The Wayhaven Chronicles General Discussion (SPOILER FREE FOR BOOK THREE!)

I wish I had that kind of self-discipline…

Like a lot of the others, I originally had concerns and was cautious about getting myself into something that would be, beyond joking, too painful to enjoy. This was especially true before I knew her general plan for the LT route, and even moreso before I gained trust in Sera’s writing process.

After seeing all the asks and her assurances-- at least that we are all in this together-- I bit the bullet. Now I have submitted myself to the pain, and there is no going back. :pleading_face:

Honestly tho it is amazing, no surprise there


I think it will be a really well written story line and I am so glad that I don’t want it as main because my rp will be far easier lol. Poor Lt people

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Yeah , absolutely! I love all the little things added in—all the slight differences based on how you react or who you interact with. It’s one of the reasons I can read the game over and over again.


Yeah, even between bold style small stuff based in sarcasm and other stats make experience more organic, That’s something that always say in my feedback, small details are a big deal for immersion and attachment to characters. Many authors consider that something minor and is not. I hope soon we could choose have a hobby or something similar and drag UB to be part of it. lol The fun… Imagine all team sewing or karaoke lol


That definitely would be fun. :smile: I really liked the small slice of what it’s like to hang out with Unit Bravo in Book 1. I can’t wait for more scenes like that in 2.

Another thing I really like… you can fail in this game and it’s still good. Unit Bravo failed at their mission to keep the detective safe. They failed! (I was so shocked when I realized this.) You can fail to catch Murphy, and it just adds to the story. So I can’t wait to see how these choices like that affect the game series later on.


I really want to have a playthroughs where Murphy scapes… But men, I can’t, it scares me :joy:


Saaame. I really wanna know what happens but my “must do everything right” part of my brain is like “No, you fool, that’s BAD.

… but I wanna knooooow


Well, we will read spoilers about it eventually, if it’s good enough then we can replay :joy:


This is one case where I wish CoGs have saves. I would love to just save before that part and then see what happened. I think playing through the game to get to it makes me even less willing to do it.


OMG, guys, you unstoppable force! I didn’t follow the topic for like one day? And here I’m trying to catch up with +255 posts.
I don’t regret anything.
Oh boy, there gonna be many sleepless nights when all books are out, cuz I’m thirsty for drama/angst/sarcasm and joking with F.
Also I still can’t bring myself to play F’s route. I like too much his poking in Adam’s and he too much younger brother for me.
Am I the only one who feel this way?


BTW how do you do this “strikethrough text”?
Not sure if that’s correct way to say, but according to Google translate that is. :sweat_smile:
I’m lurking here for long time and still don’t know this :exploding_head:


I like F romance as is like Friends and lovers kinda cool parners in crime, That is jealous just seen them lol. Still I like him as friend in the UB. M is like my little naughty bro and I want find him a date lol. I hope with time I could get a really cool friend relationship with him. With A and N I don’t see them as friends . I respect A when I don’t romance him but I don’t think Mara and him as friends even if they will trust each other they aren’t just compatible for friends. N Is my main and when I am with A I think they won’t be friends only companions. At leastI feel so now

Lmao I only ever had playthroughs in which Murphy escaped up until two days ago where I first tried Nat’s route. Then suddenly, they’d caught him and I was like… that’s a possibility

Apparently I was being continually, phenomenally bad at that final battle and didn’t even know it. :joy:


And that’s awesome! Usually I like friends-lovers route too, but F for me more like sibling. It’s just feels wrong for me to have for F feelings.
It’s cool Sera write such different romances. All of them feels unique.
My cup of tea is Adam with sarcastic, charming, friendly and stubborn MC. Complete opposite of Adam except stubbornness :smirk:
Interactions between them just priceless!


Lol I never failed never in like 10 plays lol

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< s > strike through text like this, just remove the spaces between the brackets and the ‘s’ :slight_smile: </ s >

it will appear like this!


actually, it’s much easier if you do this:


it’ll appear like this

also, I have a whole thread dedicated to formatting commands on the forums. :slight_smile:


I learnt something new today :joy:

I have so much more to learn any formatting here. Sometimes I feel like N with technology with all the rules I still am not aware of. Heh.


Just saw this

MC: [slams file on desk] 28 bite wounds

( I hope this is a scene) :rofl:


I understood that reference :laughing:


So I was going on a Disney song throwback, and from that movie frozen there was this song that reminded me of A so such. It’s called “fixer upper” and the bold lyrics are the only lyrics that really work with A’s romance lol

Unit bravo singing

Is it the clumpy way he walks?
Or the grumpy way he talks?

Or the pear-shaped, square-shaped
Weirdness of his feet?
And though we know he washes well
He always ends up sort of smelly
But you’ll never meet a fellow who’s as
Sensitive and sweet!

I’ll say! So tell me, dear
Is it the way that he runs scared?
Or that he’s socially impaired?
Or that he only likes to tinkle in the woods… what?!
Are you holding back your
Fondness due to his unmanly blondness?
Or the way he covers up
That he’s the honest goods?

He’s just a bit of a fixer-upper
He’s got a couple of bugs
His isolation is confirmation
Of his desperation for human hugs