The Wayhaven Chronicles General Discussion (SPOILER FREE FOR BOOK THREE!)

Also throwing dices were a sin and scandalous thing in Victorian era to point as Womanyou could get banned for sociallife if a rumour comes that you have played dice games

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There is actually an ask about DnD! :smiley:


Perfect! :smile:

M making N uncomfortable trying to flirt with all the NPCs just made my day.

Also, what kind of godly-Tumblr powers do you have? You got that ask so fast!


This one was easy, I just put ‘dungeons’ into the search bar, lol.

There aren’t any other asks that have that word in it.

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Wait till A learns about min-maxing, RIP N’s carefully crafted campaign. F just BS’s their way to victory and has to be reminded that they have to roll for stuff, they can’t just do it then spend 5 minutes looking at their sheet and trying to figure out their numbers. Eventually A just does the math for them and F just gets to roll and M put all their stats into charisma when they learned they can hit on NPCs and N has to make every character either a small child, really old, or something with no junk so M won’t spend 15 minutes trying to seduce them I have been that player. I ruined an important moment in my friend’s game by seducing my way to victory. He should not have given my character magic leather pants


Rebecca would play as Barbarian fighters who intimidate their way through all social checks you can’t covince me otherwise.

Charlotte would play rogues or sorcerers and join F in their quest to snoop through everyone’s sock drawers.

N: And from the fog appears a skeletal looking old woman, dripping with bog water. She nears the gnome village, screeching a moaning.

A: [slams fist on table] It’s a hag! I scream this in character to warn the others.

Rebecca: I throw my axe at her.

N: Wait we haven’t started combat—

M: Hold on but did I seal the deal with the gnomish bartender or not? Cuz I’m not paying for a room.

A: I will pay for your room, now charm the gnomes into evacuating the village!!


Charlotte: And I use mage hand to help!

F and Charlotte: [chanting] Gag the Hag! Gag the Hag! Gag the Hag—


Rebecca’s intimidating enough that I’m almost positive the dice would do whatever she wanted them to. It’d be the smoothest game ever.

F: So…magic?
N: Uhm…no, I don’t think so.


Emma would refuse to play, as she’d rather be working. That said she’d likley be convinced, in which case she’d be confused and ask questions about everything.
Emma: Okay…so…what are my options?
F: groans That’s the fiftieth time she’s asked that…we haven’t even left town.

Hayden wouldn’t take it seriously. She’d have fun though.
“So…are goblins hot? Because if so…”
“Oh shit, I’m going to punch that dragon.” “You’re level five-” “Don’t care, still doin’ it.”

Cassandra would take it very seriously, and wind up taking loads of notes and buying some books about it.


I just want to play Monopoly with UB to be honest.

Also, this is M in D&D

Once a bard friend rolled a 1 for a seduction and ended up killing a girl and tried to hide the body. He was caught, rolled low on deception and they all thought he was fucking her corpse.
He then tried seducing the guards and rolled low again so all the guards had boners while arresting him and the DM had to sideline the entire game and make up a dungeon for the rest of us to get our stupid bard out of.
But we didn’t. So for like 3 nights the DM essentially ran 2 different games, one of us questing without ol’ corpsefucker and then the adventures of corpsefucker: escape from boner castle.

He seduced his way out, naturally.


Rebecca just carries the whole team… just like she does in real life.

Samir is my only character who probably actually plays already so he could make whatever character was needed, probably a healer which a fully fledged out backstory and interesting ticks and all this good stuff. He has to gently remind everyone that he gave them bluffs because they won’t use it other wise.

Rin… fighter. Tough fighter who just goes along with the group and hits things, like, super good.

Orianna would make a ranger who’s preferred Monster is the undead and is named “Buffy.”


You guys have been BUSY! I need to read all these later… but I witnessed a scene that reminded me of F and A SO MUCH and it made me HAPPY

This is v off topic from what you guys were talking about but I am a drunk Kentuckian at a horse race so pls excuse!!!

feat. a rando man, slightly drunk, as F: Horses! They’re so BIG!
and another rando man, less drunk, as A: Yuuup.
F: I must ride one.
A: [pauses] What?
F: WHERE CAN I RIDE ONE? [mimes riding a horse in a crowded courtyard filled with professional jockeys]
A: You don’t??? You’re drunk, stop that [tries to grab him]
F: [neighs in protest]
A: [hiding face from onlookers]


I second this! But also Uno too. I’m just imagining everyone skipping over A or giving him the +4 card and cackling. Question do you think A would do well in a game of Charades?

dnd stuff

Blaire would play Cleric bc he knows no one else would take up the role, but if given the chance he’d def play Warlock or Ranger. He’s a big fantasy buff so DnD is right up his alley.

Rido would play Paladin or Barbarian; some sort of tank role just because he likes to charge in.

Angela and Sienna would play if everyone else was playing. Sienna would not understand and need to be helped step by step- she’d play alchemist or brew maker. Angela would go Rogue or Druid, but be too hung up on stats.


LOL. If it was team vs team charades where one person has to get their partner to figure out what they’re doing before the other person can get their partner to figure out what they’re doing. So if A was playing team charades, then yeah they’d be good because of the competition, they would try so hard to win, like I would honestly feel bad for their partner, imagine A just vigorously making gestures at you up close, with competition written on their face.


Okay but what if their partner is the one who has to make gestures and is like me and terrible at miming things.


If its teams and their partner is N then no one will stand a chance. If they’re paired with someone else… good luck everyone


lmaooo, if A and N were together they would probably take like 2 seconds per turn, I swear. They wouldn’t even need to gesture much, they would already know what the other was thinking.
A and N vs F and M
MC: Alright, GO!
[A begins to raise their hand]
N: I got it! You’re a walrus giving birth!
A happily nodding
Meanwhile F is still trying to get M to pay attention


Hi guy i am sure this has been explained but i just spent a while looking through here and couldn’t find it so i’ll ask: what’s up with when team bravo’s gender changes? I’m new to the game and have been playing through each of the romance options and have always said that I’m into men and women, but have changed up gender.

If you look in the FAQ in post 2 of this thread, there’s an explanation on how the genders are changed depending on the MC’s gender and their orientation.


Yeah, new rules:

  • The Agency announces that for the Charades competition of next year, no teams that have work together for more than 50 years will be allowed, as it’s not fair for our human competitors.
  • For those who prefer a more difficult mode, we will, starting next year, proudly start the supernatural Charades. In this mode, only the hardest of the immortal world will be accepted. Are you prepare for the challenge?



But seriously, imagine a competition between teams that have been working together for centuries, it would be brutal :joy:

Then, global ban to all supernaturals that can communicate mentally :joy: