though. It is possible they drank off some kind of essence in the Echo world. :thinking:

M is probably possible since they are one of the youngestā€¦ That would be interestingā€¦ :joy:


Another questionā€¦ do you think UB has seriously hurt anyone while drinking from them? :thinking: I doubt theyā€™ve killed anyone at least purposely but do you think everyone was willing?


I think itā€™s A. They strike me as the ā€˜this canā€™t beat me, Iā€™m stronger than thisā€™ type. I just canā€™t see the others not trying it. When F is dropped in this world, would they even know any better? Also, I think N has some serious baggage along with a very rebellious period. M is the only other one I think might not have done it but it doesnā€™t seem like it would bother them too much so Iā€™m not sure why they wouldnā€™t?

Yes. Seems like it would be extremely easy to accidentally drink too much, particularly if they havenā€™t fed in a while. (And if it feels anywhere near as good as it seems to in most vampire-mediaā€¦)

I canā€™t really see F hurting anyone, but the other three, yeah.


Intentionally no but accidentally, possible. In my view, since they are new with interacting humans, it is possible that they have no idea how very fragile a human can be.


I think the one who hasnā€™t drunk human blood is F because F forgot that humans heal slow lol.

Now I can finally be called Your Majesty without judgement


Oh definitely the case as wellā€¦

Imagine how cute the scenario for Bobby when this happens, so Bobby is afraid of ghost and worries that she will get harm , she looks around and notice non of the UB agents care about her but she looks again , this time notice the familiar face of MC who seems concerns about her, hence realising why she had always want to hang on to MC, even though she hide the fact with the excuse of wanting to manipulate my MCā€¦ in truth Bobby realise she can always count on my MC no matter what :-):relaxed: It is sweet isnā€™t it ? :wink:

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What if Bobby sees one of UB drinking the MCā€™s blood? Iā€™d like to see what would happen in that scenario.

Probably a lot of screaming and confusion.

Wellā€¦ i would personally explain to Bobby there is no cause for concern, by the wayā€¦ it is i who lost blood anyway ā€¦ so there is nothing for Bobby to worry about :wink:

Perhaps Bobby will even feel hurt for thinking i am in pain ? :-):thinking: i will ask Natalie to calm her down then :-):stuck_out_tongue:

My MC : Bobby ! Stop this screaming at onceā€¦ It isnā€™t as bad as you thought ā€¦ and please donā€™t write any of these story, for your own sakeā€¦

Sera did said in one ask that the vampires from the echo world did feed on blood from other supernatural creatures.


Oh crap i almost forgot, i was thinking about humans this whole time but i didnā€™t realise ā€œstraight from the sourceā€ could also mean supernatural blood :woman_facepalming:


Oh thatā€™s right! I forgot about Echo world, thank for reminding me about that. In that case my best guess is that M wouldnā€™t had had blood from the source then just because of age alone.